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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:48 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:In memory of those who died under the Nazis let us show who they were and who their modern supporters are.



We're not interested in your constructed propaganda posters. ..

But they are not constructed propaganda posters but attested genuine covers of the GD magazine,.

The out and out Nazi Sympathises of The GD leadership are well known, yet you are in denial about this.

You really are pathetic supporting that bunch of Nazis.

Nothing to say about serving British soldiers performing Nazi salutes then?

As for your non-authenticated magazine covers, my son's subscription to the school-recommended History mag often had similar pictures on the front cover. So what? The GD manifesto is less xenophobic than even that of the Conservatives and UKIP. Oh I hear, Theresa May's "Go Home" campaign recently congratulated itself for 11 intimidated people leaving the UK ... other 'foreigners' have been burnt to death and stabbed during pizza deliveries this week. Do you think the conservative party should be put in prison because of their hate campaign and inciting followers to kill?

“New British Union. 21st Century Blackshirts Marching On For Britain.” ... ve-4879230

Check extremism, but don't silence the truth. :wink:

I don't think we have had any British Mp'S peddling the anti Semitic protocols of the elders of Zion, in the Houses of Parliament, nor I am aware that any party leader since Oswald Moseley, has openly praised Hitler as that convicted criminal leading GD has.

As for the salute, the German Nazi party did not have a monopoly of that style of Salute: are you sure the British troops were not giving the salute of the Metaxas regime , which some here seek to assure us was not a fascist regime, or not otherwise extracting the mickey?

I do by the way deplore the development of a revived version of Moseley's party,....they and their ilk, such as the BNP and edl are mores probably behind the Nasty incidents, which I condemn,.

And I thought you were a Nick Griffin fan...
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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:00 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:In memory of those who died under the Nazis let us show who they were and who their modern supporters are.



We're not interested in your constructed propaganda posters. ..

But they are not constructed propaganda posters but attested genuine covers of the GD magazine,.

The out and out Nazi Sympathises of The GD leadership are well known, yet you are in denial about this.

You really are pathetic supporting that bunch of Nazis.

Nothing to say about serving British soldiers performing Nazi salutes then?

As for your non-authenticated magazine covers, my son's subscription to the school-recommended History mag often had similar pictures on the front cover. So what? The GD manifesto is less xenophobic than even that of the Conservatives and UKIP. Oh I hear, Theresa May's "Go Home" campaign recently congratulated itself for 11 intimidated people leaving the UK ... other 'foreigners' have been burnt to death and stabbed during pizza deliveries this week. Do you think the conservative party should be put in prison because of their hate campaign and inciting followers to kill?

“New British Union. 21st Century Blackshirts Marching On For Britain.” ... ve-4879230

Check extremism, but don't silence the truth. :wink:

I don't think we have had any British Mp'S peddling the anti Semitic protocols of the elders of Zion, in the Houses of Parliament, nor I am aware that any party leader since Oswald Moseley, has openly praised Hitler as that convicted criminal leading GD has.

As for the salute, the German Nazi party did not have a monopoly of that style of Salute: are you sure the British troops were not giving the salute of the Metaxas regime , which some here seek to assure us was not a fascist regime, or not otherwise extracting the mickey?

I do by the way deplore the development of a revived version of Moseley's party,....they and their ilk, such as the BNP and edl are mores probably behind the Nasty incidents, which I condemn,.

And I thought you were a Nick Griffin fan...

Look back on all you have said about GD and compare to the excuses you make above and your hypocrisy speaks loud and clear. You condemn GD for far less and exonerate British Soldiers, British MPs anti-immigration stands and the dozens (more?) of British Nationalist parties springing up at unprecedented rates ... I don't mind saying Nick Griffin speaks a lot of truth just as I don't mind saying GD speak a lot of truths ... but I do mind small-minded hypocrites like you who are imperialistic and colonialistic and down-right racist, discriminating between one nationalist group and another and approving HIS own racist, fascist groups and condemning the far-less extreme groups from other countries!

What you are doing is worse than what any extremist groups do. You condemn other extremist groups because of your RACISM but stupidly approve of your OWN racist groups.
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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby Paphitis » Mon Nov 04, 2013 5:35 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Look back on all you have said about GD and compare to the excuses you make above and your hypocrisy speaks loud and clear. You condemn GD for far less and exonerate British Soldiers, British MPs anti-immigration stands and the dozens (more?) of British Nationalist parties springing up at unprecedented rates ... I don't mind saying Nick Griffin speaks a lot of truth just as I don't mind saying GD speak a lot of truths ... but I do mind small-minded hypocrites like you who are imperialistic and colonialistic and down-right racist, discriminating between one nationalist group and another and approving HIS own racist, fascist groups and condemning the far-less extreme groups from other countries!

What you are doing is worse than what any extremist groups do. You condemn other extremist groups because of your RACISM but stupidly approve of your OWN racist groups.

Young kids fooling around is by no means on par with elected officials of the Greek Parliament breaking the laws of the land.

If, and it is a big if, British Soldiers are behaving in a particular way that brings ill repute to the British Army, or their unit, then their Commanding Officers will take action to punish them.
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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sat Nov 09, 2013 2:03 am

So let's play spot the not the nazi salute?

But a first a liitle history lesson. The so called Romsn Salute, adopted by many organisations, and countries, has only very limited provenance as an ancient salute. Under the August 4th regime it was called the salute to Apollo the Sun god, but I have been unable to trace it used in that form inany representations. I suspect the Metaxas regime in fact borrowed it from the Mussolini regime, as Hitler did, and then promoted the myth of it being an ancient Symbol, as Hitler did too. The use by Mussolini too was probably based on a recent myth.

The earliest identifiable representation can in fact be traced back to post revolutionary France, and a 1798 painting. It was then popularised in Art and by the young cinema. The Americans adopted it for use when swearing allegiance in 1892.

Some groups of Glasgow rangers supporters use it, as the red hand of a Ulster Salute, to show their loyalty to the crown. I must however say I find some of that bigotry demonstrated by some such groups to be very distasteful.

Back however to the game:

Now it turns out the two British soldiers are Scots and they claim to be giving the red hand of Ulster Salute. This is Bourne out by the defaced union flag bearing the name of a branch of The Glasgow rangers football club and the former official flag of a Northern Ireland, bearing the Red Hand.

However what is the difference to this?
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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby kurupetos » Sat Nov 09, 2013 10:11 pm

^^The same old drivel... It's not a nazi salute, you silly dog. The nazis just copied the Romans, who copied the Greeks.

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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Nov 10, 2013 7:13 am

kurupetos wrote:^^The same old drivel... It's not a nazi salute, you silly dog. The nazis just copied the Romans, who copied the Greeks.


Ah but what is actually shown here? Yes I can see it is an alleged representation of a soldier making a salute but how old is whatever is shown in the picture? It otherwise has all the hallmarks of a 19th or early 20th century century representation.

You otherwise really are going to have to do better than a bland assertion of the historical use of the salute, where the earliest identified use is in French post revolutionary art of 1798. There is no evidence of any ancient Roman use of the Salute, let alone it was borrowed from the Greeks.

In Fascist terms it was introduced by the architect of oh so much of the Symbolism of Fascism , Gabriele D'Annunzio, at the occupation of Fiume in 1920 and he was a poet much influenced by French art. He may well have seen it used in the Cinema where it had featured in early pre 1914 epic films
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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:05 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
kurupetos wrote:^^The same old drivel... It's not a nazi salute, you silly dog. The nazis just copied the Romans, who copied the Greeks.


Ah but what is actually shown here? Yes I can see it is an alleged representation of a soldier making a salute but how old is whatever is shown in the picture? It otherwise has all the hallmarks of a 19th or early 20th century century representation.

You otherwise really are going to have to do better than a bland assertion of the historical use of the salute, where the earliest identified use is in French post revolutionary art of 1798. There is no evidence of any ancient Roman use of the Salute, let alone it was borrowed from the Greeks.

In Fascist terms it was introduced by the architect of oh so much of the Symbolism of Fascism , Gabriele D'Annunzio, at the occupation of Fiume in 1920 and he was a poet much influenced by French art. He may well have seen it used in the Cinema where it had featured in early pre 1914 epic films

Why let a few inconvenient facts get in the way of a good story! :lol:
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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:43 pm

Oh look, Aphrodite must have been left handed. Her raised left-arm salute .... broken off. :P
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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:50 pm

OK, that was actually quite funny! :lol:
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Re: OXI DAY!!!

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:28 pm

My new Cypriot motto...

Say OXI to the OXI day!

...because what Greece said in WWII is not our problem.
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