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The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

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The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Oct 19, 2013 2:03 pm

In these politically correct times, many a cop would have turned a blind eye to a child that did not resemble its "parents".

Many a rule-bound department would have failed to do follow-up checks such as DNA comparisons between a child and its alleged "parents".

- Bravo to the common sense approach of the Greek police, for following their hearts ... :D May all departments round Europe follow their example and crack down on child abductions. ... f=uk&ir=UK
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby Flying Horse » Sat Oct 19, 2013 3:06 pm

I was going to post this myself, but you beat me to it!

I do hope becausr of our world of social media, the little girl finds her parents. She's certainly of Northern European descent. How they kept her hidden is anyones guess. She sticks out like a sore thumb. Very uch like me and the eldest (with our ancestry) when visiting anywhere that might give us a tan :shock: .
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby bill cobbett » Sat Oct 19, 2013 4:18 pm

The important thing is to get this girl reunited with her family.

Here's a picky...
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Oct 19, 2013 11:18 pm

bill cobbett wrote:The important thing is to get this girl reunited with her family.

Here's a picky...

For sure - thank you for posting her photo - I'm not so good with the attachments and hoped the links were enough.

But we do need to fully appreciate the method of the Greek police (no matter how anti-Greek some Charlies might be) as we were losing touch to the point of becoming ineffective. Perhaps it's GD's influence that they were brave enough to search the Romany camps and dare to say someone "looked" different. Perhaps it's just the Greek way. Either way, the police forces around Europe have taken note of this proactive approach (according to one impressed Brit Official) and this will be the first of many. Abductors beware!

The interesting things is that they can pinpoint the origins of this girl's parents to within a few hundred miles, using DNA markers. However, with so much mobility, they could be anywhere. Let's hope someone comes forward and the power of DNA matches will do the rest!

Bravo Greece! :D
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Oct 20, 2013 12:14 am

This is from a single source so far, so treat with due caution.

People claiming to be the parents have come forward. Further, they say they were told the child was still-born. ... mas-eipan/
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby miltiades » Sun Oct 20, 2013 8:34 am


(no matter how anti-Greek some Charlies might be)

Bravo Greece! :D[/quote]
As a...Charlie my self I assure you that Charlies are not anti-Greek, just very much pro-Cyprus whom we consider as our one and only one TRUE motherland.

Just imagine how nice it would be if ALL Cypriots felt the same way, no more division, no more Turkish or Greek troops, all Cypriots embracing their true motherland, the island of Cyprus, living next to each other in peace and safety. Ditch these evil ideology and Cyprus will become the paradise island we all wish to see.

Turkish Cypriots are Cypriots too just as we the G/Cypriots are, related to Greece or Turkey through
language, religion and SOME culture.
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Oct 20, 2013 9:38 am

I agree that the Greek Police should be congratulated for a fine job in cleaning out the GD supporting corrupt officers allowig the police to offer assistance to a foreign non Greek girl who was abducted from her parents. :lol:
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby Flying Horse » Sun Oct 20, 2013 10:23 am

bill cobbett wrote:This is from a single source so far, so treat with due caution.

People claiming to be the parents have come forward. Further, they say they were told the child was still-born. ... mas-eipan/

I can't read that :(

However, this turn of events has filtered through here. A Cypriot lady friend of mine posted something similar on fb this morning. She said this has happened before. It's particularly sick, and one can only assume extremely distressing for the parents, if this happens to be true.

Although at this point, I do find it a bit quick to have found the parents. Anything keeping this case in the limelight can only promote a positive end in time.
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Oct 20, 2013 1:07 pm

At play here is the new confidence the Greek police have to tackle illegal migrants and roaming gypsies and their campsites. This empowerment can only have come from the wake-up call Greece has received from the extreme-right - as unwelcome as some of their views might be, like ALL political parties, they have something positive to offer and without doubt they have given the police some courage, or forced the parties-in-power to accept the crackdown that must happen in order to clean up the endemic and unacceptable levels of crimes within the subcultures.

Even Ben Needham's mother has recognized this new courage, to enter camps and confront gypsies and illegals, and how afraid the police were to do such searches years ago when Ben disappeared.
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby Paphitis » Sun Oct 20, 2013 3:28 pm


Greece's immigration system is dysfunctional and now with GD illegal immigrants are in fear of their lives.

They are the Greek KKK.

If Greece wants empowerment, then it must follow the Australian and Canadian models. Send a delegation and copy Australian laws and be done with it.
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