With such objectives in mind, the indigenous populations are severely disadvantaged on account of the fact that the 'Mixing' of races and the 'Inter-breading' that results in it, creates an environment where it is perfectly normal to resort to what are generally held to be 'Racist Remarks' but which are in fact quite truthful expressions of appraisal.
In the event of an altercation taking place between two persons of different origins, the first thing that needs to be established is the ground for a fair contest and the easiest way to achieve such ground is to dismiss ANY advantage that one party has over the other on account of their 'Race', 'Colour', Religion' or a host of other descriptive 'Tags' (which could equally be as offensive according to PC.)
Once such formalities have taken place, the ensuing differences become paramount and 'Racism' (or other such) has been dealt with.
The same principles may be applied to a host of 'Phobias', 'Religious beliefs', 'Cultures,' 'Dress codes'., etc, etc.
The term 'Racist' should only be levelled at a person in the event of an act (or expression) of 'Hatred' and the gravity of such should be regarded exactly the same as ANY act (or expression) of 'Hatred' since they are precisely the same BUT, an 'Insult' should not be seen as an expression of 'Hatred' for a very simple reason (particularly in the UK) and THAT reason is the aforementioned multiculturalism.
All of us 'Bubbles', 'Chinks,' 'Krauts', 'Frogs', 'Paddies', 'Wops', 'Wogs', 'Dagoes', 'Yids', 'Paki's', 'Limey's', 'Grockles', 'Taffy's', and 'Jocks', (to mention a few) had better get our acts sorted lest we ALL become 'Hypersensitive'. Like 'Israeli's'.(who we mustn't mention)