denizaksulu wrote:bill cobbett wrote:WTF...!!!
Hi Betty Boo!![]()
Sorry... in a hurry... no time to chat... got to rush ... am hot on the trail of a story on the Notorious Serial Litterer of Occupied Kyrenia.
denizaksulu wrote:bill cobbett wrote:WTF...!!!
Hi Betty Boo!![]()
bill cobbett wrote:denizaksulu wrote:bill cobbett wrote:WTF...!!!
Hi Betty Boo!![]()
Sorry... in a hurry... no time to chat... got to rush ... am hot on the trail of a story on the Notorious Serial Litterer of Occupied Kyrenia.
denizaksulu wrote:bill cobbett wrote:denizaksulu wrote:bill cobbett wrote:WTF...!!!
Hi Betty Boo!![]()
Sorry... in a hurry... no time to chat... got to rush ... am hot on the trail of a story on the Notorious Serial Litterer of Occupied Kyrenia.
Tang on the Turkish Army are you. Good luck. A forlorn attempt at getting the top Merıt position, dont you say?
miltiades wrote:Schnauzer wrote:
"Get Real is a steadfast defender of his opinions, he should be admired for such strength of character and his dedication in ensuring that the TRUTH is not consigned to obscurity. "
Are you having a laugh or what. He is the biggest moron I have ever come across. His hatred of the USA Israel and the Western world is evident by all the crap he writes. He should be deported from Cyprus, Afghanistan would be the right destination to send him to, there he could join his heroes, the Taliban, he might even blow himself up and receive his just rewards in ...heaven.! ( Doubt if he gets any on earth)
Shcnauzer, there is only one truth, our northern parts are occupied, our economy in a mess, we need lots of help, we can not get it from the third world that he so vehemently adores .
CBBB wrote:miltiades wrote:From previous views expressed by your elf,
Schnauzer has an elf? Where can I get one?
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