Such a complex and hard to define label. I was married to a "foreigner", her English, me Cypriot.
My current ..."wife to be"," already is" ... Is also a ..foreigner. Clearly I do not make distinctions between my Cypriot race and the eyed, blond race.

I have to admit that I do not find the same attraction evident with non blonde ( dont mind brunettes, redheads, ) but I do make distinction between cultures.
I'm on balance a "culturist", differentiate between cultures, mode of dressing, code of contact when in contrast with western attributes and cultural norms.
Black people in the UK have integrated successfully, I believe, with the Western way of life.
I have numerous black friends, one of whom will be staying at my Limassol apartment for his holidays, with his son, he is divorced.
I also have many Indian and Pakistani friends, in fact my last solicitor was a Pakistan lady, sadly due to personal problems
she was "intervened" by the SRA and longer in practice.My long standing relationship with my Indian accountant, more than 25 years, has never been better. My doctors since coming to the UK in 1961 have all been Sri Lankans
Racism is indeed a hard to define definition.
Would I forge an ..."alliance" with a Turkish Cypriot lady. Of course I would, provided she was ...blond with blue eyes and
gorgeous, the same applies to her being Turkish. Provided of course she sported no ...beard!