Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays, dealing with 'Food Shortages' and suchlike, NOT 'UN Resolutions' and 'Who Shot John ?' (or Γιάννης)
Postby Schnauzer » Fri Sep 20, 2013 1:53 pm
In the UK (according to that which I have recently heard) a certain famous 'Chef' published a 'Menu' of which every ingredient of the meals consisted of 'Past Sell By' dated products, I was also told that an entire 'T'V' programme highlighted the fact that the 'Products' were all perfectly edible and a large 'Open Air Feast' was produced in order to prove the fact that such 'Throw away' foodstuffs were perfectly safe for the consumption of those in dire need.
Apparently the entire venture was hailed as a great success and, AS USUAL, nobody stepped forth from the crowds and asked those who came up with the idea just WHAT was the objective of such a demonstration ?.
MY view on the story is in tandem with that which I have already stated, "There is no excuse for hunger and starvation in 2013" nor has there been for many years past UNLESS it is desired and required by agencies (either 'Private or Governmental') which may benefit from such situations either from 'Profit' or an envisaged position of further 'Power' over the suffering masses.
Can you imagine the awful spectacle of starving people scrabbling through the 'Dustbins' of the better off in 'London' in order to feed themselves ?, well, allow me to inform you that such 'Scenarios' are already taking place BUT, not only in 'London', in many places all over the world and it is a 'Disgrace' because it is absolutely NOT NECCESSARY in today's society's.
Charities which advertise the 'Plight' of young children (with flies in their eyes) looking like tiny shrivelled 'Skeletons' will not quell the onslaught of 'Hunger' in 'Africa', nor will it solve the 'Water Shortages' or 'Lack of Medical Care' in many other parts of the world BUT, a
concerted effort of 'Government' or 'Private' concerns easily COULD if they concentrated MORE on the welfare of the people and LESS on their 'Military or Private Objectives' BUT, the opportunity for 'Emotional Blackmail' would not exist and the 'Decent Folk' would almost certainly turn their attention to the 'REAL' causes of the hardships they already have to deal with, a simple 'Trick' really, if it were not for the misfortune of others (in most cases purposely manufactured) the 'Decent Folk' would have nothing to compare themselves with and would surely want drastic changes.
It is not until you get 'Close Up' and live among the distress of those who suffer, that you become really aware of how futile the work of those who dedicate their lives to help the deprived IS, it is not until you actually experience and live among deprivation that you learn just how unnecessary it is and how easily such problems could be solved.
The 'Governments' have what they call 'War Chests'......"Great Stuff'........ Declare 'War' on 'Poverty', Starvation', 'Homelessness' and a host of other ills in the world, I don't know if you realise it folks BUT, there are 'NO WARS' going on at the moment, in order that such situations exist, they must be 'Declared' and (unless I am mistaken) other than 'Bush's' nonsensical 'War on Terror', the whole meaning of the word 'WAR' has been bandied about and used to add a little 'Grace' to acts of 'Murder' and 'Mayhem' in the 'Middle East'.
How about 'Parachuting' a few 'Plane-Loads' of 'Rice' near the starving masses of those who have been driven from their homes, I rather fancy they would rather die by being slaughtered by a descending bag of 'Rice' or maybe a 'Pallet of Heinz Baked Beans' than a 'Bomb' or 'Rocket' from 'Whoever's' side of the fence it may have come.
Incidentally, the 'Obvious' yet apparently 'Unseen' facts about the welfare of both our own population (and others) is that we are ALL paying for such care every time we spend money, regardless of where we spend it............ "Think about it".