To get back on topic, I think it might be a good idea to examine the subject of 'Racism' from a different perspective, that as common to the 'United Kingdom'
If we concern ourselves with the matter according to the 'PC' view of the evils of it, a very interesting point comes to light and it is well worth considering since it could well explain WHY the issues of 'Racism' suddenly became so prominent, particularly in the UK and also particularly in the recent history of the 'Once Great Nation' which some say is still 'Great' and good luck to them.
In the days when the fearsome might of the 'British Empire' was truly famed and feared throughout the world, those mighty warriors and statesmen who engineered the expansion of their territories became quite adept in 'Tagging' the downtrodden populations as they passed through and over them, the 'Tags' were ALWAYS detrimental and demeaning and the jokes abounded in the 'Halls of Power' and elsewhere, indeed, the more insulting the 'Tags' the more readily they were received among the elite and the 'Campaigns' against the 'Fuzzy Wuzzies' in 'Bongo Bongo Land' were always a great topic of conversation in the 'Officers Mess' when the 'Campaigners' elaborated among themselves, their tales of 'Derring Do'.
So you see, actually, ALL the names NOW regarded as so offensive were invented by those who should have known better BUT, as is usual in the UK, the BLAME for any misconduct has to be passed downward to the general 'Whipping Classes' since they are like sponges and can absorb any amount of shite their leaders choose to throw at them.
Prince Phillip remarked that he should not remain in the company of his 'Japanese Hosts' for too long, lest he develop 'Slitty Eyes'

a great joke according to his 'Brown Nosers' BUT, woe betide any one of the general public who dared make such a comment, he also passed a remark to his equals (according to protocol) in 'Papua New Guinea' when he enquired whether or not the 'Wogs' were still eating each other

another great joke, until one of the 'Prols' try it.
So you see, there IS a reason for why it has become so 'Taboo' to pass 'Racist' remarks, it exposes the ignorance of those that went before AND, vividly emphasizes the fact that the 'Bulldog' which terrorized many nations when it was a pup, is now receiving a well deserved kick in the arse now that it's jaws have lost their clamp.
So to ALL those persons of various nationalities who have been subjected to the inventive insults of the past generations, take heart, for as the 'Black Man' said.
"De higher dem fly, de further dem drop, an' the mo' dem Honkeys push us down, the mo we come up".