Perhaps you do not really "love Cyprus" but, like most Brits, you love the sunshine and the sea (and the investment potential)?
- I suggest you take off those Charlie-prescribed goggles that are distorting your vision nevertheless ....[/quote]
I suggest that it is you who does not love Cyprus and wants to give it to that bankrupt corrupt to the bone nation of Greece who HAS NEVER CONTRIBUTED TO CYPRUS'S WELFARE EITHER POLITICALLY OR FINANCIALLY.
We are in the financial mess that we are, many of us have had our life savings taken away from us because of our involvement with the Greek CROOKS.
Loving my nation does not preclude me from criticizing aspects of Cyprus that I find abhorrent.
Mesa for instance, greed , nepotism, selfishness, all are by products of Greece.[/quote]
And now you sound like an Imperialist-Brit that wants to isolate Cyprus from its historical, cultural and ethnic identity and see it become an extension of little Britain.
You are shameful for finding false faults with which to put down Cyprus and you are doubly shameful for loading all those faults to the majority of Cypriots who are proudly Greek. The majority Cypriots, the natives, the Greeks, know we have to reverse the past that kept us isolated and vulnerable such that the vultures (I-Brits and Turks) could maintain their hold on Cyprus' land!
The financial crippling that Cyprus is facing was not made by Greece - a country which has never been allowed to become that powerful or influential since the imperialist Brits and Ottoman Turks took over Europe. If you need to blame someone ... take off those goggles that give you tunnel vision![/quote]
You obviously have not been following the developments concerning the purchase of Greek junk bonds, or the massive loans handed out to Greek businesses earning the corrupt lenders huge commissions.
I repeat, Greece has never, NOT ONCE, contributed to our security or offered anything of substance to the Cypriot people. Greece energized the Turkish invasion by orchestrating the military coup in the name of "ELLAS ELLINON XRISTIANON.
Wake up woman.[/quote]
Wake up yourself, old fool. If Greece didn't exist, Turkey would have no obstacle to capture the whole island and of course ethnic cleansing would follow.

Absolute bullshit!!!
I wonder if Turkey in 1974 considered Greece as a ...thread. Mate, wake up, the Kalamarades are fucking cowards, they call us Cypriots Kipriaka gaidouria.
Turkey violates Greek airspace almost daily, how many Turkish aircraft have they ....shot down.
You don't know the Greeks mate, I know them well, more than you think..