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Who are these people?

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Who are these people?

Postby iskismet » Thu Sep 02, 2004 5:02 pm


Europe: Although the nations of Europe generally afford full Convention rights to refugees they recognize, a small group of refugees and asylum seekers–around 100–remain trapped in legal limbo on the Sovereign Base Areas (SBA) on the island of Cyprus. Although by treaty the United Kingdom retains sovereignty over the SBAs and some of the refugees passed through Cyprus, neither power will grant them basic Convention rights. The European Union (EU) and other resettlement nations have ignored pleas to accept this small group. Meanwhile, their lives remain on hold. One woman described her life on the bases, “We are like animals, we drink, eat and sleep, and day and night become the same.” As parties to the UN Refugee Convention, the United Kingdom and the Republic of Cyprus have failed in their recognized obligations.

Does anyone know who these people are?

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