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Reality in Cyprus nowadays

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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Sep 18, 2013 5:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:Can someone also CC Schnauzer's post to Assad please?

With over 2 million Syrian refugees making a run for it, a few of his Missiles might keep a good few of them fed and warm this coming winter!

Long before the murderous 'Yanks' embarked upon their campaigns of destruction in the 'Middle East' in order to preserve 'Israel', the peoples of ALL those nations (which have recently been bombed into oblivion) were quite comfortable during their 'Winter Months' and despite their hardships, their 'Homes' were not the crumpled ruins they are since the 'Yanks' came in to 'Save' them.

Apparently, (or so we are led to believe) ALL of those nations were governed by 'Mad Dictators' and strangely enough, 'Assad' has also recently been awarded the same distinction, I originally thought that the 'Sand' might have something to do with it BUT, 'Idi Amin' was also cursed with the same 'Malady' as was 'Adolf Hitler' and many others before and since YET, not one of them was near 'MAD' enough
to expect their subjects to 'Believe' that every action they took was for the benefit of the said subjects, at least they had the integrity to allow their subjects to 'HATE' them (even though they could do nothing about it).

Of course, we are supposed to have forgotten about the 'Earlier' murderous unlawful attacks like 'Shock and Awe' by now, even those which closely followed should supposedly be confined to the 'Back-Burners' of the 'Stoves of History' BUT, DO NOT forget the 'OVENS', the horrors of them must be 'Burnished' in the minds of future generations, perchance some might forget, whilst the 'Terror State' is free to stockpile EVERY kind of weapon necessary to pose a 'Cataclysmic Threat' to every nation within thousands of miles of it.

These are the times in which we live, there is not a lot we can do about it BUT, at least we should NOT agree with the slaughter which is taking place within other nations, presumably for our benefit (or so we are told) particularly where innocent children and civilians are mowed down by the thousands and dispersed in greater numbers than ever the 'Wandering Jews' were. "Just an Observation" :wink:
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Sep 18, 2013 6:30 pm

One question must be why we have migrant workers, and one answer might be that Cypriots cannot be found to the job.

Why for example do we have to import Caberet Artistes from Eastern Europe? Not having ever visited a Caberet I have no idea of what happens there....

Why do we have foreign labour in our fields at Key times...could our farmers compete against foreign imported products? And some her promote a return to a largely agricultural economy....
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:07 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:

Not having ever visited a Caberet I have no idea of what happens there....

"OOH!, you should be a 'Politician' mate. :lol:
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Flying Horse » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:10 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:One question must be why we have migrant workers, and one answer might be that Cypriots cannot be found to the job.

Why for example do we have to import Caberet Artistes from Eastern Europe? Not having ever visited a Caberet I have no idea of what happens there....

Why do we have foreign labour in our fields at Key times...could our farmers compete against foreign imported products? And some her promote a return to a largely agricultural economy....

I would hazard a guess it has something to do with EU membership. Just as in the UK, Cyprus is obliged to fill its responsibility for free movement/trade and work within the EU market for all EU citizens.

I should imagine in these hard times, Cypriots will become increasingly annoyed(as the Brits do here) by cheaply paid migrants coming in and stealing the jobs that they feel beneath them and unwilling to do......

anyway, Eastern European caberet artistes.....surely less hairy, or something? :shock:
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby die7 » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:33 pm

Show me the Cypriot, who works in the fields all day long for 25 Euros (or less) per day! We were just looking for people for the Carob harvesting and offered
fifty-fifty of the amount realised, arbitrary working hours and days........, enough work for about 2 weeks
NO Cypriot would do the job! Also show me the Cypriot woman who would do the dirty jobs around the clock in the houses of the elderly who need care,
salary 324 E/month. :o
If the migrant workers would stay away, various sectors would drop! That's also reality.
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 18, 2013 7:47 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Isn't that Turkey's aim? To replace all the island's native Greeks with foreigners?

What "native Greeks" you imbecile?

If they are Greeks how can they be native?

How many twists can your knickers take anyway…
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:21 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Isn't that Turkey's aim? To replace all the island's native Greeks with foreigners?

What "native Greeks" you imbecile?

If they are Greeks how can they be native?

How many twists can your knickers take anyway…

That's exactly Turkey's argument and why they have removed 200,000 of the island's native Greeks from the northern part. You may not like it - just as Turkey doesn't like it - but the 80% majority of the island are Greeks (or 100% of the native population).
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Sep 18, 2013 8:29 pm

Look you scammy and meandering lot...

The OP is about a terribly important matter.

No one wants to hear the half-baked rubbish that comes with most CF posts about greater global and regional political pollocks.

FFS... Get back on thread...!!!


Now can someone do something useful (for a change) and find other orgs in CY helping out CYs...!!!
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Sep 18, 2013 10:55 pm

Personally, I have never employed anyone to do what I can do myself. Yet this summer even I was forced to use a couple of people to clear a field/garden. It did not feel good and I spent more time making drinks and taking out nibbles, clearing up fag-ends etc than I would have done if I could have been bothered to sharpen the scythe. (Why do migrants smoke so much?)

Cypriots, like most Europeans employ others to do the tasks they themselves don't want to do, when they can afford to do this - and let's face it, Cyprus was allowed to become wealthy (on the surface).

So it's normal to have a pecking order for work.

There is a pecking order established even among migrant workers. Those from the EU, tend to do the waitress, shop assistant and bar-tending type jobs. They look better for the tourists. The jobs in the fields, cleaning houses and care-worker roles are filled by Sri Lankans, Egyptians etc

Now, we have a certain amount of responsibility to these low-paid workers when we can no longer employ them or when their wages are cut massively, and yet they have the right to stay here for a few more years before their visas expire. No problem.

But are we helping "Cypriots", bill cobbett?
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:25 pm

All these 'Charitable Concerns' are very noble and it is very easy to fall in line with those who have taken it upon themselves to encourage others to donate funds and help the needy, a bit like 'Chicken Licken' (who thought the 'Sky' was falling) and only managed to spell the end for everyone that followed his lead.

I wonder if those who HAVE made donations, have considered the important facts which I am sure we have ALL been taught during our lifetimes, 'The principles of Responsibility', you know, "If it is your fault, you should put it right".

I cannot accept 'Responsibility' for the 'Mismanagement' of MY money by 'Liars', Thieves', 'Murderers' and a host of other 'Political' and 'Military Blackguards' who have 'en bloc' created the shocking situation discussed here, nor should ANY other person among us.

'Charity' is a lucrative 'Business' and it always has been, the 'Trick' is to prey upon the decency and kindness of 'Caring' people who are led to believe that their contributions will alleviate suffering and achieve change, it DOES NOT, all it achieves is the opportunity for those who control the 'Funds' to help themselves to them, lose most of them in 'Administration' and other 'Hidden Expenses' and 'Feign' concern for the suffering of the unfortunate recipients of the 'Pittance' that is left after their 'Sticky Fingers' have left the pot.

If anyone feels inclined to help the 'Hungry' or 'Poor', go out and find one or two, take them to your home or to a café and give them a good meal and perhaps a few 'Euros' to help them along........ 'THAT IS CHARITY'........ and you will be the better for it.

As to the other 'LOT', let those who have created the problems sort it out, if 'BILLIONS' can be spent on dropping bombs which create starving and homeless families, why can't a few 'Millions' be spent on feeding and housing them?, after all, it IS the 'Responsibility' of the 'Bomber and it would be pure 'Justice' to make good their damages.

If the 'Bankers' have created financial hardship (and we know they have) why should the 'Responsibility' be foisted upon US ?, we have ALL been 'Robbed' once already, let THEM chip in and in doing so, make amends for THEIR mistakes and mismanagements. "Sez 'I" :wink:

Footnote:- Can't help thinking that somebody is in on a percentage here. :wink:

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