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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:00 pm

Schnauzer, don't let the shit-stirring trolls come in and thwart you with their faux "concerned criticism". Miltiades is nothing without you. He is positively inviting your guidance and approval. :D

Methinks, in fact, he is even trying to impress you a little ...
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Sep 15, 2013 11:00 pm

miltiades wrote:Paphitis, I don't really take much notice of some of the comments made if not all.
At 67, a grandfather of 3, had a wife for 40 plus years, raised two kids. , what on earth should I be looking for at the twilight of my life, may an old age pensioner !!!!

No Sir, I have perhaps 15-20 years left, I will do as I PLEASE, in an honourable and orderly fashion and what a better way to do so than with a ....31 year old bombshell!!! :lol:

Some people age gracefully..

but Milti is evidently ageing disgracefully, and I say jolly good luck to him...go for it. You only live once.
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:32 am

There you go!

Too many busy bodies lining up to give Milti life advice out of concern rather than just let him be. :roll:

For heaven's sake, he is no child!
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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:44 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Schnauzer, don't let the shit-stirring trolls come in and thwart you with their faux "concerned criticism". Miltiades is nothing without you. He is positively inviting your guidance and approval. :D

Methinks, in fact, he is even trying to impress you a little ...

My dear 'GiG' (if I may be so bold), I assure you that the 'Trolls' will receive neither 'Rebuff' nor 'Rebuttal' in response to their lack of genuine concern for circumstances which might easily culminate in distress for a fellow member (at least not from 'I')

It is no great display of 'Wisdom' to advise an older person to 'Enjoy', 'Age Disgracefully', and other such well versed 'Snippets' of advice penned by the unwary and immature, it is a source of concern to ME because I have had vast experience of the various 'Cons' which are rife in and around the city centres of MANY nations, indeed, much of my activity abroad places me in direct contact with those who have suffered as a result of them and 'I' (and those subordinate to me) have a proven success record, even in 'Belarus'.

'Miltiades' may consider himself a 'Worldly Person' and good luck to him if he does BUT, what he has written and invited us all to share with him, is NOT (imho) conducive to such 'Worldliness' and I DO wish that he would read between the lines of what I have written and recognise that I have genuine concerns for his welfare. (specifically because of that which HE has written).

I am now in the last month of my 'Service Commitment', I will be obliged to retire on my 47th birthday, I DID retire on my 42nd but was given a higher position since there was non other capable of the duties required, I have reached the pinnacle of my career.

The last five years of my life has been an arduous exercise in some of the remotest parts of the world, I have seen much suffering and lived amongst those who have no alternative but to endure great hardship, I am certainly equal to ANY inane criticism I may encounter
from those who may oppose my views merely because they are seemingly incapable of a natural concern for their fellow man. :wink:
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:26 am

There should be a lot less concern and more trust that Milti has enough life experience to hold him in good stead whilst he indulges and lives his life the way he wants to.

There is enough professional and legal assistance he can seek if the need arrises which will limit his exposure!
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Postby miltiades » Mon Sep 16, 2013 7:33 am

Paphitis wrote:There should be a lot less concern and more trust that Milti has enough life experience to hold him in good stead whilst he indulges and lives his life the way he wants to.

There is enough professional and legal assistance he can seek if the need arrises which will limit his exposure!

Since this thread was abou my "brush with the Belarus police" and not by my choice of a woman or women, I shall write a little more about this country.

My last visit was my 16th, I have gotten to know much about Belarus and its people because of my " intense" interaction with the people, their families, their way of life, eating and drinking habits and to also understand their "plight" in living in the last nation in Europe run by a dictator.

Wages are indeed very low, a proffesional couple, friends of my lady friend, both in their very early 30s, earn a combined income of $500 US Dollars, Dollars being the predominant currency along with Euros.

They seem to manage well enough to own a car as well as well as a smal apartment. How do they do it.

Both are smokers and, as with most Belarussians, drinkers. They rarely go out to rerstaurants or have annual holidays overseas prefering to spend their leisure time in Belarus. As you may know temperatures in winter plummet to minus 20c- to minus 30c.

Most apartments are serviced by an oil run central heating system which is relatively or rather very cheap, so is electricity and gas, commodities that in Uk for instance we pay exorbitant prices. Water is plentyfull in Belarus so there hardly no water costs .In all, utilities amount to next to nothing. My lady friend has a 3 bedroom, quite a large apartment, her monthly outgoings on all utilities amount to $30 dollars per month.

Food is much cheaper than elsewhere in Europe with daily essentials such as bread, eggs, tea, pork and chicken, as well as Vodca, consumed by ALL, so they do manage on their meagre earnings.

A standard taxi ride to the supermarket and back home will cost an average of 25,000 Rubles , about £1.78.

People seem to be dresssed very smartly, women go shopping wearing high heel shoes... in a shopping mall all one could hear is the incessant "click click" of high heel shoes.

They are very particular about cleanliness both personal and at home. Their streets are the cleaanest you are likely to see anywhere in the world, cigarette buts are deposited in bins containing an upper stub-out and all seem to do so.

Throwing your cigarette but in the street is frowned upon, no one spits in the street and all tend to get on with their lives in an orderly fashion. Shoes are removed on entering a home, a daily shower is a must.

There are many rich people in Belarus, those involved in business make a very good income, and of course there are many on very low incomes just bearly surviving.

The divorce rate is one of the highest in the world. Most put it down to men behaving aggrseively towards their women once intoxicated, resulting in physical violence, as was the case with 6 or so women family friends, all with children and divorced citing violence as the main reason.

A gentle foreign man is well respected and preffered to the local men.

I remember the first time I had a drink with my lady friend, it was as if she was scrutizing every second of my mood as I drunk my favourite tipple, red wine. So concern she was that my behaviour would not result to aggresiveness, as I inveriably become sleepy after a bottle, she had ascertained that Im not an agressive drinker.

It is true that Russians- Bellarussians do not smile a lot, I found however that a big smile will usually entice a return, a few words in Russia badly pronounced causes them to smile and laugh.
I always get confused between the word " nasaroyia"- to your health with "esfetania" - goodbuy so I often raise my glass, something they all do when drinking, and tell all ...goodbuy. Now I try and use " davai" - cheers, much easir to remember.
So is Esfetania to you lot untill the next time, and boy have I got a story to tell. ....
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Mon Sep 16, 2013 9:16 am

Paphitis wrote:There you go!

Too many busy bodies lining up to give Milti life advice out of concern rather than just let him be. :roll:

For heaven's sake, he is no child!

What concerns me are racist/sexist/ageist attitudes which assume the worst about the young lady. I don't dismiss any possibility, but Milti is evidently aware of the risks,

Personally I am enjoying reading this topic a lot more than Schnauzer's fictions...
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Postby Paphitis » Mon Sep 16, 2013 10:07 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Paphitis wrote:There you go!

Too many busy bodies lining up to give Milti life advice out of concern rather than just let him be. :roll:

For heaven's sake, he is no child!

What concerns me are racist/sexist/ageist attitudes which assume the worst about the young lady. I don't dismiss any possibility, but Milti is evidently aware of the risks,

Personally I am enjoying reading this topic a lot more than Schnauzer's fictions...

You're not wrong!

Milti is in the best position to make a judgement call on this.

Milti, continue telling us about your new lease on life. :D
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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:45 pm

It seems I must concede that my well intentioned comments have provided some members with an opportunity to dispute sound reason, NOT an uncommon occurrence these latter days, particularly in the face of the fact that 'The Yanks' have once again received a well deserved solid 'Political Boot in the Arse' by their greatest perceived rivals of authority.

However, it IS rather sad to note that those who seem to have a certain predilection for military violence, ARE prepared to allow their good sense to be overshadowed by the disappointment of such 'Political Outcomes' and would readily encourage a vulnerable elderly person to expose himself to 'Moral Dangers'.

Moreover, when one considers the facts that the person we refer to does not speak the language of his new 'Hosts' nor agrees with many of their 'Governmental Dictates', it surely becomes critical to at least display some semblance of concern particularly when it is known that when 'Poverty' and 'Oppression' go hand in hand with 'Wealth', the 'Underdogs' are often obliged to clamour for their sustenance and 'Scams' are usually the only means for survival at their disposal.

'Belarus' is quite notorious, I have seen the evidence of such 'Lifestyles' at work, I would prefer to be ridiculed for expressing concern that misfortune may befall a fellow member, than be guilty of NOT issuing a statement of such concern, regardless of whether or not I enjoyed the opinions of ANY other person.

One wonders WHERE it becomes a 'Moral Offence' to warn one's fellow man that there may be 'Flies in the Ointment', unless those who make such objections would actually LIKE to witness the spectacle of an 'Elderly Chap' being taken for a 'Ride'.

As to myself, despite several unpleasant encounters with the 'Elderly Chap' in the past (years) I certainly would not. :wink:
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:32 pm

The French are glad to die for love;
They delight in fighting duels.
But I prefer a man who lives
And gives expensive jewels.... :wink:

A kiss on the hand may be quite continental,
But diamonds are a girl's best friend. :D
A kiss may be grand, but it won't pay the rental
On your humble flat :wink:
Or help you at the automat.
Men grow cold as girls grow old,
And we all lose our charm in the end.
But square cut or pear shape
These rocks don't lose their shape! 8)
Diamonds are a girl's best friend. :D :D :D

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