Newly elected TRNC government managed to cancel the much protested TOMA vehicle due to be purchased from Turkey. TOMA is short for and translates as "Public disorder intervention vehicle".
There has been much publicity about this vehicle for its use during Gezi Park demonstrations. It is capable of using a water canon, spraying pepper gas or a mixture of both. TCs have been protesting vehemently against the purchase and possible use of such a vehicle and some parties including the CTP used it as election material. However, once in power with DP the leader Yorgancıoğlu began to change his tune, claiming it was ordered by the TRNC security forces and there was not much the government could do about it - short of protesting at the port of discharge together with the public...
This attracted even more protests by the public and some media, accusing the government of making empty election promises. Under great public pressure, it seems the government has managed to find a way of convincing teh security forces cancel the order!
Even better news is; After suffering greatly in the hands of the police and especially TOMAs, posts and threads in the Turkish media by thousands of Turks have congratulated the TCs stand, even going as far as claiming things like "there is a lot we can learn from TRNC in the name of democracy" and "Our leaders should watch and listen to what is going on in small TRNC and learn..."