Not a single brown or black face to be seen, quite a distinctive contrast to London where in some parts you would hardly see a white face, or even just a face !!! If you know what I mean.
The architecture created by the Soviets after the 2nd WW is magnificent. Minsk was almost totally destroyed by the Nazis, the Soviets just had to show the West that Communism worked and the means available to rebuilt Belarus. Libraries that look like 5star hotels, a Post office that has the charisma and character of any building that one is likely to see in any Western nation. The streets are spotless, everyone smokes here and yet not a single discarded fag end to be seen.
I do like Minsk and could honestly live here, summer only though, winters are far too cold with temperatures down to minus 25c.
As for the women, well what can one say, LALI I MIA TIS ALLIS EIMAI KALLITERI SOU. It makes one feel .... quite young and rather ...frisky !!