Certainly there was a degree of 'Animosity' present BUT, with measured approach, I was able to calm any small disagreement which may have existed between the two and thankfully all was well.
I subsequently spoke to an elderly 'English' chap and the subject of 'Syria' naturally entered the conversation, he informed me that he was about to travel to 'Malta' but was fonder of 'Cyprus' since he had served there with the 'British Forces' way back in the 'Fifties' (as a 'National Serviceman') and he laughingly began to utter a few phrases which he particularly remembered.
His command of the language was actually quite abysmal BUT, his pronunciation led us into quite an amusing subject when he revealed that he was something of a believer in the powers of 'Numerology' and ( since I was once quite superstitious) he had my fullest attention.
He remembered the expression 'καλημέρα' which HE (like so many others) pronounced 'Gally Maira', although he knew that he was a bit off in terms of oral precision, however, years later when he returned to 'Cyprus' for a holiday, he began to associate a little more closely with the 'Cypriots' and ANOTHER word reached his ear which was again beyond his comprehension YET, opened the 'Sluice Gates' to his interest in his favoured subject 'Numerology'.
The NEW word was (as HE put it ) "Gowly" and he was surprised to learn that this word alluded to 'The Devil'.
He then reasoned that "Gally Maira" was actually "Gowly Maira" and was convinced that the latter of these two was in fact an indication that the 'Cypriot' populace considered EVERY day that the 'British Forces' were in 'Cyprus' was a 'Devil's Day' and he was quite prepared to believe in the possibility of such reasoning.
Today is '06/09/2013' and in terms of that which those who believe in 'Numerology' is concerned, has TWO significant points to consider, the 'Number of the Beast' is '666' and..... '2013'..... when the digits are added "2+0+1+3 =6" therefore today is '666', since the '9' can be upended to represent a '6'
Every month of THIS year will have THREE 'Devil Days' the 6th, the 15th and the 24th, quite an unusual event actually BUT, in the year '2006' when it could be written as 06/09/06 (7 years ago, another 'Magic' number) some dastardly event MUST have taken place and I urge ALL members to do some research on the matter.
The 'Pope' has apparently offered some advice to those who are 'Hell Bent' on 'Military Confrontation' in the 'Middle East', his intervention could also be seen as a 'Divine' signal (particularly to all ye 'Non-believers') since, emblazoned upon his 'Mitre' are the words "Vicarius Filii Dei" which scholars agree describe in 'Roman Numerals' the number of 'The Beast' .....666.
Check it out folks and if THAT don't give you the 'Willies', nothing will!. "OOOOOO-OOOOOO-OOOOOO"