I have on more than one occasion, many in fact, stated that " FOR THE INTERESTS OF CYPRUS I WOULD GO TO BED WITH THE DEVIL".
There are many injustices in the world today, always have been and always will be. We can not put them right, it is our duty to focus our attention to the needs and interests of out homeland for the sake of our young and fourthcoming generations.
Israel has a right to exist, so do the Palestinians, but for as long as the entire Arab world denies Israels right to exist, Israel will continue to do as it has done since 1948, look after its citizens and its nation.
Cyprus needs Israel as an ally, and right now so does Israel perhaps to a lesser extend but nevertheless the need is there as a result of the breakdown of relations with Turkey and the joint explorations for black gold.
Let us concern our selves primarily with removing the occupying Turkish army from our northern parts, let us worry less about warmongering nations. We are far too small and insignificant on the world stage to crusade against injustices taking place everywhere.
Our previous President obviously thought otherwise and prioritized a visit to ...Cuba of all places, what on earth does Cyprus have to gain by such insignificant nations, I wonder....