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What 'IS' Racism?.

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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:35 pm

DrCyprus wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Who mentioned "French haplogroups" ? You did!

It's a reference to your saying that you're related to Marie Antoinette. :D

So you made up my supposedly "flaunting haplogroups" and accused me of racism purely because I said I am related to Marie Antoinette? As I said, you are a twit.

- Adding a "smiley" to your non-apologetic comedown means nothing to me.

You are NOT even allowed cake!
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby Schnauzer » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:12 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Yesterday I heard myself say to my son, I don't care who you marry so long as they don't smoke.

What does that make me?

It would depend upon WHO was actually smoking, the branch of government which deals with political correctness (PC) are currently debating the very issue you raise, they have agreed on the correct designation for those who are abhorrent to drinkers, drug takers, litter bugs and a host of other habits which could be offensive to others, the designated terms are currently held in secret files.

ALL of the terms are to be foisted upon the general public subsequent to the next election (in the UK) since it is agreed that it would
be unfair for ANY party to claim credit for such important social changes, however, there IS some difficulty in reaching a conclusion about 'Smoking' since there are already numerous 'Acts' which would have to be either altered or tailored to suit the proposed changes to the already existing regulations dealing with public abhorrence.

When one considers the recent dithering about 'Packaging', 'Display' and areas of 'Permission to Smoke' (etc), one can easily understand the problems facing those who have our best interests at heart, therefore, it has been suggested that the 'Public' should be encouraged to make suggestions in order that no person (smoker or non-smoker) will be offended.

Some have been suggested and are open for inspection at 'Hornsey Town Hall' where they may be viewed Mon-Fri from 08.00 to 16.00. (next to 'Jimmy Light's' board which deals with complaints on behalf of S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S. and other matters for the aged and infirm).

I can pass you on some of them, perhaps you may wish to make a few suggestions yourself:-

Asian Smoker ='Pakibacka'' African = 'Nosebona', Greek= 'Tzigaruffa', Jewish = 'Schmutza', Scot = 'Burnsaye', Cypriot= 'Letyuno' and one that is suggested to cover many others 'Tobacracist' in case of any disputes between differing cultures.

One other that has been forwarded for consideration on behalf of the 'You know who's'....'pushtopuffa' (suggested by a Turk). :wink:
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby DrCyprus » Sun Aug 25, 2013 11:51 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Who mentioned "French haplogroups" ? You did!

It's a reference to your saying that you're related to Marie Antoinette. :D

So you made up my supposedly "flaunting haplogroups" and accused me of racism purely because I said I am related to Marie Antoinette? As I said, you are a twit.

- Adding a "smiley" to your non-apologetic comedown means nothing to me.

You are NOT even allowed cake!

Keep spazzing. I don't have to defend myself, everyone knows what I'm talking about. Just keep spazzing and entertaining me. :D
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:06 am

A typically childish response to what must be an embarrassing exposure of your catalog of lies, fantasies and false accusations.

Yes - everyone knows what a twit like you is talking about.
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Aug 26, 2013 12:17 am

Schnauzer wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:Yesterday I heard myself say to my son, I don't care who you marry so long as they don't smoke.

What does that make me?

It would depend upon WHO was actually smoking, the branch of government which deals with political correctness (PC) are currently debating the very issue you raise, they have agreed on the correct designation for those who are abhorrent to drinkers, drug takers, litter bugs and a host of other habits which could be offensive to others, the designated terms are currently held in secret files.

ALL of the terms are to be foisted upon the general public subsequent to the next election (in the UK) since it is agreed that it would
be unfair for ANY party to claim credit for such important social changes, however, there IS some difficulty in reaching a conclusion about 'Smoking' since there are already numerous 'Acts' which would have to be either altered or tailored to suit the proposed changes to the already existing regulations dealing with public abhorrence.

When one considers the recent dithering about 'Packaging', 'Display' and areas of 'Permission to Smoke' (etc), one can easily understand the problems facing those who have our best interests at heart, therefore, it has been suggested that the 'Public' should be encouraged to make suggestions in order that no person (smoker or non-smoker) will be offended.

Some have been suggested and are open for inspection at 'Hornsey Town Hall' where they may be viewed Mon-Fri from 08.00 to 16.00. (next to 'Jimmy Light's' board which deals with complaints on behalf of S.C.R.O.T.U.M.S. and other matters for the aged and infirm).

I can pass you on some of them, perhaps you may wish to make a few suggestions yourself:-

Asian Smoker ='Pakibacka'' African = 'Nosebona', Greek= 'Tzigaruffa', Jewish = 'Schmutza', Scot = 'Burnsaye', Cypriot= 'Letyuno' and one that is suggested to cover many others 'Tobacracist' in case of any disputes between differing cultures.

One other that has been forwarded for consideration on behalf of the 'You know who's'....'pushtopuffa' (suggested by a Turk). :wink:

As always, great puns and wordplay, S. But it's not about inconvenience and abhorrence. The whole world can smoke itself to death if it wants. I just don't want smokers near my nearest and dearest anymore. The consequences of smoking are something I never wish to see again.
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Aug 26, 2013 1:02 am

I am entirely in agreement with your sentiments, I am sure that it is common knowledge that the tobacco companies have been actively encouraging some of the poorer nations to take up the habit since sales have fallen dramatically in recent years, certainly due to the enormous amount of bad publicity (and health warnings perhaps ?) which we are now made aware of.

A recent survey among the young (and impressionable) of the UK has produced evidence which would suggest that a new approach to discourage taking up the habit of smoking is necessary, consequently, a great deal of thought has gone into various plans of action.

It is agreed that the first step must be one which dissociates the products of the tobacco industry and the distributors of them, it is suggested that 'Tobacconists' will no longer be known as such and the new name for these outlets (thought to be less attractive) to young customers will be 'Snoutauriums' :wink:

On a serious note, I personally am tolerant of smokers (although I would not encourage the habit) since I am very often among folk who have little else other than the 'Luxury' of an 'American Cigarette' and a 'Stick of Gum' to make them feel 'Human' once in a while. :wink:
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:12 am

Schnauzer wrote:On a serious note, I personally am tolerant of smokers (although I would not encourage the habit) since I am very often among folk who have little else other than the 'Luxury' of an 'American Cigarette' and a 'Stick of Gum' to make them feel 'Human' once in a while. :wink:

Chewing gum is good. :)

Seriously, Schnauzer - When deprived of even life's most basic needs, who am I too add to the misery? I too am tolerant of others' need-to-smoke - or to believe in outrageous religions - and they can have these crutches if their restricted lives are made more bearable. After all, what good is knowing that 20 years of inhaling carcinogens will lead to tumours and a slow painful death when your expected life span is no more than 35 years? It's hardly tackling the real problems if I take away their fags (or their gods).
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby Get Real! » Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:41 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:...what good is knowing that 20 years of inhaling carcinogens will lead to tumours and a slow painful death when your expected life span is no more than 35 years? It's hardly tackling the real problems if I take away their fags (or their gods).

I’d better get those tumors checked out because after 32 years of smoking they must be HUGE!

Arggg... If only I can lift them up to get into the car... :?
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Aug 26, 2013 4:25 pm

Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:...what good is knowing that 20 years of inhaling carcinogens will lead to tumours and a slow painful death when your expected life span is no more than 35 years? It's hardly tackling the real problems if I take away their fags (or their gods).

I’d better get those tumors checked out because after 32 years of smoking they must be HUGE!

Arggg... If only I can lift them up to get into the car... :?

Them's not 'Tumors', them's 'Goolies' mate !. :lol: (and you NEED a good pair to ward off your adversaries) if I may be so bold. :wink:
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:52 am

Schnauzer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:...what good is knowing that 20 years of inhaling carcinogens will lead to tumours and a slow painful death when your expected life span is no more than 35 years? It's hardly tackling the real problems if I take away their fags (or their gods).

I’d better get those tumors checked out because after 32 years of smoking they must be HUGE!

Arggg... If only I can lift them up to get into the car... :?

Them's not 'Tumors', them's 'Goolies' mate !. :lol: (and you NEED a good pair to ward off your adversaries) if I may be so bold. :wink:

Oh is that what it is... :? :oops:

So there you go kids... smoking causes Elephantiasis! :|
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