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Postby Tim Drayton » Sat Sep 10, 2016 8:55 am

B25 wrote:RIP Milti's mum

I'll second that.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Sep 10, 2016 9:19 am

Thinking of you and your family now, Milti mou, and the fact you will never forget the painful loss, from that awful day, of your loved ones, friends and neighbours - our fellow Cypriots.

- This, many others and the recent earthquake in Italy remind us that we should respect our beautiful planet and its ever-changing face.

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Postby Paphitis » Sat Sep 10, 2016 10:12 am

Yes RIP to all those lives lost due to natural phenomena (Cyprus, Italy) and due to war in places like Syria.
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:48 pm

Postby miltiades » Tue Sep 10, 2013 11:10 am

Such a long time ago, yet the memories linger on, a strange feeling appears out of nowhere on this very day. Does not matter where Im , the emotions are always so prevalent, so surreal
and emotional. I do try to be in Stroumbi on this day, not able to do so this years.

So what happened in 2014 ?, it would seem that you temporarily forgot to recall the event, or perhaps the 'Strange feeling' which you have mentioned forgot to appear out of nowhere at the appropriate time.

I think I might be able to help you there, YOU were so busy spouting your filthy language and abuse at other members for the few days which preceded and followed the anniversary, the 'Strange feeling' (if it existed) was consigned to the 'Back Burners. of your mind.

Perhaps it might help you to remember (and obviate the necessity to rely upon 'Strange feelings') if you were to associate the terrible event with the 9/11 'Fiasco' when the Yanks perpetrated the 'LIE' which killed thousands on the day, raised the excuse to attack Iraq and has since plunged the ME (and other areas) into a turmoil that has resulted in the death, maiming and displacement of MILLIONS.

The sad departure of your Mother is a sad and personal matter, we ALL have to face the sorrows which attend our losses BUT, an annual remembrance should be kept 'Personal', unless it is sympathy that you are seeking.

On a lighter note :- I'd LOVE to be there in order to hear YOUR last words, a little more robust than Mum's I reckon. :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 10, 2016 12:54 pm

Only a filthy pervert, such as you are, would enter this " memorial" thread and spout the usual crap that you have been so closely associated with. Did your perversion commence with your conversion
or were you always such a low down bastard.!
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Sep 10, 2016 3:55 pm

miltiades wrote:Only a filthy pervert, such as you are, would enter this " memorial" thread and spout the usual crap that you have been so closely associated with. Did your perversion commence with your conversion
or were you always such a low down bastard.!

Such a typical response from YOU when confronted by a perfectly valid observation, why not just admit "I forgot" and thus put an end to your annual outpourings of grief which might encourage responses of 'Sympathy' from those who cannot (or choose not to) see through the marked 'Hypocrisy' which attends the greater part of any contribution you make in an effort to gain favour among fellow 'Forum' members.

Does it not occur to you that there may be others who may have lost their parents in even more tragic circumstances than yours ?, some may not even have had the opportunity to attend funerals nor even (in some cases) to know where their parents are buried or how they came to meet their untimely ends.

YOU are a 'Hypocrite' and the more discerning members will know it, your opinions are entirely predictable (as are your allegiances) since they are exactly as one would READ in the daily newspapers, forwarded by you in the hope that others might regard YOU as a person with some credibility when discussing world affairs, even hoping to claim that those views are of your own configuration. :lol:

You are also a very poor judge of character and 'I' have absolute proof of such BUT, I think it far better to allow you to convince yourself that you possess a degree of astuteness which, ultimately will reveal you to be a greater fool than you already are. :lol:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:20 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Only a filthy pervert, such as you are, would enter this " memorial" thread and spout the usual crap that you have been so closely associated with. Did your perversion commence with your conversion
or were you always such a low down bastard.!

Such a typical response from YOU when confronted by a perfectly valid observation, why not just admit "I forgot" and thus put an end to your annual outpourings of grief which might encourage responses of 'Sympathy' from those who cannot (or choose not to) see through the marked 'Hypocrisy' which attends the greater part of any contribution you make in an effort to gain favour among fellow 'Forum' members.

Does it not occur to you that there may be others who may have lost their parents in even more tragic circumstances than yours ?, some may not even have had the opportunity to attend funerals nor even (in some cases) to know where their parents are buried or how they came to meet their untimely ends.

YOU are a 'Hypocrite' and the more discerning members will know it, your opinions are entirely predictable (as are your allegiances) since they are exactly as one would READ in the daily newspapers, forwarded by you in the hope that others might regard YOU as a person with some credibility when discussing world affairs, even hoping to claim that those views are of your own configuration. :lol:

You are also a very poor judge of character and 'I' have absolute proof of such BUT, I think it far better to allow you to convince yourself that you possess a degree of astuteness which, ultimately will reveal you to be a greater fool than you already are. :lol:

Here we have a perfect example of what constitutes and translates into a pervert.
A convert to the religion of ....peace, an enthusiastic supporter of ISIS and the Jihadists in general. A pervert who excused the murder of innocent British tourists in Tunisia, a pervert who considers the " slinging " off gays from high buildings as perfectly justifiable. A pervert who considers each and every brutal barbaric attack carried out by his fellow jihadists as " understandable" and justified. A pervert who considers beheading and burning alive of humans as perfectly normal. A pervert that should be incarcerated and share a cell with the other pervert recently incarcerated to your great heartbreak.
Pervert, go to hell !
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Sep 10, 2016 4:57 pm

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:Only a filthy pervert, such as you are, would enter this " memorial" thread and spout the usual crap that you have been so closely associated with. Did your perversion commence with your conversion
or were you always such a low down bastard.!

Such a typical response from YOU when confronted by a perfectly valid observation, why not just admit "I forgot" and thus put an end to your annual outpourings of grief which might encourage responses of 'Sympathy' from those who cannot (or choose not to) see through the marked 'Hypocrisy' which attends the greater part of any contribution you make in an effort to gain favour among fellow 'Forum' members.

Does it not occur to you that there may be others who may have lost their parents in even more tragic circumstances than yours ?, some may not even have had the opportunity to attend funerals nor even (in some cases) to know where their parents are buried or how they came to meet their untimely ends.

YOU are a 'Hypocrite' and the more discerning members will know it, your opinions are entirely predictable (as are your allegiances) since they are exactly as one would READ in the daily newspapers, forwarded by you in the hope that others might regard YOU as a person with some credibility when discussing world affairs, even hoping to claim that those views are of your own configuration. :lol:

You are also a very poor judge of character and 'I' have absolute proof of such BUT, I think it far better to allow you to convince yourself that you possess a degree of astuteness which, ultimately will reveal you to be a greater fool than you already are. :lol:

Here we have a perfect example of what constitutes and translates into a pervert.
A convert to the religion of ....peace, an enthusiastic supporter of ISIS and the Jihadists in general. A pervert who excused the murder of innocent British tourists in Tunisia, a pervert who considers the " slinging " off gays from high buildings as perfectly justifiable. A pervert who considers each and every brutal barbaric attack carried out by his fellow jihadists as " understandable" and justified. A pervert who considers beheading and burning alive of humans as perfectly normal. A pervert that should be incarcerated and share a cell with the other pervert recently incarcerated to your great heartbreak.
Pervert, go to hell !

:lol: :lol: As highlighted above for YOUR benefit (since you are unable to understand that which is written. :lol: :lol:

You are also a very poor judge of character and 'I' have absolute proof of such BUT, I think it far better to allow you to convince yourself that you possess a degree of astuteness which, ultimately will reveal you to be a greater fool than you already are. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Sat Sep 10, 2016 5:20 pm

I will shortly, in a day or so, start a new thread, I shall expose you for what you are, kindly stay off this thread.
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Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sat Sep 10, 2016 6:03 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Perhaps it might help you to remember (and obviate the necessity to rely upon 'Strange feelings') if you were to associate the terrible event with the 9/11 'Fiasco' when the Yanks perpetrated the 'LIE' which killed thousands on the day, raised the excuse to attack Iraq and has since plunged the ME (and other areas) into a turmoil that has resulted in the death, maiming and displacement of MILLIONS.

I don't understand how someone who purports to be sensitive, worldly and logical can compare the sad loss of life from a natural disaster (which habitually has disparate nations pulling together in the shared knowledge of Man's weakness) to that of some political man-made conspiracy/attack.
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