kurupetos wrote:Schnauzer wrote:'Multicultural Harmony' will come eventually BUT, I don't think my old mate 'Robert Mugabe' will be around to see it.
No, there is no such thing as multicultural harmony. One culture will dominate the rest, but until then, many will die. Especially when Islam is involved.
I do not think that we can honestly dismiss the possibility of 'Multicultural Harmony' for a particular reason.
In ANY circumstance, humanity has always (thus far) managed to surmount whatever difficulties it has faced, therefore, although we may not be able to visualise 'Harmony' under the present climate, it does not mean that such 'Harmony' cannot be reached.
I DO think it is a very grave mistake to attack OR ridicule the 'Religious Beliefs' of others for several reasons, foremost in MY particular case, is the fact that I very often am closely in contact with people who have little else BUT their religious beliefs to sustain them, it would be extremely cruel to deprive them of their right to 'HOPE' for better things and, even if I knew for certain that there was no such thing as 'The Almighty', I would NOT pass on the information to those who believed otherwise out of deference to their 'Hopes'