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The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby kimon07 » Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:10 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
stpier wrote:

Bravo to Greek police? For identifying this blonde girl doesn't belong to the south Cypriot looking people? What a great achievement! Even the street cat could have done the same.

The Roma Gypsies are from the same group of Asian nomadic people as your people who came over from the East to Anatolia in the 12th century.

Yes. And this is why they are called "Turkogyftoi" by the Greeks. Below a typical "Turkogyftos". Most Romas in Greece look like him.

Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdağ.jpg
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby kimon07 » Thu Oct 24, 2013 9:22 pm

Greek police arrest second Roma couple suspected of child abduction

By Renee Maltezou

ATHENS | Wed Oct 23, 2013 3:02pm EDT

(Reuters) - A second Roma couple have been arrested in Greece on suspicion of abducting a child, just a week after the discovery of a girl dubbed the "blonde angel" made headlines around the world.

Police said on Wednesday the man and woman, both in their 20s, had been charged with child abduction and were expected to respond to the allegations later in the week. The two-month-old baby was found living with them on the island of Lesvos. ... 2820131023
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby stpier » Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:11 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
stpier wrote:

Bravo to Greek police? For identifying this blonde girl doesn't belong to the south Cypriot looking people? What a great achievement! Even the street cat could have done the same.

The Roma Gypsies are from the same group of Asian nomadic people as your people who came over from the East to Anatolia in the 12th century.

Evidence?? These people have your skin color!!
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby kimon07 » Thu Oct 24, 2013 10:17 pm

Paphitis wrote:Going around asking illegal immigrants for their papers is not "leading the way".

If you want to solve the problems then you need to attack the problem from the route source. You need to stop them from crossing the borders.

Although the issue of this topic, which you have derailed, as usual, has nothing to do with illegal immigration, here is your answer:

1. The border crossing by immigrants is NOT the route source but the END of the long route from their countries to Europe.
2. And now, just to realise how ignorant you are of developments in Greece and how ridiculous you are being, see below what the Greeks have done and how little (or none at all) support they had:

Greek officials hail results of Evros fence
Monday February 18, 2013
By Stavros Tzimas

It was past midnight and the rain was pouring down heavily when the screams, calling for help, came from the side of the river. The border guards who were at that time patrolling the flooded Evros bank near Madra village shone the searchlights in the direction of the screams. It was then that they saw people hanging from the trees shouting and gesturing.

Putting themselves at risk of being swept away by the torrential waters, the guards helped them climb down the trees and led them safely to the ground. They managed to rescue nine people, all of them illegal immigrants. An 11-year-old boy was missing.

They told police that Turkish smugglers put them in a rubber boat before pushing it into the rushing river. They said they were told to row their way to the Greek side. But the rubber boat burst as it struck a cluster of reeds, forcing them to climb the trees to save their lives.

Incidents like this used to be a daily routine along the Turkish border in the Evros region. Not any more. A crackdown on illegal immigration code-named Aspida (“shield”) appears to be yielding fruit since its launch in August last year. Last July, 6,000 people were arrested in Orestiada, according to police data. In January the number dropped to 45.

The construction of the 12.5-kilometer barbed-wire fence along the land border with Turkey, which was met with skepticism at home as well as from many EU officials, has allegedly succeeded in blocking one of the most popular transit routes for migrants seeking to make their way to the West.

“Nothing can get through the fence,” Orestiada police chief Giorgos Salamangas told Kathimerini. “Evros has turned the page on the issue of illegal immigration,” he added.

Day and night thermal cameras installed on the fence scan the borderline sending real-time images to the police operation center. At the same time, police cars patrol the area behind the metal fence.

“We feel relieved. The fence is effective. The results are positive,” said the deputy prefect for Evros, Gogo Nikolaou.

Tightened security has also been welcomed among the Turkish population on the other side of the border. According to a report in the English-language Hurriyet Daily News, the residents of Karaagac and Bosnakoy villages near the border with Greece have expressed support for the project, saying that tighter security will curb the flow of illegal migrants.

“The border barrier is very good news, as it will discourage illegal migrants who step on our crops and vegetables while trying to cross the border,” a local told the newspaper.

The man said that 20 to 30 people were trying to cross the border through the village every night, trampling his crops. His village, he said, had begun to gain “a bad reputation as a smugglers’ place.” ... 013_483595

And here is what Turkey had to say:

Discomfort in Turkey for the fence in Evros
February 16, 2012

Turkey’s EU affairs minister has described the Greek anti-migrant fence as a symbol of division between the Union and outside countries.

Alluding to the Berlin wall, which used to separate western Europe from the Soviet bloc, Egemen Bagis told EUobserver on Wednesday (8 February): “It is not the time to talk about new walls in Europe – we need to talk about new bridges........ Europe paid the cost of walls in the recent past and … everyone should work to build new bridges between different views, different cultures and different countries [instead].”

Comment: He means, of course, the new rapid deployment military bridges acquired by the Turkish Army to try to cross Evros into Greece with their tanks.

And what about the EU reaction??

......Greece this week began construction of a razor-wire barrier on its 13-km-long land border with Turkey.
The fence is designed to deter the thousands of people from Asia and north Africa who come each month to seek asylum in the Union.
The European Commission has described it as “pointless.” A Brussels-based NGO, the European Council on Refugees and Exiles, said it would be a “tragedy” if it keeps out people fleeing conflicts in Afghanistan and Syria. ... -in-evros/


EU Will Not Fund Construction of Evros (Greece-Turkey) Border Fence

Of possible interest to some, reports that the EU has made it clear it will not provide funding to the Greek government for the construction of a border fence along the Greek-Turkish border along the Evros river. Greece has been planning the construction of the border fence for many months and was seeking €5 million from the EU. Early proposals called for the construction of a fence over 200 km in length. The fence that is now being built will be 12 km in length when completed. “Responding to a question by Euro MP Giorgos Papanikolaou, who is affiliated with conservative New Democracy, European Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmström said the bloc would not pay for the fence as it would not effectively discourage immigrants or smugglers who would simply seek alternative routes into the European Union, either via another section of Greece’s porous border with Turkey or through the border of another EU member state. [Malmström] reportedly said that the EU would be prepared to fund other measures if they are deemed to be an effective way of curbing illegal immigration into the bloc.” ... der-fence/

And, of course, we must not forget the reactions of the international brotherhood of the leftist assholes:

Stop Evros Fence.
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:26 pm

stpier wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
stpier wrote:

Bravo to Greek police? For identifying this blonde girl doesn't belong to the south Cypriot looking people? What a great achievement! Even the street cat could have done the same.

The Roma Gypsies are from the same group of Asian nomadic people as your people who came over from the East to Anatolia in the 12th century.

Evidence?? These people have your skin color!!

Skin colour? I think it has a little more than to do with than just skin colour. Even Holywood celebrities might "tan-up" but they will never look Asiatic as the Turks do and the Romanis certainly do.

Y-Chromosome Analysis in Individuals Bearing the Basarab Name of the First Dynasty of Wallachian Kings
Begoña Martinez-Cruz et al., 2012

Vlad III The Impaler, also known as Dracula, descended from the dynasty of Basarab, the first rulers of independent Wallachia, in present Romania. Whether this dynasty is of Cuman (an admixed Turkic people that reached Wallachia from the East in the 11th century) or of local Romanian (Vlach) origin is debated among historians.

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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby kurupetos » Thu Oct 24, 2013 11:46 pm

These gypsies should be thrown out of Greece. Send them to Turkey or some other shithole, where they can blend in with the local retards. :wink:
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby stpier » Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:03 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
stpier wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
stpier wrote:

Bravo to Greek police? For identifying this blonde girl doesn't belong to the south Cypriot looking people? What a great achievement! Even the street cat could have done the same.

The Roma Gypsies are from the same group of Asian nomadic people as your people who came over from the East to Anatolia in the 12th century.

Evidence?? These people have your skin color!!

Skin colour? I think it has a little more than to do with than just skin colour.

Now look at the mirror and see if Burcu or you are gypsier uglygreekwoman. :D
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Oct 25, 2013 1:15 am


I reject you insinuating that I have derailed the topic and am off topic.

The topic was derailed when someone here insinuated that "Greece is leading the way".

Now, this is a good piece of Police work, and when I heard of it I thought to myself it might be Madeline (this has been in the media lately) who was abducted in Portugal (why would you leave your 2 yo daughter in the hotel room alone and go to dinner?). I also was thankful that Greece could get some positive publicity because it is a rare thing these days. The main thing as pointed out by BillC is that the child is re-united with her real family.

Here the Greek Police officer was asking for immigration papers before they stumbled upon the girl. This is not even scratching the surface let alone any form of a solution, and how can you say that Greece is leading the way from this very simple piece of police work? This is where the topic was derailed! If the topic simply said something like"Great Police work in Greece" or some such and kept things real, there would be no issue. But the underlying issue of this thread is Illegal immigration. I, am the only person willing to discuss these issues and troubleshoot them for solutions (and I want Greece to solve their crisis). You lot just play stupid weird games.

Now, let's face it. Greece is not leading the way at all. In fact it is not even in the ballpark. There are claims of 3 million illegal immigrants in Greece. The vast majority of these did not overstay their VISAS or enter Greece from an official Port of Entry. They were smuggled into Greece, on Turkish Fishing Boats and the owners of these boats are paid by the People Smugglers. Many illegals are paying huge amounts of money to make the crossing into Greece.

At the moment there is no deterrent! The solution is as I told you before and is as follows:
1) change the laws and move to a policy of mandatory detention leading to eventual deportation for the majority,
2) stop the boats from entering Greece by having an intricate surveillance umbrella allowing interdiction.

If the illegals come to the realization that they will get caught by the Greek Authorities and spend time in jail awaiting trial, then they would absolutely think twice before coming to Greece illegally. Of course, the illegals could always opt for immediate deportation which means they don't go to jail.

This is the stuff Australia can help Greece with. First, the laws in Australia are tough and offer a deterrent. Secondly, enter Australia illegally, and you will get caught. That is the second part of deterrent. The net result is that illegal immigration (people smuggling) is stopped!

With over 3 million illegals, you might want to rethink the Thracian Fence idea, because there must be a huge hole somewhere, or it is as I say and they illegals are coming by boat (this is the case).

Also, you might say that with 3 million illegals, Greece has even more reason to adopt Australia's Tough Laws and implement a sophisticated means of detecting illegal activities. Yes, anyone with half a brain can understand that!

But as they say! You can lead a horse to water, in your case substitute the horse for a donkey, but you can't make the donkey drink.

I merely offer my suggestion as to what could be a very viable solution for Greece. Personally, I believe this should have been done long ago before the problem was so large.

Bottom Line is, Greece should be speaking to Australia! ... 6738102271
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby kimon07 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:11 am

Paphitis wrote:Kimon,

I reject you insinuating that I have derailed the topic and am off topic. The topic was derailed when someone here insinuated that "Greece is leading the way".

That was THE subject of THER topic. That the Greek Police has started leading the way in cases of trafficing of children by the Roma. What does this subject have to do with the way Greece is tackling illegal immigration? Or with the relations of Greek policemen with Golden Dawn? Your posts are way off topic and trollish. Piss off troll.
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Re: The Great Greek Police - Bravo!

Postby kimon07 » Fri Oct 25, 2013 7:25 am

stpier wrote:Now look at the mirror and see if Burcu or you are gypsier uglygreekwoman. :D

Everyboy knows that the vast majority of the "Turkish" people of western Turkey (not including the Kurds of Constantinople who have been deported from their villages) are of European-Balcan origin i.e., mainly Albanian but also Greek (such as the "Tourko Cretans"), Bulgarian, Bosnian, Croatian, Jewish etc. Wake up. If you want to see your real brothers from the Altai mountains look at the faces of most government ministers including the President of the republic, the Prime Minister,Mr. Davutoglou, Mr. Bagis, and most of the others.
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