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So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

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So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:33 pm

Don't they know Cyprus is a Greek island and not on the mainland? :roll:

A STAGGERING 53 per cent of Britons booked to go to Cyprus thought it was part of mainland Greece.... ... 329-69.htm

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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby Schnauzer » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:37 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Don't they know Cyprus is a Greek island and not on the mainland? :roll:

A STAGGERING 53 per cent of Britons booked to go to Cyprus thought it was part of mainland Greece.... ... 329-69.htm


The other 47% thought it might soon be annexed to Israel, God only knows where they get such ideas from. :roll:
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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby Get Real! » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:42 pm

GreekIslandGirl wrote:Don't they know Cyprus is a Greek island and not on the mainland? :roll:

Don't they know Greece was invented in the 1800s and Cyprus was a superpower 3,000+ years ago?

When you mention Cyprus, people like you should always say "Grandpa Cyprus" as a reminder to yourselves of what you're dealing with and out of respect.

So to you its GRANDPA CYPRUS.

And what do you do to grandpa? You kiss his hand and show your respect you insolent woman!
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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby Get Real! » Thu Aug 22, 2013 3:47 pm

You’re a disgrace for trying to lump such an ancient great as Cyprus with modern gypsy garbage like Greece!

Greece is not even worthy of Cyprus’ kotsirous!

Oute gia ta skata dis Kiprou en axizi oi ellada!
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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby Cap » Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:02 pm

A STAGGERING 53 per cent of Britons

Staggeringly low.
You mean roughly half of Britons know Cyprus is independent?

Got to love the power of the internet.
Years ago, they got there information by word of mouth via incessant Enosis promoters and Greek nationalists , seeing Greek flags all over the place, they were pretty much deceived.
A simple Google nowadays and the truth is out there.
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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:02 pm

I read this, this morning and laughed so much :lol:

I'm ashamed of these ignorant people that I'm tarred by the same brush with!

Who did they use for answering the question?
Council Estate dole dossers?
Illiterate people who have never left their own town?

The British can be so embarrassing sometimes :roll:
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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:14 pm

Flying Horse wrote:I read this, this morning and laughed so much :lol:

I'm ashamed of these ignorant people that I'm tarred by the same brush with!

Who did they use for answering the question?
Council Estate dole dossers?
Illiterate people who have never left their own town?

The British can be so embarrassing sometimes :roll:

You beat me to it but then 50 % of Brits are probably at or below average intelligence .

Mind my wife has just informed me 80% of Americans do not even know the place exists....( ain't GR gonna love that figure) :D :D .

And when they come here how many go much more than a few hundred meters from the hotel...

I have Just had a lovely day in Kritou Terra, Steni and Phyti, the latter two well worth the trip for the local museums.
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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:35 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
You beat me to it but then 50 % of Brits are probably at or below average intelligence .

Mind my wife has just informed me 80% of Americans do not even know the place exists....( ain't GR gonna love that figure) :D :D .

And when they come here how many go much more than a few hundred meters from the hotel...

I have Just had a lovely day in Kritou Terra, Steni and Phyti, the latter two well worth the trip for the local museums.

Oh you are going to love this!

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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:06 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:Mind my wife has just informed me 80% of Americans do not even know the place exists....( ain't GR gonna love that figure) :D :D .

It doesn't really matter what 80% of Americans think about Cyprus' location because they are not in Europe, as is the UK. Also, it doesn't matter what 80% of Americans think because they are not the ones actually booking a holiday to a place that they do not even know is an island.

But long may the Brits continue to remember this is a Greek place, whether as an island or joined to the mainland - if their geography is that poor. As for the remainder that know Cyprus is an island, they would hopefully also know it's Greek and partly under illegal Turkish occupation.
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Re: So Greek, Cyprus could be on the mainland.

Postby Flying Horse » Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:16 pm

Sorry to disappoint you GiG, but all too many Brits don't even know there is a divide of North and South. Oblivious and uneducated. I've experienced this lack of knowledge several times over.
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