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Buying a Pc in Cyprus-where ?

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Buying a Pc in Cyprus-where ?

Postby nap » Tue Sep 17, 2013 5:23 pm

I want to build my PC configuration.I saw several offers here(in Cyprus) and i dont know,why it is so expensive here in comparison with other European
From example one computer for 500 euro in Europe ,here will cost 850-900 euro.
I dont understand from where is this big difference:
-No tax between countries(EU)
-no additional VAT is needed to be payed(Even the company can easy return their VAT)
-No additional taxes

The only taxes is delivery/shipping but this is everywhere-there is delivery/shipping to Greece,Poland,Bulgaria,Italy.....................but not so expansive in comparison with other EU countries.
1)What is the reason for this ?
2)From where you will recommend me to buy a computer in Cyprus(i am now near to Paphos area)
3)If i use amazon uk-is the VAT including in the price or it is separate
4)How are the things in Amazon with warranty-if i have a problem with some part,how they will repair it ?
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