supporttheunderdog wrote:miltiades wrote:Schnauzer wrote:miltiades wrote:I'm sufficiently endowed as not to cause any ...friction !!!!
Of course, you can easily slip one of those 'Rolling Pins' you used to sell down YOUR trouser leg, 'Elvis' started them old capers.

I'm sure that you have never heard about Stroumbians !!!
Not only were our donkeys famous throughout the island but also the irrefutable fact that they, the donkeys, resembled in ...size the male villagers in some ..small way, or rather big way, I of course one of them !!!

Ah ha! So they do not go for the body...only one part of it?
Now which part of the body can increase quite enormously in size if one becomes aroused....?
And in women too....
THAT surely would depend upon which form of 'Arousal' one is referring to and I will elucidate.
In the event of a 'Virago' and a 'Tinker' embarking upon an argument in which their aggressive feelings became 'Aroused', I would strongly advise anyone in the vicinity to withdraw to a respectable distance for fear of being decapitated by the 'Gnashing Teeth', (False or otherwise) of either of the two enraged combatants.
I once witnessed such an exchange (as described above) and would swear that the 'Mouths' of both participants swelled to such degree that one would imagine the contest was between two 'Hippo's' with added 'Soundtracks' supplied by ONE 'Virtuoso' of filthy language at full 'Foghorn Volume'.
Not a pleasant spectacle to behold and certainly NOT the result of a 'Sexual Attraction', although the actual argument WAS instigated by the 'Virago' who accused the 'Tinker' of a sexual offence on her daughter when he was blind drunk the night before.
I must say, I think he probably MUST have been, it was a known fact that the 'Tinker' had consumed numerous 'Red Wines' during the course of the evening and the 'Virago' (a younger foreign Lady) was in a particularly bad mood since she had hunted high and low but could not find the bottle of 'Peroxide' which she used on her hair to make her look more 'European'.
The tale has a happy ending however, nobody had their 'Heads' chewed off although, metaphorically speaking, both combatants 'Lost Theirs' in the course of the engagement BUT undoubtedly will remain in close contact (at least until the next bottle or two).