GreekIslandGirl wrote:Yesterday I heard myself say to my son, I don't care who you marry so long as they don't smoke.
What does that make me?
It would depend upon WHO was actually smoking, the branch of government which deals with political correctness (PC) are currently debating the very issue you raise, they have agreed on the correct designation for those who are abhorrent to drinkers, drug takers, litter bugs and a host of other habits which could be offensive to others, the designated terms are currently held in secret files.
ALL of the terms are to be foisted upon the general public subsequent to the next election (in the UK) since it is agreed that it would
be unfair for ANY party to claim credit for such important social changes, however, there IS some difficulty in reaching a conclusion about 'Smoking' since there are already numerous 'Acts' which would have to be either altered or tailored to suit the proposed changes to the already existing regulations dealing with public abhorrence.
When one considers the recent dithering about 'Packaging', 'Display' and areas of 'Permission to Smoke' (etc), one can easily understand the problems facing those who have our best interests at heart, therefore, it has been suggested that the 'Public' should be encouraged to make suggestions in order that no person (smoker or non-smoker) will be offended.
Some have been suggested and are open for inspection at 'Hornsey Town Hall' where they may be viewed Mon-Fri from 08.00 to 16.00. (next to 'Jimmy Light's' board which deals with complaints on behalf of S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S. and other matters for the aged and infirm).
I can pass you on some of them, perhaps you may wish to make a few suggestions yourself:-
Asian Smoker ='Pakibacka'' African = 'Nosebona', Greek= 'Tzigaruffa', Jewish = 'Schmutza', Scot = 'Burnsaye', Cypriot= 'Letyuno' and one that is suggested to cover many others 'Tobacracist' in case of any disputes between differing cultures.
One other that has been forwarded for consideration on behalf of the 'You know who's'....'pushtopuffa' (suggested by a Turk).