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Greece, Turkey agreed

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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby Paphitis » Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:36 pm

It comes down to this:

The TCs are irrelevant and negotiations should bypass them and continue with the RoT. It's not as if they are in control of anything or can make any decisions for themselves. The are just kept people.

There is no point discussing anything with the TCs.

The RoC can also arrange with high level meetings with EU Leaders, US, Israel, Russia and go direct to the RoT through foreign high level envoys and mediators.
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby B25 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 3:33 pm

Paphitis wrote:It comes down to this:

The TCs are irrelevant and negotiations should bypass them and continue with the RoT. It's not as if they are in control of anything or can make any decisions for themselves. The are just kept people.

There is no point discussing anything with the TCs.

The RoC can also arrange with high level meetings with EU Leaders, US, Israel, Russia and go direct to the RoT through foreign high level envoys and mediators.

You have restored my faith in humanity. Amen to that mate.
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby kimon07 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:17 pm

If Venizelos did agree to such an arrangement he should be shot at first sight. It would be the repetition of the 1955 tripartite crime all over again. I pray every day that this fu..g pachyderm has a heart attack soonest. Otherwise, his personal ambitions will certainly result to new disasters. Cyprus negotiating with Turkey??? About What? The removal of the troops and the settlers? But aren't those issues resolved by UN resolutions? Or maybe about the Constitutional issue? But isn't this an internal/family problem between the communities of Cuyprus?
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby Maximus » Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:32 pm

Yeah! they are negotiating with regards to how much they will keep from what they have stolen and how many rights the Greek Cypriots will concede to accommodate the irrelevant Turk who call themselves Cypriot and wants to live in Cyprus.

Its revoltingly pathetic and will never create 'unity' or a 'solution'. Just more problems.
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby halil » Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:03 pm

Greece also has political influence in Cyprus ( specifically on the GC's ) any moves towards cooperation between Greece and Turkey When it comes to the Cyprus problem can only lead to better cooperation between GC's and TC's and more stability in the region as a whole.

Greece Direct talks with TC's side and Turkey and GC's side is something not done before and it will be a big step in the right will send great message to the international community (world) that all players are engaged and serious about the Cyprus problem which is on the agenda of the world since 1964...........
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby Maximus » Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:14 pm

halil wrote:Greece also has political influence in Cyprus ( specifically on the GC's ) any moves towards cooperation between Greece and Turkey When it comes to the Cyprus problem can only lead to better cooperation between GC's and TC's and more stability in the region as a whole.

Greece Direct talks with TC's side and Turkey and GC's side is something not done before and it will be a big step in the right will send great message to the international community (world) that all players are engaged and serious about the Cyprus problem which is on the agenda of the world since 1964...........

Its pie in the sky Halil,
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby kimon07 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:57 pm

The fat had no right to agree anything of the kind with Turkey behind the back of the RoC. Greece should be advising and assisting the RoC in all possible ways and by all possible means (as it did with the EU admittance) but it should not take initiatives binding for Cyprus, unless pe-agreed with the RoC and unless such initiatives would be towards the direction to pressurise Turkey to fulfil its obligations. Any direct negotiations of the RoC with Turkey would be like legitimizing the crimes of Turkey prior to any move from the part of Turkey to correct the wrong doings as it has been ORDERED to by the UN. Like I said. A lethal mistake, probably worse than the tripartite conference of 1955. On the other hand, such a procedure would turn Turkey into a negotiating party which will appear as is "trying to help solve the problem", while Turkey IS THE PROBLEM. I am waiting with great curiosity the official reactions of the RoC. Although, judging from the very recent past of both Anastassiades and Kasulides (Annan Plan 5) I am not at all optimistic.
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby boulio » Tue Sep 24, 2013 7:59 pm

Kimon it was recommended by the ROC and in particular anastasiades according to the greek fm press release
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby kimon07 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 8:21 pm

boulio wrote:Kimon it was recommended by the ROC and in particular anastasiades according to the greek fm press release

If true, then the FINAL disaster is imminent. It will mean the reversal of all positive developments since 2004. I hope he is lying (as usual).
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Re: Greece, Turkey agreed

Postby Get Real! » Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:07 pm

kimon07 wrote:Greece should be advising and assisting the RoC in all possible ways and by all possible means

Greece should NOT be advising anyone! If anything Greece should be restrained in a straight jacket and put on medication because her abysmal track record speaks for itself:

Greece was the perpetrator of…

1. The Cyprus 1974 debacle.

2. The “Join the EU for panacea” debacle.

3. The “Get some S300s and advertise it” debacle.

4. The Annan Plan debacle.

5. The “Invest in Greek junk bonds” debacle.

…and every other Cyprus disaster I can’t recall right now.

A rational government does not seek advice from irrational “allies” which says a lot about our successive governments.
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