stpier wrote:miltiades wrote:stpier wrote:miltiades wrote:
What are, in your opinion, 40,000 foreign Turkish troops on our island represent if not occupation.
Land is ours, we decide what to do with it. Piss off to Belarus and join Turkish sex tours. Oh sorry you are embargoed so you'll watch the action from a distance.

Its obvious that you are not a Cypriot. Obviously of Anatolian origin, so piss off to your motherland, Cyprus belongs to the Cypriots.
By the way, have you noticed a change in the wind, not long now before Turkey takes its troops out of Cyprus, America, Israel, and big interests will prevail.
Get lost south cypriot. What I noticed is both Greece and south cyp are bankrupt and you' ve got a German commander in charge now to take the payments back.

Turkey-USA partnership forever!
Turkey-USA .....partnership !!! I don't think so Anatolian. The USA and Israel are drifting away for the progressively "Islamitized " third world nation of your Motherland.
Why don't you admit that you are not a Cypriot but an Anatolian settler, are you perhaps embarrassed that you motherland still condones honour killings as well as the occasional stoning to death ?
As far as the financial state of Greece, well I personally dont give a toss, Cyprus IS my MOTHERLAND, including the part OCCUPIED by Turkey.
Time to move back to your motherland mate !