“Europe's gravity-mapping GOCE satellite is hours away from falling to the ground”
http://www.theverge.com/2013/11/10/5087 ... the-ground
See if it will land on your head here: (real time tracking)
Good luck!

yialousa1971 wrote:Hopefully it will land on the Chickens head.
Get Real! wrote:I almost forgot to include my preferred landing sites:
1. The Turkish government building while in session.
2. The royal suite at the Saudi royal palace.
3. The royal suite at the Qatari royal palace.
4. The royal suite at the Bahraini royal palace.
5. The Pakistani government building while in session.
Feel free to post yours.
Get Real! wrote:I almost forgot to include my preferred landing sites:
1. The Turkish government building while in session.
2. The royal suite at the Saudi royal palace.
3. The royal suite at the Qatari royal palace.
4. The royal suite at the Bahraini royal palace.
5. The Pakistani government building while in session.
Feel free to post yours.
Get Real! wrote:I almost forgot to include my preferred landing sites:
1. The Turkish government building while in session.
2. The royal suite at the Saudi royal palace.
3. The royal suite at the Qatari royal palace.
4. The royal suite at the Bahraini royal palace.
5. The Pakistani government building while in session.
Feel free to post yours.
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Get Real! wrote:I almost forgot to include my preferred landing sites:
1. The Turkish government building while in session.
2. The royal suite at the Saudi royal palace.
3. The royal suite at the Qatari royal palace.
4. The royal suite at the Bahraini royal palace.
5. The Pakistani government building while in session.
Feel free to post yours.
Ditto to all yours, but would place these first:
1. Any of the illegal barracks of the Turkish occupying scummysoldiers in the north of Cyprus.
2. The blighting pollutant on Pentadaktylos.
Close to 01:00 CET (00h00 UTC) on Monday 11 November, ESA’s GOCE satellite reentered Earth’s atmosphere on a descending orbit pass that extended across Siberia, the western Pacific Ocean, the eastern Indian Ocean and Antarctica. As expected, the satellite disintegrated in the high atmosphere and no damage to property has been reported.
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