Get Real! wrote:Let me remind you fools:
Greece VIOLATED the stupid Treaty of Guarantee (that they stupidly signed along with all the other signatories) thereby declaring a Cyprus OPEN SEASON for all!
Do you fully comprehend the repercussions of Greece’s violation of this treaty?
Do you realize that in doing so, Greece rendered a Turkish invasion of Cyprus PERFECTLY LEGAL???
And then after this you think you can try Turkey while Greece washes her hands clean in a court of law?
How old are you people anyway?![]()
Therefore, the only way you can seek justice is by having Greece and Turkey SIDE BY SIDE in an international court of law for CONSPIRING against Cyprus to cause all this!
See how it all makes perfect LEGAL sense now and do you see how you CANNOT exonerate one without exonerating the other?
Now do you realise why the international community has done nothing so far? It's because we (GCs) have been foolishly exonerating Greece all these decades thereby making JUSTICE impossible!!!
GR, you are missing one obvious point (as usual).
I don't think anyone really contends that Turkey did not have legal right to intervene following the coup (once certain procedures had been followed, as set out in the Treaty - unsurprisingly, they were not) but only to preserve the status quo. The status quo was preserved fairly immediately, as the coup failed and did not in any event have the support of the general population of the GCs. Everything Turkey has done since the coup failed has been illegal - to this very day. Greece's illegalities ended almost 40 years ago.
Therefore, whilst Greece obviously was in breach of their Guarantor obligations, this did not give Turkey the right to permanently occupy the island and force a partition. That did not give Turkey the right to ethnically cleanse the indigenous population, nor to carry out any of the other human rights abuses, including the flagrant breach of the Geneva Convention by bring illegal settlers from Turkey to change the demographics of the island. Legal? You must be joking.