by The subaltern » Tue Dec 31, 2013 2:22 pm
There is a group of people from Western Europe who for the last 10-15 years have embarked on a mission: to save the birds from a Cypriot “barbarous” tradition first identified by Bannerman and reported in his book “Birds of Cyprus” 1958, (Note the date. It’s rather important) while a very similar tradition practised in his own country, UK, few years before, that is the trapping of skylarks at night by drugging long nets in fields where the larks where nesting, catching then in their hundreds of thousands while around Brighton shooters using the “lark glass” were killing the birds, again in their thousands, was not described as a “barbarous” practice (I hope I am not passing foreign ideas into the heads of my fellow countrymen turning them even more barbarous)
The dead larks were a common sight in butcher’s shops, hanging in bunches to be sold and to be turned into “lark pies” (not beccafico) and of course sold also to gourmet restaurants in London to be eaten by discerning foodies.
Yet bird eating in Cyprus is found to be abhorrent and unnecessary at a time of plenty. Of course “game” is eaten every where in Europe. (Is this hypocrisy or double standards?)
The sky lark in Britain is now on the red list of endangered species not because of the above, since that type of hunting has died out around 50 years ago and neither because Cypriots eating them but due to other well known causes.
Barbarity of course is not a characteristic of the Western European. It is though a characteristic of the “other” that prompts the civilised European to act wherever barbarities occur; not dissimilar to the missionary tradition of spreading the Good News to the natives and what ever else followed after.
It was, and still is a European historical mission: to bring civilization and culture to the less fortunate and of course many other western goodies rubbed in their European ideals!!
A Swiss lady, impute by the very same spirit, noticing the barbaric habits of the Cypriots decided to embark on her own mission behest of the CABS, to save the birds from the ravenous Cypriots.
Since she was to enter a mission in a dangerous territory, safety in numbers was a prudent precaution. So CABS saw to it. A calling was put on the internet 23/1/2012 for “Volunteers for Cyprus protection camp needed” etc for the Spring and Autumn trapping season, for a month per period, where “all expenses will be met” but “participants should be in good health and prepared and fit for all day in the field” and where the Grand Mistress “Mrs Loosli from Switzerland speaks English, French and German. The ability to communicate well in one of these languages is essential for the camp” How they were to communicate their superior to those they came to civilise one does not know. Perhaps sign language?
It is curious to notice here, that a multi lingual and multinational group of people resembling the crusader armies of old, this time not as armies of Christ but to do battle with the infidel Cypriots in order to save the birds they through their practices have depleted. A miraculous transformation of the destroyer to protector!
However, in Mrs Loosli’s country, not so long ago they had the quaint tradition of nailing owls onto barn doors in order to protect them from the evil eye and lightning. Fortunately this barbaric tradition has, it is said, disappeared. The only birds in Switzerland to be found nailed nowadays are on coo coo clocks.
There are of course other barbarities committed in her own country like the notorious “Vertingkinder” but let’s forget this one, as it is rather silly mixing two different subject under the same heading; so let’s stick to birds only.
Their mission to convert the Cypriots to eating hamburgers instead of ambeloboulia was unfortunately unsuccessful. Not to be discouraged by their failure they went about in employing their various weapons of mass destruction they have at their disposal ; calling for the boycotting of Cyprus as a tourist destination, the imposition of fines by the EU on the Cyprus government, calling for Britain to take action in order to protect the birds in her lands, calling foreign dignitaries during the Cypriot EU presidency to say “no to ambeloboulia” as though they were to be offer this delicacy by their Cypriot host, or that they were on their own volition visit ambeloboulia dens in order to sample the forbidden fruit! I suppose knowing their own politicians how easily succumb to temptation they had them warned.
Some very novel methods of in combating the culinary habits of the Cypriots were deployed i.e likening them to the habits of reptile’s swallowing their pray whole, beaks, feet and all (see Wikipedia) Of course likening some one to an animal or reptile in our case, is a sure way of dehumanizing him/her and a better justification to attack them.
The last one ascribing Viagra qualities to ambeloboulia (see New Yorker magazine)
comes straight from the 18/19th centuries European held opinions of the prurient habits of the middle eastern peoples and since Cyprus happens to be where it is fitted the bill nicely.
Cultural imperialism knows no bounds.