This 'NEW WORD' is soon to be added to 'Collins Cobuild English Language Dictionary' and will follow the entry of 'Nosegay'.
Nothing to do with 'Gender' (for those who may be rubbing their hands together in glee and expectancy) BUT, a word that will describe those people who are unable to see further than the end of their nose yet are apt to base their entire opinions and even allow their entire lives to be controlled by that which they read in their daily 'Newspaper'.
The sad thing IS, most of them will agree that they are influenced by what they have read, they will even adopt the views of people (many in high office) who are proven liars, thieves and blackguards and in many cases will adopt their 'Phraseology' and expound the virtues of it in the hope that it may be received by others, as their very own.........'Political Pundits' ?.

We see and experience the folly of such 'Nosepaperidity' (do you think they will accept this one also ?) on a daily basis now, so used to it have some folk become, our 'Leaders' could be falling about 'Doped, Drunk and Bedazzled' they would not only fail to notice, they would choose to 'Emulate' every word and action of the offending party.
Such is the 'Norm' for many regular 'Nosepaper Readers', I feel that WE (who know better) should try to convince them that there are other ways to arrive at conclusions, for instance...................THINKING.