Chairman and also player for the Limassol Crusaders.
Who're you guys calling 'old'?

Oceanside50 wrote:someone should knock the shit out of that geezer...
Kikapu wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:miltiades wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:miltiades wrote:
Man: But God God, why did you make her so stupid?
God: So that she will like you, my son!
GreekIslandGirl wrote:In praise of older men ...
Sean Connery.![]()
Say no more!
Oceanside50 wrote:And actually your joke , kikapu, reminded me of a passage from a book I read some time ago...
God had just taken the rib from Adam and was forming it into
Eve. the devil spied God and saw that he was busy with something..It must be something special the devil thought. The devil in his curiosity gingerly walks up behind God and with stealth takes Adams rib. The devil bolts towards the forest, while holding the rib. god finally realizes what had happened and before the devil reachedthe forest,God reaches out with his almighty hand and grabs the devil by the horns. the devils horns break off in Gods hand.. the devil runs into the forest holding Adams rib.. what's God to do, the devil and Adams rib are gone and all he has are the devils horns.. God then decides to make Eve from the devils horns...we've been lied to kikapu, women aren't made from Adams rib but actually from the horns of the devil
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Didn't you used to be a bit of a womaniser, Kinkypu?
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