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Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 02, 2014 7:58 pm

bill cobbett wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:So boys and girls, there is only one context, the Barbaros is carrying out an amateurish scam of a survey that has zero real exploration potential in areas which don't have promising prospects for HCs.

Potential or not; that's not the issue here. What is at stake is Cyprus' sovereignty and the EU's potency.

- The longer Turkey continues unchallenged in these games, the more credibility is accrued.

Our dismissal on the basis that Turkey won't find anything is the first sign of acceptance.

Given the lack of any substantive help from the Union to either Greece or CY in EEZ matters, you really ought to be talking of the EU's Impotency.

I think you're right. That's the problem we face; an ineffective EU which concentrates too much on banking. It should be down to the EU to protect these assets, even if it only looks on them as a means to future economic growth. I hope our politicians are reminding the EU of the only thing we need it for. Defence of Cyprus' and Greece's joint sovereign rights. It's the EU Turkey is testing.
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:00 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Potential or not; that's not the issue here. What is at stake is Cyprus' sovereignty and the EU's potency.

It’s funny reading about your “concern” over Cyprus' sovereignty when you never miss an opportunity to undermine Cyprus' sovereignty by telling us that Cyprus is a Greek island and we are therefore all Greeks! :lol:

At the same time what you're doing is a good reminder to all concerned that Cyprus' sovereignty is in fact being threatened by TWO foreign countries and their self serving ideologies (indoctrinations), and not just the one.

I never said "we are therefore all Greeks". But the majority of Cyprus, the long-standing natives, are of Greek ethnicity. This is recognised by the EU, so what you say is irrelevant.
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:11 pm

one cannot deny, that the detail Turkey is gathering has more to do with the ocean floor surface, whether we imagine that they are in reality claiming to be an equal to the other surveyors or not. submarines come to mind, and new Naval harbours, never mind the simple act of "being", there. is the EU, that Turkey (read: Erdogan) is testing. in any case he is expecting without a crushing blow, a tribute, from the risks of war he regularly makes.
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:41 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Potential or not; that's not the issue here. What is at stake is Cyprus' sovereignty and the EU's potency.

It’s funny reading about your “concern” over Cyprus' sovereignty when you never miss an opportunity to undermine Cyprus' sovereignty by telling us that Cyprus is a Greek island and we are therefore all Greeks! :lol:

At the same time what you're doing is a good reminder to all concerned that Cyprus' sovereignty is in fact being threatened by TWO foreign countries and their self serving ideologies (indoctrinations), and not just the one.

I never said "we are therefore all Greeks". But the majority of Cyprus, the long-standing natives, are of Greek ethnicity. This is recognised by the EU, so what you say is irrelevant.

...oh if it were so simple.

because we are "Greeks" where "Turks" exist, (or as a majority), we are denied our Freedom, as Cypriots. Freedom and Liberty are not the same thing, and although they are one and the same in many Countries, to be Bicommunal, or at least to recognise the Equality in all Persons, new thinking is needed. Cyprus is European, we can focus our acts to represent that as Individuals the unity of Universal Principals is unbroken, a Greek Flag can fly, and a Turkish flag may fly, but the Cypriot Flag always flies higher, and that as Cypriots we recognise that the diversity of our Heritance is too important to measure by numbers alone, as in a population's size. Liberty for Greeks, as in Liberty by Constituency, if all Constituencies are equal, is not onerous, if above this, as Citizens there is a Cyprus, and it is as Cypriots, that Cypriots are Free.
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:00 am

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahsha :lol: :lol: eu waters. Never heard of that one? I heard of the Mediterranean but eu waters. Turkey does not fear eu. Turkey does not even recognise you. They refer to you as the south. They are exercising their muscle and you can't do jack shit about it. You can go on ranting about eu this eu that but eu will not fight for you. Yes your right turkey goes around doing what it wants and it will continue to do what it wants. Turkey is testing eu and clearly it shows they won't allow themselves to be dragged into a problem that the south joined eu for that reason. TC s only have turkey to back them and you have the whole of eu but still turkey roams the waters as she feels fit to do so. What are you and eu going to do about it? Fuck all. I can tell you what your going to do is chat shit on this forum,your politicians will do the sane and turkey will continue to do what she wants and torment you. She has kept control over the north for 40 years and you could not do fuck all so what makes you think chanting eu eu eu eu is going to scare them?
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:37 am

Mustiejodu wrote:Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahsha :lol: :lol: eu waters. Never heard of that one? I heard of the Mediterranean but eu waters. Turkey does not fear eu. Turkey does not even recognise you. They refer to you as the south. They are exercising their muscle and you can't do jack shit about it. You can go on ranting about eu this eu that but eu will not fight for you. Yes your right turkey goes around doing what it wants and it will continue to do what it wants. Turkey is testing eu and clearly it shows they won't allow themselves to be dragged into a problem that the south joined eu for that reason. TC s only have turkey to back them and you have the whole of eu but still turkey roams the waters as she feels fit to do so. What are you and eu going to do about it? Fuck all. I can tell you what your going to do is chat shit on this forum,your politicians will do the sane and turkey will continue to do what she wants and torment you. She has kept control over the north for 40 years and you could not do fuck all so what makes you think chanting eu eu eu eu is going to scare them?

Gosh...!!! Lot of fucking and shitting in this post.

What are you Musty...??? Some kind of foul-smelling and foul-mouthed fucker and shitter ...???
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 02, 2014 3:37 am

...but it is not just the EU Turkey torments by tormenting Cyprus. what of the Syrians, the Jews, Egyptians and Lebanese? What of the Russians, and the Americans? Turkey can only meddle, and hope that from it a benefit will befall her, because she has nothing to bring to the table other than an interest in the spoils. tell me, Mustiejodu, how great is the Turkish Navy, that she stands alone, none of these "People" i've mentioned are presently "friends".

...of course, from my position, from Cyprus, i am grateful, i don't suffer the same grand illusions, being very small, our brains lead to reason; and with our neighbours our relations stay strong, peaceful, and continue to grow. but i am curious, are you a "Turk" or Turkish, you sound a bit too proud, to be Cypriot.
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:14 am

Same as what most powerfull countries do. They are exploring ways to protect their interest. You done the same by joining the eu but that back fired. It's not important about what I am as much as the importance of speaking the truth here. I just know how to tap into the mentality of the aleged GCS or greeks in this forum. I am only referring to those that truelly hate Turks or TCs and are here on thus forum to generate hate. I don't hate greeks only the ones that hate Turks. If you hate me for being a turk I will equally hate you in return. If you are liberally minded and judge each person on their merit then I will do the same in return. That is me. That's all you need to know.
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:19 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...but it is not just the EU Turkey torments by tormenting Cyprus. what of the Syrians, the Jews, Egyptians and Lebanese? What of the Russians, and the Americans? Turkey can only meddle, and hope that from it a benefit will befall her, because she has nothing to bring to the table other than an interest in the spoils. tell me, Mustiejodu, how great is the Turkish Navy, that she stands alone, none of these "People" i've mentioned are presently "friends".

...of course, from my position, from Cyprus, i am grateful, i don't suffer the same grand illusions, being very small, our brains lead to reason; and with our neighbours our relations stay strong, peaceful, and continue to grow. but i am curious, are you a "Turk" or Turkish, you sound a bit too proud, to be Cypriot.

Too proud to be cypriot. What kind of insult is this? What is your ethnic background? What faith do you follow? What language do you speak.
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Re: Turkey Invades Cyprus-EU waters ...

Postby Mustiejodu » Sun Mar 02, 2014 11:20 am

Mustiejodu wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:...but it is not just the EU Turkey torments by tormenting Cyprus. what of the Syrians, the Jews, Egyptians and Lebanese? What of the Russians, and the Americans? Turkey can only meddle, and hope that from it a benefit will befall her, because she has nothing to bring to the table other than an interest in the spoils. tell me, Mustiejodu, how great is the Turkish Navy, that she stands alone, none of these "People" i've mentioned are presently "friends".

...of course, from my position, from Cyprus, i am grateful, i don't suffer the same grand illusions, being very small, our brains lead to reason; and with our neighbours our relations stay strong, peaceful, and continue to grow. but i am curious, are you a "Turk" or Turkish, you sound a bit too proud, to be Cypriot.

Too proud to be cypriot. What kind of insult is this? What is your ethnic background? What faith do you follow? What language do you speak.

What do you mean by turk or turkish?
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