by Steve & Dawn » Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:28 pm
Public Holidays
Public Holidays
January 1: New Year’s Day
January 6: Epiphany Day
Variable: Green Monday (50 Days before Greek Orthodox Easter)
March 25: Greek Nationa Public Holidays
Public Holidays
January 1: New Year’s Day
January 6: Epiphany Day
Variable: Green Monday (50 Days before Greek Orthodox Easter)
March 25: Greek National Day
April 1: Greek Cypriot National Day
Variable: Good Friday (Greek Orthodox Church)
Variable: Easter Monday (Greek Orthodox Church)
May 1: Labour Day
Variable: Pentecost-Kataklysmos (Festival of the Flood)
August 15: Assumption
October 1: Cyprus Independence Day
October 28: Greek National Day (Ochi Day)
December 24: Christmas Eve
December 25: Christmas Day
December 26: Boxing Day
Notes: All Public Services, private enterprises, banks and shops are closed on Public Holidays. In resort and coastal areas, however, shops and certain services remain open. Banks are closed on Easter Tuesday but not on Dec. 24.
Green Monday 6/3/2006
Good Friday (Greek Orth.Church) 21/4/2006
Easter Sunday (Greek Orth. Church) 23/4/2006
Easter Monday (Greek Orth. Church) 24/4/2006
Monday of Penticost (Kataklysmos) 12/6/20064/5
Catholic Easter Sunday 16/4/2006