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Of Personal Opinion.

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Of Personal Opinion.

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Aug 20, 2013 5:22 pm

On returning to the 'Forum', I am rather concerned to note that I have been severally traduced in connection with the subjects of both 'Racism' and 'Anti-semitism'.

I feel entitled to protest most vigorously in dispute of BOTH accusations since my long absence rendered me quite defenceless.

My opinions (in common with every one of us) are quite often contrary to the opinions of others, there is a certain justice in such situations since the alternative would produce NOTHING (other than bleating agreements and nodding heads).

It would appear that certain authorities in various pockets of society have become pre-occupied with the two subjects highlighted, the reason for such pre-occupation will ensure that the general (Bleating) public will busy themselves conforming to suggested standards and forget to hold fast to their OWN opinions.

I spoke to an elderly English chap just now, I broached the subjects with him and am pleased to forward the general 'Gist' of his observations (the product of HIS life experience) and have his consent to quote his comment thus:-

"I preferred the days when you could call a 'Black Bastard' a 'Black Bastard' without all the PC brigade jumping on you!".

Must say that, in terms of comparison to HIS days and OURS, I think he has a point.

AND, if a Jew is blessed with a long nose, wear it, but keep it out of OUR business."If you see what I mean". :lol: :wink:
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Aug 20, 2013 10:27 pm

When 'Sammy Davis Jnr' (a bit before the time of the younger members) went to play a game of 'Golf', he was asked what his 'Handicap' was, his immediate response was:-

"I'm a one-eyed Jewish Negro, what's yours?"

All in good humour and testament to the times when people were not obliged to walk in fear of offending each other should they 'Cross the Line' and face prosecution if a slip of the tongue branded them 'Racist' or even 'Anti-semitic'.

I have often been treated to a severe tongue-lashing (metaphorically) on this very forum over the last few years, the ability to 'Bear the Whip' without complaint HAS in fact strengthened my resolve and proved an asset to me in my profession where the ability to remain calm under stress is a vital requirement.

All in all, the 'Old Chap' (aforementioned) has my respect for his honesty.

"What say ye?" :wink:
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Aug 21, 2013 3:55 pm

As I have often mentioned, I am acquainted with an elderly chap (75 years of age) and have spent a good deal of time with him discussing various matters which a man of his age would have knowledge of.

Of particular interest to me is the subject of HIS childhood which he spent in the UK (although he knew it as either England or Great Britain) and I questioned him about the differences between HIS childhood experiences and those of today's children.

Among the earliest of his memories were the days when 'WW2' was raging and families rushed to seek refuge in underground stations and various other 'Air- Raid Shelters', yet, he remembers the fun children had playing among the debris and bombed out houses and factories, he collected 'Shrapnel' and played with old car tyres and wooden 'Hand Made' scooters, he spent hours swinging from trees in the grounds surrounding the 'Bombed Hospital' in 'Regent's Park', climbed over fences to visit the 'London Zoo' and nicked small exotic birds which he sold to 'Palmer's Pet Shop' in 'Camden High Street' and a host of other activities which would certainly be frowned upon by those concerned with children's welfare today.

The only contact the 'Old Gent' had with 'Foreigners', was among his peers at school where one or two of his classmates were of a different nationality to him, a 'Black' child was a distinct rarity and as such, bound to be popular on account of differences, other than the occasional playground sorties, there were never any real problems attributable to colour or race.

In the school holidays, children were apt to take leave of their Mothers and spend a whole day with their friends in the park, they would return home exhausted, dirty and hungry when the late afternoon light prompted them to return home, no sense of fear that they may be abducted and molested by some drunk, druggie or paedophile, no persecution from 'Jobsworth's' in the park when the signs 'Keep off the grass' were ignored, a clip behind the ear for rowdy behaviour if a Policeman OR even an adult felt the 'Saucy little sods' deserved it and the lists of 'Differences' between those days and these are legion.

Of course, the general public were told that their forbearance was something to be proud of and that the future was bright for all and sundry, what they were NOT told (since nobody outside of the 'Inner Sanctum' knew) was that the great hardship they had all suffered (and the cost of it) would be visited upon them for the next few generations.

These are the times we now live in, 'Racism', 'Anti-Semitism,' 'Xeno', 'Homo' and a host of other 'Phobias' now pervade our daily lives, children are not even safe to walk the streets YET, the 'Experts' are a'spouting about how great OUR nations are (and I make NO distinctions between ANY of them) whilst the populace are contented to lay back and lend credibility to the murderous activities of 'Powers' which STILL rely upon the gullibility of their charges to 'Make OUR lives Safer' whilst their real intention is to make THEIRS more comfortable.

As the man said:- "Don't piss up my back and tell me I'm sweating!". :wink:
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby Flying Horse » Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:47 pm

I did quite giggle with parts of your two first posts. If only we in todays society could brush off such things as nothing more than drop of the hat sentences(mostly meaning no harm)

Ask your gentlemen friend how it was in the 70s in the UK.
I'm British. My grandmother is German. My spouse is a GC, and I take pride in my worldly family. I also go out of my way to learn about Cypriot culture. It's something my children deserve to carry forward in their life. Also I carry forward what it was like to be a German in WW2, from the words of my Grandmother. History only portrays the Gerrys as Hitler and all associated. You don't hear much of East Prussia and the Russian invasion.

My other half was born in the UK at the beginning of the 70s.He then went back to Cyprus until he was around sixyears old and spent those young years with his grandparents in Limassol, whilst his father served his country.
When his parents brought him back to the UK, he only spoke Greek, and was taught English by Scottish people as he began his school life.
He spent many years fighting off racial bullying both physically and verbally. In this day, of more intelligent folk, one would be able to tell that a Greek boy was not a 'Paki'....yes imagine being Greek and being called that! It has left quite a scar on his feelings of racism. After all, he spent most of his childhood having to fight with his fists with bully boy Glaswegians.

I try to sit on the fence with racial arguments. In my little family we all look like foreigners, how can one think of being bigoted ? I've a little Spartan looking boy, a towering Viking looking boy, a Greek gorilla and me. These days its all perfectly normal in the UK.
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby DrCyprus » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:52 pm

Flying Horse wrote:a Greek gorilla and me.

Wait till I tell your wife.
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby Flying Horse » Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:04 pm

DrCyprus wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:a Greek gorilla and me.

Wait till I tell your wife.

I have a wife??


That will be news to my husband too!!
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby DrCyprus » Wed Aug 21, 2013 9:34 pm

Flying Horse wrote:
DrCyprus wrote:
Flying Horse wrote:a Greek gorilla and me.

Wait till I tell your wife.

I have a wife??


That will be news to my husband too!!

If you don't have one, go get one. You are in Cyprus, the land of Aphrodite.
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:59 pm

Flying Horse wrote:I did quite giggle with parts of your two first posts. If only we in todays society could brush off such things as nothing more than drop of the hat sentences(mostly meaning no harm)

Ask your gentlemen friend how it was in the 70s in the UK.
I'm British. My grandmother is German. My spouse is a GC, and I take pride in my worldly family. I also go out of my way to learn about Cypriot culture. It's something my children deserve to carry forward in their life. Also I carry forward what it was like to be a German in WW2, from the words of my Grandmother. History only portrays the Gerrys as Hitler and all associated. You don't hear much of East Prussia and the Russian invasion.

My other half was born in the UK at the beginning of the 70s.He then went back to Cyprus until he was around sixyears old and spent those young years with his grandparents in Limassol, whilst his father served his country.
When his parents brought him back to the UK, he only spoke Greek, and was taught English by Scottish people as he began his school life.
He spent many years fighting off racial bullying both physically and verbally. In this day, of more intelligent folk, one would be able to tell that a Greek boy was not a 'Paki'....yes imagine being Greek and being called that! It has left quite a scar on his feelings of racism. After all, he spent most of his childhood having to fight with his fists with bully boy Glaswegians.

I try to sit on the fence with racial arguments. In my little family we all look like foreigners, how can one think of being bigoted ? I've a little Spartan looking boy, a towering Viking looking boy, a Greek gorilla and me. These days its all perfectly normal in the UK.

The general populace of ANY nation must be controlled and there are numerous/various 'Social Structures' around the globe.

All of these have one thing in common and I would venture the opinion that the 'Common' is the necessity to keep the said populace in a state of wonder about what is going to happen next.

A great trick (perpetrated by those that rule) is to convince those that are ruled, that some awful calamity is about to fall upon them and cause them hardship unless they apply themselves to certain directives.., alas, the trick invariably works and the 'Elite' sit back and reap the benefits of their trickery.

Not a new ploy by any means and a simple example of the efficacy of such actions is plainly exhibited by the following example:-

There once was a King named Alcinous who kept a large Dog as his constant companion, so fond of the animal was he that he had it's tail sumptuously adorned with diamonds and other precious stones.

Whenever the King ventured out among his subjects, he was always received with great affection and the Dog was dearly loved by all.

One day, the King ordered that the Dog's tail should be cut off, the deed was done and the people were wringing their hands in grief.

"Your Majesty, why have you permitted such a thing to be done ?" enquired one of his Ministers.

"Ah", said the King, "Whilst the people are so busy trying to fathom why the Dog's tail has been severed, I am quite free to impose even more hardships upon them and the fools will never notice !"

Such is the manner in which Politicians deal with the welfare of those who were fool enough to take their eyes off the ball, even for a fleeting moment.

Racism is a necessary burden to impose upon the people, governments 'LOVE' it but condemn it at every opportunity simply because it would be unseemly not to, the TRUTH is that 'Harmony' among the people of various nationalities, would spell an end to the campaigns of aggression against other nations and there is not much profit in a state of harmony.

The UK is a fine example of 'Population Manipulation', it has what is possibly the greatest weapon at it's disposal, 'The Royal Family' and by God how they know how to use it!, an old Lady of 84 years of age travelled from Scotland in a blizzard and stood for 4 hours in the snow in order to catch sight of H.R.H. as her car drove by, it was reported on the evening news and the reporter actually commented:-

"The Lady was rewarded with a glimpse of Her Majesty".

Flying Horse, you ask how it was in the 70's ?,.......not quite as bad as the 80's.........90's..........00's........10's.......BUT, we are told that things will be getting better soon........"Sez I". :wink:
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:55 am

Schnauzer wrote:On returning to the 'Forum', I am rather concerned to note that I have been severally traduced in connection with the subjects of both 'Racism' and 'Anti-semitism'.

I feel entitled to protest most vigorously in dispute of BOTH accusations since my long absence rendered me quite defenceless.

My opinions (in common with every one of us) are quite often contrary to the opinions of others, there is a certain justice in such situations since the alternative would produce NOTHING (other than bleating agreements and nodding heads).

It would appear that certain authorities in various pockets of society have become pre-occupied with the two subjects highlighted, the reason for such pre-occupation will ensure that the general (Bleating) public will busy themselves conforming to suggested standards and forget to hold fast to their OWN opinions.

I spoke to an elderly English chap just now, I broached the subjects with him and am pleased to forward the general 'Gist' of his observations (the product of HIS life experience) and have his consent to quote his comment thus:-

"I preferred the days when you could call a 'Black Bastard' a 'Black Bastard' without all the PC brigade jumping on you!".

Must say that, in terms of comparison to HIS days and OURS, I think he has a point.

AND, if a Jew is blessed with a long nose, wear it, but keep it out of OUR business."If you see what I mean". :lol: :wink:
calling someone a bastard simply because they are black is racist, as is the stereotyping of Jews with certain facial features, a feature also shared by Many non Jews.

Here is a joke.

Isaac from Jerusalem had to go to Japan on business. As he was devout and his trip occupied the Sabbath, he looked out the local Synagogue. when he attended he saw several Japanese people all at Worship, which he joined in. After the end of the service the Rabbi came up and spoke to Isaac to find out where he had come from, which Isaac happily explained.
After he left the Rabbi turned to one of the other worshipers and said "well he did not Jewish".
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Re: Of Personal Opinion.

Postby miltiades » Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:09 am

The day will come when churches up and down Cyprus will be eulogizing not just the ONE Jew ,( INVTI ) but the State of Israel.
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