It seems that not only Turkey enters Greek water areas but it also sends many of its citizens here in Belarus in highly organized tours.
Each morning after breakfast I take a stroll to a central hotel in Minsk and have my morning espresso coffee, couldn't help noticing the Turkish flag on the foyer counter, and numerous Turks. I somehow knew that they were not in Belarus to sell Turkish delights but for another reason.
Got to know the barman, a young man who spoke good English, and I asked " why are there so many Turks in the hotel.
Sex Tours he replied, each week one coachload leaves and another promptly arrives loaded with sex searching Turks.
Do you get any Cypriots I asked, never he said, I suppose the Cypriots have enough available in Cyprus.
Apparently the tour lasts for 4 days at an inclusive price, hotel, meals and ....unlimited sex!!!