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What 'IS' Racism?.

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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby Flying Horse » Sat Aug 24, 2013 11:34 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
Cap wrote:And if he brings home a Tourkala?

Seriously, the main thing that bothered me was that he didn't marry someone who smoked. I even begged him not to go out with anyone who smoked. Have lost too many friends and relatives to cancer. :(

I agree with you entirely. Both of the in laws passed away with Cancer.

Hopefully your son will see smoking as a turn off anyway!
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby DrCyprus » Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:00 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:
Get Real! wrote:We’re all racists… get over it!

Would you rather your daughter marry a foreigner or one of your own?

I’m sure you’d all rather one of your own for the obvious perfectly logical reasons which just so happen to be… racist! :lol:

I think one of the big racists in the forum is GiG. She even performed a DNA analysis to make sure she had the right haplogroups and now comes here happily parading herself as 98% European as though it's some kind of achievement or accomplishment.

I'd rather be a racist than a stupid twit like you! :D Since when was "European" a race?

My DNA analysis showed I wasn't a carrier for BRCA1 or 2 - maggot.

I don't recall saying 'European' was a race. You and your infinite straw men.

Marie Antoinette must be turning in her grave, 0,8% Bulgarian(Turkic) haplogroups ahmagahd.
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby Get Real! » Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:31 am

Flying Horse wrote:I agree with you entirely. Both of the in laws passed away with Cancer.

Smoking doesn't cause Cancer and I'm living proof of that... ... 1/e1-4.htm ... ar-fallout ... se-cancer/
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:18 am

it reminds of a moment when i was in a Belgian Bar in Old Zurich many years ago, one seat left beside two men, geeks, (in those days,lol); one says to me, "oh, you are very lucky", i said, "why?",he said, "we are coloureds, nobody likes us", pointing to a black man, "he is schwartze; you are a nigga, all the girls like you."

another time i'm sitting in an Irish Pub in Montreal, with my friend a Jamaican black as coal, he orders two beers, and she brings only one and serves it to him, he asked, "why?", she said, "we don't serve Iranian faggots", he asked how do you know that he is Iranian and a faggot, she says, "he looks like them but he didn't pinch my ass like the rest of them do."

...true stories.'
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Aug 25, 2013 3:30 am

...another one, many years ago when i was around seventeen, the luxury of vacations on my own in Atlantic City, half a block from the sea. one night on the veranda i was sitting with another visitor, a mother, i was playing with her two children, a boy and a girl, she asked, "do you have mixed schools?", i was confused, i said, "don't you have mixed schools in America?", she was even more embarrassed and the subject was dropped.
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:22 am

Such a complex and hard to define label. I was married to a "foreigner", her English, me Cypriot.
My current ..."wife to be"," already is" ... Is also a ..foreigner. Clearly I do not make distinctions between my Cypriot race and the eyed, blond race. :lol: I have to admit that I do not find the same attraction evident with non blonde ( dont mind brunettes, redheads, ) but I do make distinction between cultures.

I'm on balance a "culturist", differentiate between cultures, mode of dressing, code of contact when in contrast with western attributes and cultural norms.

Black people in the UK have integrated successfully, I believe, with the Western way of life.

I have numerous black friends, one of whom will be staying at my Limassol apartment for his holidays, with his son, he is divorced.

I also have many Indian and Pakistani friends, in fact my last solicitor was a Pakistan lady, sadly due to personal problems
she was "intervened" by the SRA and longer in practice.My long standing relationship with my Indian accountant, more than 25 years, has never been better. My doctors since coming to the UK in 1961 have all been Sri Lankans

Racism is indeed a hard to define definition.

Would I forge an ..."alliance" with a Turkish Cypriot lady. Of course I would, provided she was ...blond with blue eyes and
gorgeous, the same applies to her being Turkish. Provided of course she sported no ...beard!
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Aug 25, 2013 6:23 am

DrCyprus wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:
Get Real! wrote:We’re all racists… get over it!

Would you rather your daughter marry a foreigner or one of your own?

I’m sure you’d all rather one of your own for the obvious perfectly logical reasons which just so happen to be… racist! :lol:

I think one of the big racists in the forum is GiG. She even performed a DNA analysis to make sure she had the right haplogroups and now comes here happily parading herself as 98% European as though it's some kind of achievement or accomplishment.

I'd rather be a racist than a stupid twit like you! :D Since when was "European" a race?

My DNA analysis showed I wasn't a carrier for BRCA1 or 2 - maggot.

I don't recall saying 'European' was a race. You and your infinite straw men.

Marie Antoinette must be turning in her grave, 0,8% Bulgarian(Turkic) haplogroups ahmagahd.

And yet we have it in 'black and white' (racist term?) above, that your accusation as to why you think I am a "racist" stems from your objection to my stating the fact that my Haplogroups indicate I am "European". But thanks, it's further proof of why it's less desirable to have your stupidity traits ...
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby DrCyprus » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:20 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:
Get Real! wrote:We’re all racists… get over it!

Would you rather your daughter marry a foreigner or one of your own?

I’m sure you’d all rather one of your own for the obvious perfectly logical reasons which just so happen to be… racist! :lol:

I think one of the big racists in the forum is GiG. She even performed a DNA analysis to make sure she had the right haplogroups and now comes here happily parading herself as 98% European as though it's some kind of achievement or accomplishment.

I'd rather be a racist than a stupid twit like you! :D Since when was "European" a race?

My DNA analysis showed I wasn't a carrier for BRCA1 or 2 - maggot.

I don't recall saying 'European' was a race. You and your infinite straw men.

Marie Antoinette must be turning in her grave, 0,8% Bulgarian(Turkic) haplogroups ahmagahd.

And yet we have it in 'black and white' (racist term?) above, that your accusation as to why you think I am a "racist" stems from your objection to my stating the fact that my Haplogroups indicate I am "European". But thanks, it's further proof of why it's less desirable to have your stupidity traits ...

Once again, false accusations made out of thin air. I never said I object to anything, I just said it's funny and at the same time racist to flaunt your haplogroups around as though it's the achievement of the century. Maybe you should check on the haplogroups of your Aunt Sally.
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:38 am

DrCyprus wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:
GreekIslandGirl wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:
I think one of the big racists in the forum is GiG. She even performed a DNA analysis to make sure she had the right haplogroups and now comes here happily parading herself as 98% European as though it's some kind of achievement or accomplishment.

I'd rather be a racist than a stupid twit like you! :D Since when was "European" a race?

My DNA analysis showed I wasn't a carrier for BRCA1 or 2 - maggot.

I don't recall saying 'European' was a race. You and your infinite straw men.

Marie Antoinette must be turning in her grave, 0,8% Bulgarian(Turkic) haplogroups ahmagahd.

And yet we have it in 'black and white' (racist term?) above, that your accusation as to why you think I am a "racist" stems from your objection to my stating the fact that my Haplogroups indicate I am "European". But thanks, it's further proof of why it's less desirable to have your stupidity traits ...

Once again, false accusations made out of thin air. I never said I object to anything, I just said it's funny and at the same time racist to flaunt your haplogroups around as though it's the achievement of the century. Maybe you should check on the haplogroups of your Aunt Sally.

I didn't "flaunt" anything. You obviously have a chip on your shoulder and made a bitter interpretation from my discussion with GR! to accuse me of racism (see above) out of the blue in a trollish manner. However, you are too stupid to explain yourself properly and are resorting to "wiki" to get you out of your mess. Let's call this technique the "DrCyprus invalid method of redundant debate salvaging".
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Re: What 'IS' Racism?.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:12 am

Linichka wrote:"You can only be racist if you are from Israel."

Yialoser, with the above post, you proved otherwise. Beautifully.

:D :D

There is an unholy trinity of Youlooser, Kurupetos and that small leg-humper, Schnauzer, who I strongly suspect are Racist. Anti Semitic in particular. For Kurupetos and Youlooser comes with following that modern Psuedo Pale imitation of the Nazis, GD and and it's local proxy, ELAM?
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