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audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby Transmitter_Man » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:21 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:As someone who only ever goes as fast as half the speed limit, I am left wondering why anyone would want to own a sports car or a speedy bike unless they were speed freaks? :? It's a waste of fuel to drive a powerful car to the shops and back.

- My dad always said "Drive a car in the manner it was built to be driven with, otherwise get a donkey." :D

It's the grin factor.


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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby Transmitter_Man » Mon Nov 18, 2013 7:38 am

(BestGreekIslandGirl wrote:There is nowhere left on this earth where you can drive without caution!

So Stop! Slow down!


Try Saudi; (Best turn the soundtrack down)

and road skating, Saudi style;

Bedouins with nothing better to do.

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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby Svetlana » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:03 am

Its very interesting to see that Taxi Drivers' Mercedes in Paphos have specially designed two speed gear boxes:
dead slow..I am looking for potential passengers and much too fast.. I have picked up passenegers and want to get rid of them ASAP!
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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby Flying Horse » Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:46 am

Only a biker knows why a dog sticks its head out of a car window :mrgreen:

As for slower being greener.......
All those really slow movers start traffic jams, and while you lot sit there stuck in your car pumping out your 'oh so green fumes' I shall ride on through waving as I go......on my efficient, proven to be more green than a car, bike.

I'll not be late for work, and you guys will be late, and hot, and bothered, and annoyed,and wishing you had joined me! :twisted:
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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:08 pm

All I hear is denials just so that the speed freaks can get their fix. Addiction? Sounds like it. These should be the very people that are not allowed to drive anything on the roads. As bad as drunks! :roll:
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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby Get Real! » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:18 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:All I hear is denials just so that the speed freaks can get their fix. Addiction? Sounds like it. These should be the very people that are not allowed to drive anything on the roads. As bad as drunks! :roll:

The speed freaks are mostly testosterone oozing young males, permanently in supply thanks to human reproduction so it’s something we have to live with forever.

Most males and a few females need to outgrow the need for speed and unfortunately this only starts to happen when you’re 40+ by which time they'll be lucky to be alive.
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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby Flying Horse » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:33 pm

That's just it though, I'm no speed freak. I ride and drive within speed limits, and take into account the conditions and other road users on the road.
I make reasonable progress when it is necessary and safe to do

I may further add I ride regularly with friends who are advanced riding trainers and police. The police friends are fully qualified to ride and drive the vehicles of their trade. I'm far from their level of expertise however, and will reiterate I know how vulnerable the human body is and that we are not immortal. However, training to ride or drive to an advanced level also gives you the correct attitude to road safety, speed, and hazard awareness.

Btw, when you ride under police supervision, they do not expect you to ride slowly. This is not an addiction, it is a case of learning how to stay safe on the road and use your tools to your advantage. It's not a denial saying I need a fix either. I'd rather be safe than dead.

Denial is usually from the other driver that nearly kills you.
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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 18, 2013 12:39 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:All I hear is denials just so that the speed freaks can get their fix. Addiction? Sounds like it. These should be the very people that are not allowed to drive anything on the roads. As bad as drunks! :roll:

We were actually discussing driving at extremely low speeds such as traveling at half the speed limit on busy motorways and freeways. It is that that is just as dangerous as exceeding the speed limit.

Of course speeding is dangerous, but so is driving slow on busy motorways.
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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby Flying Horse » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:49 pm

Even learner drivers are taught to NOT drive so slowly that its a hazard to other road users.
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Re: audi A8 hunting 1000cc bikes

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:20 pm

Driving slower is not a hazard to other road users UNLESS those other road users are speed freaks who cannot use their brakes!
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