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Postby miltiades » Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:58 pm

Schnauzer wrote:It seems I must concede that my well intentioned comments have provided some members with an opportunity to dispute sound reason, NOT an uncommon occurrence these latter days, particularly in the face of the fact that 'The Yanks' have once again received a well deserved solid 'Political Boot in the Arse' by their greatest perceived rivals of authority.

However, it IS rather sad to note that those who seem to have a certain predilection for military violence, ARE prepared to allow their good sense to be overshadowed by the disappointment of such 'Political Outcomes' and would readily encourage a vulnerable elderly person to expose himself to 'Moral Dangers'.

Moreover, when one considers the facts that the person we refer to does not speak the language of his new 'Hosts' nor agrees with many of their 'Governmental Dictates', it surely becomes critical to at least display some semblance of concern particularly when it is known that when 'Poverty' and 'Oppression' go hand in hand with 'Wealth', the 'Underdogs' are often obliged to clamour for their sustenance and 'Scams' are usually the only means for survival at their disposal.

'Belarus' is quite notorious, I have seen the evidence of such 'Lifestyles' at work, I would prefer to be ridiculed for expressing concern that misfortune may befall a fellow member, than be guilty of NOT issuing a statement of such concern, regardless of whether or not I enjoyed the opinions of ANY other person.

One wonders WHERE it becomes a 'Moral Offence' to warn one's fellow man that there may be 'Flies in the Ointment', unless those who make such objections would actually LIKE to witness the spectacle of an 'Elderly Chap' being taken for a 'Ride'.

As to myself, despite several unpleasant encounters with the 'Elderly Chap' in the past (years) I certainly would not. :wink:

My comments on Belarus and its people stem out of my time spent amongst them over 3 years and 16 trips.
I shall not deviate from the esense of this thread by defending my personal choice in the opposite sex, suffice to say that I find the age disparity quite amusing and entertaing, more so knowing that Im older from her father by 12 years and 14 from her mother :lol: Also rather amusing is that when she reaches my age I shall be 103 years young :lol: :lol:
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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:33 pm

miltiades wrote:My comments on Belarus and its people stem out of my time spent amongst them over 3 years and 16 trips.
I shall not deviate from the esense of this thread by defending my personal choice in the opposite sex, suffice to say that I find the age disparity quite amusing and entertaing, more so knowing that Im older from her father by 12 years and 14 from her mother :lol: Also rather amusing is that when she reaches my age I shall be 103 years young :lol: :lol:

The 'Age Gap' between yourself and the 'Young Lady' are of little consequence to those overall concerns that I have expressed in the hope that you might at least consider them.

The fact that others have 'Gee'd you up' is (imho) quite inappropriate since their input is primarily connected to the 'Age Gap' and the views which attend them seem to be rather frivolous.

Good Luck to you if you feel SO confident that you are in complete control of your situation (I hope you are) BUT, since it is YOU that has made such an issue of 'Age Gap', even to the extent that you now emphasize your seniority to BOTH your 'Young Lady's' parents, I feel you have diminished your stature somewhat since such issues, among 'Gentlefolk', are rarely (if ever) discussed. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:57 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:My comments on Belarus and its people stem out of my time spent amongst them over 3 years and 16 trips.
I shall not deviate from the esense of this thread by defending my personal choice in the opposite sex, suffice to say that I find the age disparity quite amusing and entertaing, more so knowing that Im older from her father by 12 years and 14 from her mother :lol: Also rather amusing is that when she reaches my age I shall be 103 years young :lol: :lol:

The 'Age Gap' between yourself and the 'Young Lady' are of little consequence to those overall concerns that I have expressed in the hope that you might at least consider them.

The fact that others have 'Gee'd you up' is (imho) quite inappropriate since their input is primarily connected to the 'Age Gap' and the views which attend them seem to be rather frivolous.

Good Luck to you if you feel SO confident that you are in complete control of your situation (I hope you are) BUT, since it is YOU that has made such an issue of 'Age Gap', even to the extent that you now emphasize your seniority to BOTH your 'Young Lady's' parents, I feel you have diminished your stature somewhat since such issues, among 'Gentlefolk', are rarely (if ever) discussed. :wink:

On the contrary my dear friend. To find the age gap somewhat amusing is a measure of my confidence and security.

I do not colour my hair, neither do I try to make my self look younger than my appearance which is that of a 50 something man :lol: :lol:
I have tons of confidence in my self and interactions with the opposite sex since I have something called....charm, sophistication, ...looks and a few quid !!! :D :D
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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Sep 16, 2013 5:26 pm

miltiades wrote:
I do not colour my hair, neither do I try to make my self look younger than my appearance which is that of a 50 something man :lol: :lol:
I have tons of confidence in my self and interactions with the opposite sex since I have something called....charm, sophistication, ...looks and a few quid !!! :D :D

Then a hearty 'Good Luck' to you and long may your attractive 'Attributes' sustain you in the years to come, although I strongly suspect that the attraction of the 'Latter' of those you highlight is probably the greater of them all, particularly to a 'Young Lady' who could easily slip out in the dead of night for a satisfactory 'Dalliance' with her younger 'Beau' whilst her 'Fatherly' benefactor loudly snores his contentment under the influence of his favourite 'Tipple' (or 'Tickle') if the dear young thing plays her cards right. :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Mon Sep 16, 2013 6:56 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:
I do not colour my hair, neither do I try to make my self look younger than my appearance which is that of a 50 something man :lol: :lol:
I have tons of confidence in my self and interactions with the opposite sex since I have something called....charm, sophistication, ...looks and a few quid !!! :D :D

Then a hearty 'Good Luck' to you and long may your attractive 'Attributes' sustain you in the years to come, although I strongly suspect that the attraction of the 'Latter' of those you highlight is probably the greater of them all, particularly to a 'Young Lady' who could easily slip out in the dead of night for a satisfactory 'Dalliance' with her younger 'Beau' whilst her 'Fatherly' benefactor loudly snores his contentment under the influence of his favourite 'Tipple' (or 'Tickle') if the dear young thing plays her cards right. :lol:

How terribly wrong you are. Unlike an ordinary car high milage indicates wear and tear, with a ...prestige car high mileage is perfectly acceptable. Young men have much to learn, as I did a ...year or two ago.... :lol:

Men mature, mellow, become wiser and know all there is to know in how to treat a lady in and out of bed.
Many younger women prefer older men because they have so much to learn from a mature man.
You will find out when you get to my age and of course take care of your self, as I do !!!
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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:25 pm

miltiades wrote:
Many younger women prefer older men because they have so much to earn from a mature man!

Yes bless 'em, they have to work much harder!. :lol:
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Postby B25 » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:26 pm

Yes and that's why most Belarusian women flock to online bride web sites to attract the 'older wealthier male' bugger all to do with looks ir age. Mate money talks. Good luck to you and your youngan, but please dont insult us by trying to make us believe its your body she is after.

Seems to me that your supporters on this thread are also involved with russian or other partners. Seems they are also trying to justify their choice of partner.

So, my dear friend, keep banging away, drink the wine and make Belarus your greatest country on earth. :)
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Postby Linichka » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:34 pm

Milti, my friend, I wish you and your wife-to-be all that is good. It sounds to me as if you have taken sufficient time to sort things out. If that is so, then all should be well.

I also remarried last year, and life is considerably more fun.

I too am not young, but damned if I plan to sit on the shelf knitting booties and making cookies for grandchildren. For however many more years I have strength and mobility, I plan to LIVE. Glad to see you intend the same.
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Postby Oceanside50 » Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:04 pm

Linichka wrote:Milti, my friend, I wish you and your wife-to-be all that is good. It sounds to me as if you have taken sufficient time to sort things out. If that is so, then all should be well.

I also remarried last year, and life is considerably more fun.

I too am not young, but damned if I plan to sit on the shelf knitting booties and making cookies for grandchildren. For however many more years I have strength and mobility, I plan to LIVE. Glad to see you intend the same.

it all depends on how many "shibethies" good ol' Miltiades still has in him :roll:
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Postby Linichka » Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:18 pm

None of us is granted foreknowledge of when it's going to be lights out for us - or the living equivalent. So why spend our latter years like meek, quavery sheep? Have a damned good ride, and as long as you can.
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