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Reality in Cyprus nowadays

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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby bill cobbett » Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:11 pm

Jerry wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:In today's world there is no acceptable excuse for 'Hunger' ANYWHERE on the face of the earth and such a statement is easily proven.

IF the 'Military and Political Machine' can feed, arm, equip, and clothe the MILLIONS that are under their control and expend BILLIONS in taking their partners in 'The Dance of Death'.

IF the 'Bankers' can impose (at the behest of their Governments) great hardships upon the very same people they are supposed to be 'Catering' (financially) for whilst depending upon the funds of those very people for their own survival, WHY should it suddenly become the problem of the already 'Hard Pressed' to alleviate suffering on behalf of the aforementioned authorities?.

Every day (on T.V.) appeals are made for help to save the lives of starving children whilst well fed armies are marching over and slaughtering the victims of those same appeals.

THERE IS SOMETHING 'COCK-EYED' SOMEWHERE and it is 'hidden in 'Plain Sight'.

But don't worry folks, 'The Royals' and their ilk all over the world are doing fine, get rid of whatever small wealth YOU may have, it is not THEIR responsibility, they only 'Create ' the problems, it is up to (good-hearted) YOU to solve them so that THEY may take the credit and pin medals upon the chests of those who line their own pockets whilst feigning concern for the deprived and oppressed.

What we need is more 'Royals' in the 'Mine-fields' (and elsewhere) saving the children so that THEY TOO can continue the 'Dance'. :wink:

Get down to your allotment and grow something Schnauzer...

... in the meantime here's the number to call for donations...


Why isn't there a simple paypal way of giving...!!!

There is Paypal Bill, scroll down to the bottom of the page in your link, even "dumbkoff computer genius" Jerry found that out!

Oh... :oops:

... a small donation of a few euros on its way to Paphos... Paphos...!!!... wtf...!!! :cry:
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:03 pm

We really must find a way to stop this recurring.

It's not about looking after the migrant workers between watermelon picking and then grape picking and then olive picking ... we need a sustainable program which stops giving Cyprus this bad name the ( "charitable" ) foreigners like to attach to it.

Cyprus Property News and Cyprus Mail journalists?
Last edited by GreekIslandGirl on Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Flying Horse » Tue Sep 17, 2013 10:12 pm

Jerry wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:In today's world there is no acceptable excuse for 'Hunger' ANYWHERE on the face of the earth and such a statement is easily proven.

IF the 'Military and Political Machine' can feed, arm, equip, and clothe the MILLIONS that are under their control and expend BILLIONS in taking their partners in 'The Dance of Death'.

IF the 'Bankers' can impose (at the behest of their Governments) great hardships upon the very same people they are supposed to be 'Catering' (financially) for whilst depending upon the funds of those very people for their own survival, WHY should it suddenly become the problem of the already 'Hard Pressed' to alleviate suffering on behalf of the aforementioned authorities?.

Every day (on T.V.) appeals are made for help to save the lives of starving children whilst well fed armies are marching over and slaughtering the victims of those same appeals.

THERE IS SOMETHING 'COCK-EYED' SOMEWHERE and it is 'hidden in 'Plain Sight'.

But don't worry folks, 'The Royals' and their ilk all over the world are doing fine, get rid of whatever small wealth YOU may have, it is not THEIR responsibility, they only 'Create ' the problems, it is up to (good-hearted) YOU to solve them so that THEY may take the credit and pin medals upon the chests of those who line their own pockets whilst feigning concern for the deprived and oppressed.

What we need is more 'Royals' in the 'Mine-fields' (and elsewhere) saving the children so that THEY TOO can continue the 'Dance'. :wink:

Get down to your allotment and grow something Schnauzer...

... in the meantime here's the number to call for donations...


Why isn't there a simple paypal way of giving...!!!

There is Paypal Bill, scroll down to the bottom of the page in your link, even "dumbkoff computer genius" Jerry found that out!

Thankyou Jerry.

I shall use the PayPal method when I can.

Schnauzer....yes. Yes indeed. I couldn't have put it better. Pretty much my thoughts on the subject.
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:35 pm

bill cobbett wrote:Get down to your allotment and grow something Schnauzer...

MY 'Allotment' is somewhat different to that which is usually associated with 'Growing Tomatoes' and suchlike, it comes in the form of special 'Perks' which are earned as a result of my ability to complete the assignments which are given to me and, thus far THIS year, I can honestly say that every one of them (as has been the case in preceding years) have been passed on to those in greater need than myself, THUS I would like to inform you, I do not need any instruction on how to come to the aid of those unfortunates who have fallen upon critical times through no fault of their own.

The 'Seeds' 'I' plant are not confined to a small piece of land somewhere behind the factories of the 'UK' (or elsewhere) and given the title of 'Allotment', MY 'Seeds' are the seeds of 'Hope' and I have planted (and intend to further plant) them in MY 'Allotment' which is swathed o'er many deprived areas of the world where, in some cases, a cup of water and crust of bread are considered a 'Square Meal'.

Let us not kid ourselves that our 'Donated' can of beans and token sums of a few 'Euros' will solve the problems facing those who are at this very moment dying, not only from lack of food and water BUT, lack of 'Hope' for their future whilst WE (the do-gooders) are lulled into thinking that our 'Contributions are the answer to the problems, 'NONSENSE !' the whole process is designed to accommodate our need to 'Feel Good' and perhaps boost our 'Self Esteem' whilst our 'Governments' pound the earth with their 'Bombs' and 'Rockets' and WE, the 'Bloody Fools' pay through the nose for it all (and ALSO suffer).

I include myself in ALL the above, although I assure you I am a million miles apart from it, you see, MY 'Seeds' will grow BUT, once you have eaten the 'Beans', all you have left is an empty can. :wink:
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Get Real! » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:08 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:We really must find a way to stop this recurring.

It's not about looking after the migrant workers between watermelon picking and then grape picking and then olive picking ... we need a sustainable program which stops giving Cyprus this bad name the ( "charitable" ) foreigners like to attach to it.

Replacing those high-placed Cypriots that are closely affiliated with Greece with foreigners; as in the case of the Bank of Cyprus recently, was a very good move to prevent any further national disasters.

We CANNOT afford this disastrous “cooperation” with Greece anymore and you all need to realise this.
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby bill cobbett » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:16 am

Schnauzer wrote:
bill cobbett wrote:Get down to your allotment and grow something Schnauzer...

MY 'Allotment' is somewhat different to that which is usually associated with 'Growing Tomatoes' and suchlike, it comes in the form of special 'Perks' which are earned as a result of my ability to complete the assignments which are given to me and, thus far THIS year, I can honestly say that every one of them (as has been the case in preceding years) have been passed on to those in greater need than myself, THUS I would like to inform you, I do not need any instruction on how to come to the aid of those unfortunates who have fallen upon critical times through no fault of their own.

The 'Seeds' 'I' plant are not confined to a small piece of land somewhere behind the factories of the 'UK' (or elsewhere) and given the title of 'Allotment', MY 'Seeds' are the seeds of 'Hope' and I have planted (and intend to further plant) them in MY 'Allotment' which is swathed o'er many deprived areas of the world where, in some cases, a cup of water and crust of bread are considered a 'Square Meal'.

Let us not kid ourselves that our 'Donated' can of beans and token sums of a few 'Euros' will solve the problems facing those who are at this very moment dying, not only from lack of food and water BUT, lack of 'Hope' for their future whilst WE (the do-gooders) are lulled into thinking that our 'Contributions are the answer to the problems, 'NONSENSE !' the whole process is designed to accommodate our need to 'Feel Good' and perhaps boost our 'Self Esteem' whilst our 'Governments' pound the earth with their 'Bombs' and 'Rockets' and WE, the 'Bloody Fools' pay through the nose for it all (and ALSO suffer).

I include myself in ALL the above, although I assure you I am a million miles apart from it, you see, MY 'Seeds' will grow BUT, once you have eaten the 'Beans', all you have left is an empty can. :wink:

Yes, thanks for that Schnauzer.

In the light of these revelations boys and girls... do two things ...

Email Bonky Moon and all the Leaders of the World a copy of Schnauzer's post and...

... send a few pennies to SolidarityPaphos...

The number is coming up your screens now...
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:43 am

bill cobbett wrote:

Yes, thanks for that Schnauzer.

In the light of these revelations boys and girls... do two things ...

Email Bonky Moon and all the Leaders of the World a copy of Schnauzer's post and...

... send a few pennies to SolidarityPaphos...

The number is coming up your screens now...

Wow!, and if you DO manage to get my message through to such Leaders, ask them to send the cost of a few of them 'Missiles' the 'Yanks' are threatening 'Syria' with, that way you will not have to scrabble around for a few 'Euros' to ease your consciences. :wink:
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 18, 2013 12:59 am

Can someone also CC Schnauzer's post to Assad please?

With over 2 million Syrian refugees making a run for it, a few of his Missiles might keep a good few of them fed and warm this coming winter!
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Sep 18, 2013 11:04 am

Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:We really must find a way to stop this recurring.

It's not about looking after the migrant workers between watermelon picking and then grape picking and then olive picking ... we need a sustainable program which stops giving Cyprus this bad name the ( "charitable" ) foreigners like to attach to it.

Replacing those high-placed Cypriots that are closely affiliated with Greece with foreigners; as in the case of the Bank of Cyprus recently, was a very good move to prevent any further national disasters.

We CANNOT afford this disastrous “cooperation” with Greece anymore and you all need to realise this.

Isn't that Turkey's aim? To replace all the island's native Greeks with foreigners? There are some 200,000 who have been "replaced" form the northern part already. You aiming to complete the process for them?
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Re: Reality in Cyprus nowadays

Postby Paphitis » Wed Sep 18, 2013 2:03 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:We really must find a way to stop this recurring.

It's not about looking after the migrant workers between watermelon picking and then grape picking and then olive picking ... we need a sustainable program which stops giving Cyprus this bad name the ( "charitable" ) foreigners like to attach to it.

Replacing those high-placed Cypriots that are closely affiliated with Greece with foreigners; as in the case of the Bank of Cyprus recently, was a very good move to prevent any further national disasters.

We CANNOT afford this disastrous “cooperation” with Greece anymore and you all need to realise this.

Isn't that Turkey's aim? To replace all the island's native Greeks with foreigners? There are some 200,000 who have been "replaced" form the northern part already. You aiming to complete the process for them?

We can't afford close associations with irrelevant deadbeat countries! We are much better than that.

There is no room for those that have other loyalties. I hope you understand!
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