Piratis wrote:
I used to believe it more before I got involved in these forums. Now I am not so sure since it seems to me that many Turkish Cypriots like Erolz (and you?) will not accept anything less than partition (or a disguised one like the Annan plan).
I will not accept a settlement where any protections the TC community are granted against GC domination are based on the idea that they are not rights but 'gifts/concessions'. I will not accept a settlement where our legal status as a community (which you insist must be no more than that of a political minority) conflicts with the 'gifts/concessions' you agree to give us in order to secure a settlement. I have been as clear about this as I know. Why you continue to insist that this means I will not accept anything but partition I do not know.
Essentialy I am prepared to agree with you on just about everything re a settlement, except that the protections given to the TC community are not based on fundamental rights of the TC community, but are in fact only 'concessions /gifts' given to the TC that are in excess of their rights as a community. If I could believe that these protections once given would never be subject to attmepts at change by a GC majority that gave them, then this distinction of on what basis they were given would not matter to me. Given Cyprus's history I can not believe this, and thus the distinction on what basis the protections are given is vital to me.
Anyway as I have said elsewhere I can not in all honesty say I feel continued participation of this nature is of any benefit and neither do I feel able to participate and avoid such 'conflicts', so I will for the time being be retreating to a position of 'watching' rather than participating.