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Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Nov 16, 2013 12:09 pm

He wasn't a supporter of the undemocratic, Brit-imposed Constitution. Like Makarios, he was part of the small force (EOKA) which saw this small face-saving gain as part of our ongoing struggle for full freedom.

As for his closer ties with Greece; these were absolutely essential for the strong alliance we have now and the unified face we show the world. It was this sisterliness to Greece which got us into the EU - an inspired move in light of the fact we would NOW have been toast with the Gas disclosures and Turkey's Take-All policies!

(His only mistake, as far as I can tell, was his support for Annan - but as I said, that may have been loss of faith due to his age.)
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:Statesman or disaster?

59: London Conference – supporter with Makarios of a disastrous undemocratic constitution that led to never-ending strife on Cyprus.

Yes I agree about this.

That was a complete disaster to say the least!

Get Real! wrote:90s: Purchased and then boasted the S-300 missile system to the point of the well known debacle with Turkey.

Disagree here.

This was a stroke of genius. What let us down was when Greece sold out and caved in to Turkish Blackmail!

Get Real! wrote:90s: Formed closer bonds with shitty Greece which led to further erosion of Cypriotism and solidified double enosis.

Can't say anything about Cypriotism but I am sure Clerides was always a Cypriot Nationalist.

Get Real! wrote:96: Was in power during the motorcycle rally in Derinya which ended up with clashes and two people dead.

Yes but he can't control what a motorcycle club is going to do. At the end of the day, the Government can only warn people of the dangers.

Get Real! wrote:90s: Commenced EU accession steps – A debacle for Cyprus I need not go into any detail!

In those days, we were ALL in support because we believed in the European (EU) Ideals and we believed we would prosper and also gain some political leverage.

Unfortunately, this turned out to be a debacle but what has Christofias done to help Cyprus? Bugger all! Clerides would have known exactly what buttons to push and how to hit back without placing the RoC in great jeopardy.

All in all, this guy always knew how to put the Cyprus Problem on the international agenda and he did it very smartly and also tried to establish links with other countries like the US and UK and bring the RoC out of its shell and into 10 Downing Street and the White House. He also had great relations with Russia and China which was the RoC's insurance policy in the Security Council.
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby miltiades » Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:59 pm

Some of the views expressed by some are indicative of the immaturity, stupidity and minimal, if at all existent, political acumen.

He was the ONLY one, the ONLY statesman that thus far Cyprus has produced.
I watched him in 1974 following the Turkish invasion, cool, statesmanlike, responsible and honourable in the face of disaster.

RIP, my fellow Cypriot, my honourable Cypriot statesman.

ps.Plonker, shut up, you are too stupid to offer any worthwhile views.
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:16 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:He wasn't a supporter of the undemocratic, Brit-imposed Constitution. Like Makarios, he was part of the small force (EOKA) which saw this small face-saving gain as part of our ongoing struggle for full freedom.

As for his closer ties with Greece; these were absolutely essential for the strong alliance we have now and the unified face we show the world. It was this sisterliness to Greece which got us into the EU - an inspired move in light of the fact we would NOW have been toast with the Gas disclosures and Turkey's Take-All policies!

(His only mistake, as far as I can tell, was his support for Annan - but as I said, that may have been loss of faith due to his age.)

he was probably obligated by UN agreements prior to negotiations,to support the Annan Plan knowing full well that no self respecting Gc would ever vote for it...
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:46 pm

The masses all over the world are pretty daft because they are easily impressed by silly little visual things (collectively known as PR) and in this case…

1. The cigar smoking

2. The permanent annoying smirk

3. The joke telling

4. The assumed “confidence” from the above three.

But the truth is that politicians must be evaluated RATIONALLY based on their deeds and not because they may be considered “likable” (<- EMOTIONAL JUDGMENT).

Looking at his deeds while occupying the presidency for two whole terms, he had several debacles and achieved absolutely NOTHING for Cyprus.

Everything written in the press revolves around his persona and not his achievements while in office because there were NONE.

A complete waste of precious time with a primadona.

End of story!
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:The masses all over the world are pretty daft because they are easily impressed by silly little visual things (collectively known as PR) and in this case…

1. The cigar smoking

2. The permanent annoying smirk

3. The joke telling

4. The assumed “confidence” from the above three.

But the truth is that politicians must be evaluated RATIONALLY based on their deeds and not because they may be considered “likable” (EMOTIONAL).

Looking at his deeds while occupying the presidency for two whole terms, he had several debacles and achieved absolutely NOTHING for Cyprus.

A complete waste of precious time.

End of story!

His deeds were all good and he achieved quite a lot. His biggest achievement was entry into the EU, regardless of whether it could be deemed a debacle today which would have been unknown to him back then as it was unknown to all of us.

Then, he bought the S300s but was sold out. He was always the voice of reason and a realist.

He achieved a great deal.

During his presidency (1993–2003)[1] Cyprus prospered significantly. Its stabilised economy made Cyprus the wealthiest of the ten inductees to the European Union in 2004. The Clerides administration is heavily credited with the ascension to the European Union. Clerides, with his Churchillian persona, was respected by world leaders at the time of his presidency, and was locally a respected leader because of his accomplishments. He lost some of this popularity due to his strong support of Annan Plan for the unification of Cyprus. While 65% of the Turkish Cypriot community voted in favor of the plan in a referendum, the Greek Cypriot community rejected it by over 75% of the popular vote.
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby Oceanside50 » Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:56 pm

a President Clerides quote…" Min kounizis ta podia sou prin na kavaligepsis"..talking to a reporter a day before Cyprus joining the EU
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:59 pm

Oceanside50 wrote:a President Clerides quote…" Min kounizis ta podia sou prin na kavaligepsis"..talking to a reporter a day before Cyprus joining the EU

And I would advise him:

Men kavaligevkis aman en kofki o nous sou.

Xeroumen oulli tsie kamnoumen din boudanan aman theloumen… tzinon en efkolon! :wink:
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby Paphitis » Sat Nov 16, 2013 6:01 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:a President Clerides quote…" Min kounizis ta podia sou prin na kavaligepsis"..talking to a reporter a day before Cyprus joining the EU

And I would advise him:

Men kavaligevkis aman en kofki o nous sou.

Xeroumen oulli tsie kamnoumen din boudanan aman theloumen… tzinon en efkolon! :wink:

And I would advise you to keep your mouth shut because you are clearly biased! :wink:
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Re: Glafkos Clerides…1919-2013

Postby Get Real! » Sat Nov 16, 2013 6:03 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:a President Clerides quote…" Min kounizis ta podia sou prin na kavaligepsis"..talking to a reporter a day before Cyprus joining the EU

And I would advise him:

Men kavaligevkis aman en kofki o nous sou.

Xeroumen oulli tsie kamnoumen din boudanan aman theloumen… tzinon en efkolon! :wink:

And I would advise you to keep your mouth shut because you are clearly biased! :wink:

Xero tzie ego na vasto to wiskoui tsie do bouroui tsie na sirno bordous oulli mera aman thello…
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