miltiades wrote:There is no doubt as to who is to blame for giving Turkey the opportunity to fulfil her plans of partitioning the island.
The blame lies squarely on the extreme elements of G/Cs who never gave up on the Enosis idea.
Aided and encouraged by the Greek Junta they staged the coup against Makarios whom they saw as an obstacle to their plans of Enosis. Makarios, although not by any means a brilliant statesman, was nevertheless a wise leader who recognized realities and embraced Independence as opposed to Enosis.
Had he remained in power by crushing the coup, Turkey would have no reasonable legitimate reasons to invade our island.
Get Real! wrote:I wonder how many of those who think Greece should be let off the hook or Greece is innocent of the 1974 debacle, are refugees and were present throughout the hostilities...
GreekIslandGirl wrote:What is this metaphorical "hook" going to do to Greece? And how does it help us now or in the future?
Greece punished the perpetrators and we punished one (?) from hundreds who rose up against our President and fought on the side of the junta. It was the wrong way. It gave our enemy, Turkey, the second chance it needed to complete what it attempted in 1964. The TCs said YES to Turkey. Unfortunately, they had a voice ...
Maximus wrote:I would also like to know, from those who blame Greece, what a suitable punishment is for Greece?
So we punish Greece and then also expect Greece to fight for us, to liberate Cyprus for us too?
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