I am surprised to read that so many have treated the subject of one of 'Miltiades' pet hates with such frivolity , surely the old tradition of growing a beard as a token of respect for a death of (friend or family member) should not be subjected to ridicule on account of one person's dislike of facial hair.
As a child, (or now as a Grandparent) my guess is that 'Miltiades' felt no such aversion when old 'Santa Claus' was (or is) expected to clamber down the chimney and HE, has the finest set of snowy white hairy whiskers you will ever see anywhere.
If an answer to the question as to do WHY 'Cypriots and Greeks' wear beards is truly sought by he who has raised the question, then MY answer would be, They simply want to avoid telling 'Bare Faced Lies' and that's all.

Actually thinking about it, ALL 'Politicians' (and' Traffic Wardens') should be bearded, that way we would at least be forewarned.