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Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:20 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:Would it be from this article? ... a-new-era/

Exactly this was translated into Turkish and in the newspapers this morning, the disappoint part of the speech to Tcs is the following

"Addressing the Turkish Cypriot community, Anastasiades said that while they should take his honest desire and determination to find a solution for granted, they should not expect that he would accept a solution that did not meet the expectations of Greek Cypriots or one that would turn Greek or Turkish Cypriots into second class EU citizens."

what about the TCs? this statement is very discriminating and clearly defines that he is not a Cypriot but a Greek Cypriot who only wants to meet the expectations of the Gs with concern for the expectations of the TCs.....very disappointing.

I don't see it as discrimination VP. Think out of the box.

This man is president of a mainly Greek Cypriot side of the country. He must put his people as priority. However, he must also see beyond that, and consider the people in the other part if the island.
If one was to hypothesize, you might almost think that he wants neither group of people to be second class. Perhaps he may abolish the term ROC, for plain and simple that's an idea! I should imagine ROC is quite intimidating a banner to be under for TCs, so in reunification a new name for all might come.
Remember this is just a thought out of the box.
Marriage is quite simple, ' whats mine is yours and what's yours is mine'' The only way to achieve that is serious compromise. From both sides. So far, I've only seen compromise from one side.
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Oct 03, 2013 12:56 pm

I think he makes quite clear his intentions with regards to the Islands true inhabitants
“The problem of Cyprus was never bicommunal in nature. It is not about the differences between Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots. What divided the country was the invasion and continued occupation, therefore our interlocutors should not only be our Turkish Cypriot compatriots,” he said.]

Asked whether he was put under pressure during his US visit to somehow bring back the Annan plan, he clarified that “no one, but no one mentioned the name Annan, nor the plan” except Turkish President Abdullah Gul.

Asked what steps are being taken to “adequately prepare” citizens for a possible referendum on the transformation of the Cyprus Republic into a federation, he said cooperation with the public started yesterday with the televised press conference and would continue with frequent updates as the talks develop

Now, I know the word 'Federation' isn't clear, and I'd be interested to know what 'public consultation' is planned. However, as my above post of 'thinking out of the box'....maybe 'federation', is actually just 'Cyprus', which is what ALL Cypriots want? No ifs, no buts, no two this, two that, just whole.....and simple.

source ... -solution/
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby Lordo » Thu Oct 03, 2013 1:31 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
Get Real! wrote:For starters, VP and Lordo must do their national military service and I get to be their trainer! :lol:

Hop, 2, 3, 4!

Hop, 2, 3, 4!

Ive done my military service.

I am all for that so long as our g3 has bullets in it, it should not take too long.

btw i have also done my military service as tegmen. whats your rank my little pipsqueek
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby Viewpoint » Thu Oct 03, 2013 2:30 pm

Flying Horse wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:Would it be from this article? ... a-new-era/

Exactly this was translated into Turkish and in the newspapers this morning, the disappoint part of the speech to Tcs is the following

"Addressing the Turkish Cypriot community, Anastasiades said that while they should take his honest desire and determination to find a solution for granted, they should not expect that he would accept a solution that did not meet the expectations of Greek Cypriots or one that would turn Greek or Turkish Cypriots into second class EU citizens."

what about the TCs? this statement is very discriminating and clearly defines that he is not a Cypriot but a Greek Cypriot who only wants to meet the expectations of the Gs with concern for the expectations of the TCs.....very disappointing.

I don't see it as discrimination VP. Think out of the box.

This man is president of a mainly Greek Cypriot side of the country. He must put his people as priority. However, he must also see beyond that, and consider the people in the other part if the island.
If one was to hypothesize, you might almost think that he wants neither group of people to be second class. Perhaps he may abolish the term ROC, for plain and simple that's an idea! I should imagine ROC is quite intimidating a banner to be under for TCs, so in reunification a new name for all might come.
Remember this is just a thought out of the box.
Marriage is quite simple, ' whats mine is yours and what's yours is mine'' The only way to achieve that is serious compromise. From both sides. So far, I've only seen compromise from one side.

Hes not really thinking out of the box is he? the statements above are very standard and not very encouraging as the rehtoric is standard and what the GCs want not what the TCs want because its obvious that we want different things, the middle ground is what is important and imo he should have played more on the point that he will take into account the fears and concerns of both sides, not just the GCs, which to us is total dominati,on control of the whole island where we are forced into minority status with absolutely no say in our own country.
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby kimon07 » Sat Oct 05, 2013 7:44 pm

Viewpoint wrote:So he doesnt represent all "Cypriots"

His constitutional duty is to represent and care for all Cypriots who are loyal to the Republic, who perform their duties towards it and who comply with its laws. His other constitutional duty is to consider and treat insurgents and those who side with enemy powers against the Republic as criminals and traitors.
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby Lordo » Sat Oct 05, 2013 10:00 pm

the question is does he or has any president of cyprus ever represented tcs in any way.

what was it our glorious big mak said - let them boil in their juices.

What was it kibrianu said when he won. if dengtas wants to visit me he call my secretary like everybody else. these swine is who you have been selecting. one would think you would have learnt something in all these years. never mind maybe in the next life hey. we never lose hope.
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby kimon07 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 10:59 am

Lordo wrote:the question is does he or has any president of cyprus ever represented tcs in any way.

You mean after they became renegades, outlaws insurgents and traitors?
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby Viewpoint » Sun Oct 06, 2013 5:13 pm

kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So he doesnt represent all "Cypriots"

His constitutional duty is to represent and care for all Cypriots who are loyal to the Republic, who perform their duties towards it and who comply with its laws. His other constitutional duty is to consider and treat insurgents and those who side with enemy powers against the Republic as criminals and traitors.

He cannot be judge and jury, think of it this way TCs have lived in the north even before 1974, if he claims to represent all Cypriots who have been placed in the current situation through no fault of their own then I would understand this, but to totally ignore a large part of the population only serves one purpose and thats alienation which stimulates mistrust...why is it so difficult for GC leaders to say anything positive towards the TCs? they have to speak and say that our rights will be respected in a new state of affairs.
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby kimon07 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 9:46 pm

Viewpoint wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So he doesnt represent all "Cypriots"

His constitutional duty is to represent and care for all Cypriots who are loyal to the Republic, who perform their duties towards it and who comply with its laws. His other constitutional duty is to consider and treat insurgents and those who side with enemy powers against the Republic as criminals and traitors.

He cannot be judge and jury, think of it this way TCs have lived in the north even before 1974, if he claims to represent all Cypriots who have been placed in the current situation through no fault of their own then I would understand this, but to totally ignore a large part of the population only serves one purpose and thats alienation which stimulates mistrust...why is it so difficult for GC leaders to say anything positive towards the TCs? they have to speak and say that our rights will be respected in a new state of affairs.

They have been repeating this so many times and for so long that it has become boring.
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Re: Has something fallen on Anastadiadis's head?

Postby Viewpoint » Mon Oct 07, 2013 7:28 am

kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:So he doesnt represent all "Cypriots"

His constitutional duty is to represent and care for all Cypriots who are loyal to the Republic, who perform their duties towards it and who comply with its laws. His other constitutional duty is to consider and treat insurgents and those who side with enemy powers against the Republic as criminals and traitors.

He cannot be judge and jury, think of it this way TCs have lived in the north even before 1974, if he claims to represent all Cypriots who have been placed in the current situation through no fault of their own then I would understand this, but to totally ignore a large part of the population only serves one purpose and thats alienation which stimulates mistrust...why is it so difficult for GC leaders to say anything positive towards the TCs? they have to speak and say that our rights will be respected in a new state of affairs.

They have been repeating this so many times and for so long that it has become boring.

Where? when? and most importantly how?
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