British politicians of all parties have consistently lied to the British people. The true number of Pakistanis, Bangladeshis,
Afghans, Somalis and other "religiously misguided" third world immigrants far exceeds their true number.
They seem to be, politicians, intimidated by the fear of upsetting the Muslims.
They bent over backwards to appease them instead of reminding them that the UK has its own culture unlike their own and they should either abide by our rules and our culture or piss off back to their shitty countries.
One is led to be believe by the given number of Muslims in the UK, around ....1,8 million , that for every Cypriot there are .....6 muslims !!! The figure is much more believable that for every Cypriot there are at least 50 muslims, this simple equation makes the muslim numbers at least 15 million !!! Excluding,,,women, they don't count