Paphitis wrote:Can someone also CC Schnauzer's post to Assad please?
With over 2 million Syrian refugees making a run for it, a few of his Missiles might keep a good few of them fed and warm this coming winter!
Long before the murderous 'Yanks' embarked upon their campaigns of destruction in the 'Middle East' in order to preserve 'Israel', the peoples of ALL those nations (which have recently been bombed into oblivion) were quite comfortable during their 'Winter Months' and despite their hardships, their 'Homes' were not the crumpled ruins they are since the 'Yanks' came in to 'Save' them.
Apparently, (or so we are led to believe) ALL of those nations were governed by 'Mad Dictators' and strangely enough, 'Assad' has also recently been awarded the same distinction, I originally thought that the 'Sand' might have something to do with it BUT, 'Idi Amin' was also cursed with the same 'Malady' as was 'Adolf Hitler' and many others before and since YET, not one of them was near 'MAD' enough
to expect their subjects to 'Believe' that every action they took was for the benefit of the said subjects, at least they had the integrity to allow their subjects to 'HATE' them (even though they could do nothing about it).
Of course, we are supposed to have forgotten about the 'Earlier' murderous unlawful attacks like 'Shock and Awe' by now, even those which closely followed should supposedly be confined to the 'Back-Burners' of the 'Stoves of History' BUT, DO NOT forget the 'OVENS', the horrors of them must be 'Burnished' in the minds of future generations, perchance some might forget, whilst the 'Terror State' is free to stockpile EVERY kind of weapon necessary to pose a 'Cataclysmic Threat' to every nation within thousands of miles of it.
These are the times in which we live, there is not a lot we can do about it BUT, at least we should NOT agree with the slaughter which is taking place within other nations, presumably for our benefit (or so we are told) particularly where innocent children and civilians are mowed down by the thousands and dispersed in greater numbers than ever the 'Wandering Jews' were. "Just an Observation"