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At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby kimon07 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:23 pm

bill cobbett wrote:A message to the criminal organisation of "golden dawn" from Anonymous ...

Yes! The sensitivity of the CIA is very touching.
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby kimon07 » Fri Oct 11, 2013 11:33 pm

Will SYRIZA be next?

As it was revealed that the Greek Secret Service was monitoring, without prior judicial authorization, the telephone conversations of GD PMs and members long before the “crack down”, and based on the fact that the government was accusing SYRIZA of being the other one of the “two extremes” of the Greek political system, SYRIZA is now scared to hell that the secret service may have recorded telephone conversations which may be connecting SYRIZA members with criminal acts (murders, bombings, arsons, bank robberies, destruction of public and private properties etc) committed during the past few years by the various “leftist” “anarchist” and “anti state” gangs (not excluding the shooting to death of a taxi driver outside a bank in Paros two years ago by an “anarchist pig” who was later arrested and who, until a few days prior to the murder, was posting pro SYRIZA messages on FB) and that, if that is proved, Syriza may very well be accused of being a criminal organization as well and be treated just like Golden Dawn. ... E%BF%CE%B9
and ... gory_id=88

On the other hand, SYRIZA is against the idea of the government passing a law according to which political parties should be banned from receiving the financial state grant in the event that any one of their PMs is indicted for serious crimes (felonies).Why? Simple: Because one of its PMs (George Stathakis) has recently been indicted for having fraudulently mishandled state and EU funds when he was a professor at the University of Crete during the period from 1999 to 2004. ... 9&Itemid=2

Just to know who are the leftists who introduce themselves as the "Champions of Democracy" in Greece.
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby Paphitis » Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:02 am

No Syriza cannot be banned!

It was described as "extremist" only because it is practically a Communist Party. It is by definition extreme Left as GD would be described as probably beyond extreme RIGHT.

They are in effect quite extreme parties as compared to centrist PASOK and New Democracy which would ordinarily represent the mainstreams.

Syriza has never been implicated in criminal activity. As a result, extreme or not, they have a right to exist and cannot be banned.

GD have, and practically the entire leadership has been implicated.
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby Paphitis » Sat Oct 12, 2013 1:22 am

Greek police ‘infiltrated’ by Golden Dawn

Greece’s neo-Nazi Golden Dawn party has penetrated the country’s police force, set up caches of heavy weapons in remote locations and trained its recruits to carry out brutal attacks against immigrants and political opponents, according to the country’s top security official.

Nikos Dendias, minister of public order and civil protection, said in an interview with the Financial Times that Golden Dawn’s cult of extreme violence was “unique” among European far-right groups.

Read more here: ... z2hSTr5sq3

Yes absolutely agree. there is no comparison between GD and other Right Wing movements in Europe.
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby kurupetos » Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:30 pm

bill cobbett wrote:A message to the criminal organisation of "golden dawn" from Anonymous ... :D

Very funny, goblin. Really. :lol:
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby kimon07 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:25 pm

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites…”
Matthew 23:14

Part 1: The murdering “leftist” terrorist gangs of Greece.

As historian Aristides Karatzas noted in his article in The National Herald on October 3, 2013 (, in Greece, in 25 years (since 1981 till their arrest) the leftist terrorist criminal/ murderous/ arsonist/bombing gang of 17 November murdered twenty three Greek and foreign diplomats and military officials (including the Greek-American Navy Captain George Tsantes), two newspaper publishers, the prominent politician Pavlos Bakogiannis, businessmen and police officials and committed a number of other crimes such as bombings, the firing of rockets into a range of political and financial targets and armed robberies…”

After their arrest, their “good social work” was taken up by their successors of leftist murderous thugs, operating under various different “revolutionary” names such as: Revolutionary Struggle, Revolutionary Nuclei, Sect of Revolutionaries, Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei (see all of which have two things in common. 1) They are all sympathizers or members of Greek leftist parties and factions some of which are represented in the Greek parliament today and 2) they all enjoy the sympathy, the support, the protection and the praise of these same parties.

As Mr. Karatzas notes, between others in his above article, “Indeed it is an open secret that persons linked to leftist SYRIZA, the present leading opposition party, had been associated with 17N terrorists. Prominent members of that party, such as Venios Angelopoulos, testified for the defense in the trial of Alekos Giotopoulos, the N17 leader, who was sentenced to life imprisonment 17 times plus 25 years...” and …. “Others from SYRIZA that have supported N17 terrorists with their testimony include Panagiotis Lambrou, and Christophoros Papadopoulos, both of whom testified on behalf of Herakles Kostaris, who was convicted of murder and sentenced to life imprisonment plus 23 years. All of the above, Angelopoulos, Lambrou, and Kostaris have been members of the SYRIZA “Governing Committee.”

So what do we see happening here? For decades the communist/leftist/anarchist scum of Greece have been murdering, bombing, burning people alive, destroying and burning the Greek cities and terrorizing, not just with threats and words but with bloody violence the civilians, the authorities, the media and the politicians. They have never concealed their intention which is to destroy the “system” i.e., the Greek Constitutional state and to eliminate all Constitutional Institutions (Legislative-Judicial-Executive) and murder ruthlessly any one who, according to their opinion “serves the rotten system” including public employees, bank employees, policemen etc.

How have the “champions of democracy” in Greece and abroad reacted to the support of the bloody violence of the leftist thugs by the leftist parties?

Has any of them expressed sympathy and compassion to the victims and the families of the victims of the fans of Mr. Tsipras?

Has anyone heard any European or Jewish or American or other “democratic” institution condemning the political parties which harbor them, support them and defend them in court?

Has any of them demanded from the Greek state to outlaw the political parties and factions to which those murderers, bombers and arsonists belong and by which they are being supported, defended in court and harbored in the Universities?

No! Nothing! Silence!

And then, one day, a Golden Dawn thug, who also happens to be an Olymiacos FC hooligan and a former KKE (Greek Communist Party) thug, kills a leftist activist, member of one of the most notorious factions of SYRIZA (ANTARSYA). And what happens? Literally the whole world and all the social media erupt to uproar for weeks. And all the “champions of democracy” not excluding the CIA faction who call themselves “The Anonymous” are up in arms. Demanding the heads of all the GD PMs on a platter and the outlawing of their party. Why? Because according to them, some members and sympathizers of this party have allegedly been involved to the stabbing of a couple of illegal immigrants and the beatings of 5 or 6 others. Without any evidence that such criminal acts where committed with the party’s knowledge or approval or support and although the party has denounced them, unlike the leftist parties which praised and defended similar acts of their own babies.

Woe to you…….hypocrites!
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby kimon07 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:31 pm

"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites…”

Part 2: The premeditated mass murders and attempted mass murders of May 2010.

According to the “Real News” news paper of today, Sunday October 13, 2013, pages 32 & 33, ( ... ulevma.htm) the Judicial Council of First Instance has indicted Theodore Sipsas and Pavlos Andreev (?) for having deliberately ORDERED, DIRECTED and CAUSED the deaths of four people, i.e. the three employees of Marfin Bank, one of whom was pregnant and all of whom they burned alive, by first throwing in the bank a highly flammable substance and then a Molotov bomb.
To the pleadings of the victims and the other employees not to set the bank offices on fire because there were people working inside, there answer was “..Burn you c..nts, burn it’s a bank you are working for…”.

At the same time, another team of the same murderous gang of terrorist leftist pigs, who had pre-organized their assaults a few minutes earlier in a preparatory concentration on Stadiou street in the centre of Athens during which roles had been distributed, instructions given and weapons handed to it’s members, assaulted the book shop IANOS and set fire to it in the same way as MARFIN, INTENDING to cause the violent deaths of ALL 24 employees who were inside at that time but who, fortunately, managed to escape.

Although the indictments were completed in May 2013 no trial date has been set yet!!!!!

Note: According to the news paper, the two thugs indicted for the murders are characterized by the police and the judicial authorities as hard core anarchists who have been arrested numerous times for participating to violent demonstrations and activities in Athens, including launching molotovs against the police etc.

"Woe to you.....hypocrites…”
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby kimon07 » Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:36 pm

"Woe to you, scribes, Pharisees and “Anonymous” hypocrites, your time is near..”
Me, 13/10/13

Part 3: The day of reckoning.

According to the news paper of Athens “To Proto Thema” of today 13/10/2013, pages 6 & 7, the Greek Secret Service has recorded telephone conversations Implicating SYRIZA and some of its members with at least five major criminal cases.

Case 1. The arson to the installations of the gold extracting company in Skouries-Chalkidiki, where the paramilitary thugs who carried it out have been recorded to be making calls, prior to the assault, to local SYRIZA officers.

Case 2. The arson to the offices of Marfin Bank in May 2010.

Case 3. Spying activities of a member of Syriza on an Island of the Aegean in favour of Turkey and the Turkish Secret Service (MIT).

Case 4. A Syriza official in close cooperation with an organization which launches anti-Greek and pro-FYROM propaganda.

Case 5. The Greek Secret Service has found that just a while after the shooting, by a policeman, of Alexandros Gregoropoulos, which resulted to the burning of Athens by the leftist scum and their illegal immigrant allies, 5,000 SMS messages had been sent by a hard core faction of SYRIZA to school students, inviting them to a violent insurrection.

Has any one from the ranks of SYRIZA and/or its factions been tried yet for all or any of the above?

Has SYRIZA or any of its factions ever been investigated for their role and for being a “Criminal Organization” which organizes, directs and approves criminal acts like the previous?

Has any “Champion of Democracy” and “of the democratic rights of the Greek People” ever suggested that SYRIZA should be banned from parliament?

Has any of the “Champions of Democracy” including the CIA faction calling themselves the “Anonymous” ever condemned above activities or alleged activities of SYRIZA its factions and there members?

No sir.

Not yet, that is. But I am optimistic that their time IS NEAR. There are still patriotic and honest people in the Judicial, Police and other NATIONAL authorities and Institutions of Greece. Some, (very few) even in Parliament. Who will do their duty to their country.

See also: The government is preparing the arrests of SYRIZA members: ( ... -akron.htm).
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Oct 13, 2013 8:50 pm

There is nothing more to please the enemies of Greece than to rile up the Right against the Left!

Foreigners did this in post-war Greece to start the civil war and right now, there are hundreds of Hedge Fund Mangers betting on starting another Civil War in Greece.

It's acceptable to question why GD have been accused of these things. It's acceptable to question how communist the left/Syriza happen to be - but it is NOT acceptable to make wild accusations that ANY of Greece's parties and politicians are any worse than those of any other European country!

Stop the cycle, please!
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Re: At Last the Greek Gov Acts On Golden Dawn

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Oct 13, 2013 9:04 pm

Excellent article on the crafty cleverness of the ever-shifting face of extremism in countries like Britain ...

Don't be fooled by Tommy Robinson's political sleight-of-hand
The former EDL leader may have left his party, but this is just an old far-right trick to attract the media and shift the debate ... -far-right
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