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Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby Demonax » Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:57 pm

Cyprus to start natgas talks with ENI-KOGAS for 2 new blocks

Cyprus is entering into negotiations with the Italian-Korean consortium ENI-KOGAS on the licensing of two new blocks, 5 and 6, west of the island’s offshore Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) for natural gas exploration.

The government decided on Thursday to begin talks by December 2. Energy Minister Yiorgos Lakkotrypis was authorised by the cabinet to extend the process if it is not concluded by the deadline. He is expected to send a letter to the consortium within the day inviting them to enter into talks.

This will conclude the second licensing round, with the government not yet saying if it will proceed with a third round.
Texas-based Noble Energy secured the first license in 2007 for block 12, south east of the island’s shores, having drilled several exploration wells, that have indicated potential reserves of an average 5 trillion cubic feet of high grade natural gas. Noble has since partnered with Israel’s Delek Drilling and Avner Oil companies and they have also jointly signed an MoU for the design and eventual construction of a liquefied natural gas plant (LNG) onshore for processing and re-export.
ENI-Kogas clinched three offshore natgas blocks (2, 3 and 9) in the second licensing round, while French Total secured the rights to block 10 and 11. ENI-Kogas and Total have pledged to start their own exploration drilling within these offshore gasfields in the third quarter of 2014 and the first quarter of 2015, respectively.

By awarding its two westernmost licenses, Cyprus may be opening a Pandora’s box with rival Turkey that has threatened with military action in the eastern Mediterranean, putting its own claim on Cyprus gasfields, based on the argument that the Turkish Cypriot community in the northern occupied territories should have an equal share of oil and gas revenues.
The Greek Cypriot government has argued that Turkish Cypriots, financially maintained by Ankara and with the presence of a 40,000-strong battalion, should have access to funds from hydrocarbon sales only after a solution that will reunite the island and rid it of Turkey’s occupation troops. ... 94.twitter
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 29, 2013 4:51 pm

Read about how the messy ME does business... :lol:

"Revealed: Egypt negotiates purchasing Israeli gas through Cyprus" ... ugh-cyprus
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby bill cobbett » Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:34 pm

Whilst the Barbaros HP is wallowing around in the CY EEZ some 30 miles west of Paphos, there's news that the French firm TOTAL has been granted licenses to explore for HCs by the Republic, in blocks to the south-west of CY.

The licenses are operative from tomorrow, Feb 1.

More at the Financial Mirror... ... ?nid=31908
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Feb 02, 2014 7:44 pm

No wasting time by the French firm TOTAL...

The Norwegian-flagged survey ship the "Princess" (which has done so much work in the south-eastern waters over past weeks) has moved in to Paphian waters.

At the mo, 75NM south-west of Paphos.

( Also a single and hence unconfirmed report from Hellasnow that 30 Israelli jets are at the airbase at Paphos. ... but stress, this is not confirmed elsewhere. )
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Feb 03, 2014 4:34 am

Reports in the "press" of the occupied areas of a confrontation between the Princess and a Turkish frigate.
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby Jimski999 » Mon Feb 03, 2014 2:05 pm

A friend of ours is on the Princess as Survey Team Leader. It was forced out of the survey area (south of Paphos) by a Turkish Frigate on Saturday evening.
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:12 pm

Jimski999 wrote:A friend of ours is on the Princess as Survey Team Leader. It was forced out of the survey area (south of Paphos) by a Turkish Frigate on Saturday evening.

Thx J999 ... marine traffic showing Princess back in the survey area, 66 NM south-west of Paphos.
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby Paphitis » Mon Feb 03, 2014 3:22 pm

bill cobbett wrote:No wasting time by the French firm TOTAL...

The Norwegian-flagged survey ship the "Princess" (which has done so much work in the south-eastern waters over past weeks) has moved in to Paphian waters.

At the mo, 75NM south-west of Paphos.

( Also a single and hence unconfirmed report from Hellasnow that 30 Israelli jets are at the airbase at Paphos. ... but stress, this is not confirmed elsewhere. )

The thing is, if there are 30 Israeli Fighters at Paphos, then the locals would surely now about it!

First the unusual traffic and noise. Then the logistical and maintenance staff that will need to be at Paphos Airport. IAF crews and support staff would be allowed leave so it's only a matter of time before Cypriots start coming across some Israeli Uniforms.

It's amazing no one has made mention of this within the Cyprus Media if true.

It would be great if it is true, because that sends a very disturbing message to the Turks.
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:01 pm

Paphitis wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:No wasting time by the French firm TOTAL...

The Norwegian-flagged survey ship the "Princess" (which has done so much work in the south-eastern waters over past weeks) has moved in to Paphian waters.

At the mo, 75NM south-west of Paphos.

( Also a single and hence unconfirmed report from Hellasnow that 30 Israelli jets are at the airbase at Paphos. ... but stress, this is not confirmed elsewhere. )

The thing is, if there are 30 Israeli Fighters at Paphos, then the locals would surely now about it!

First the unusual traffic and noise. Then the logistical and maintenance staff that will need to be at Paphos Airport. IAF crews and support staff would be allowed leave so it's only a matter of time before Cypriots start coming across some Israeli Uniforms.

It's amazing no one has made mention of this within the Cyprus Media if true.

It would be great if it is true, because that sends a very disturbing message to the Turks.

Yes, pretty sure there's nothing in the story, at least presently.

Anyways, back to the harassment of the Princess...

The ship was harassed by a Turkish frigate within the CY EEZ at 9.45pm this past Saturday night.

The Turkish frigate made contact with the Princess over the radio but kept at a distance of 16.5 NM.

A spokesperson for the Republic says that CY will carry on with its work for HC exploration.

The Princess stood its ground, ignored the Turkish frigate and its survey work for the Republic continues. ... -tonizei-i
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Re: Lots More Activity in the CY EEZ

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Feb 04, 2014 4:38 am

At 00 30h UT, the Princess was carrying on with its survey, about 68 NM SW by S from Paphos, which would put it on the border of Block 6 and Block 7.
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