What gave you this idea !
Shnauzer, welcome back.
May I publicly thank you for your generous donation of 150 euros for Ayios Stepanos a few months back.
We have differed in opinions in the past and no doubt we shall do so again.
Recent events have demonstrated clearly that the interests of Cyprus, present and future, are best served by closer relations with Israel and the USA. A position I prosecuted vociferously over the years, unlike the incessant anti American anti Israel outbursts by a certain idiot who shall remain...anonymous

I will say it again. For the interests of Cyprus I will sleep with the devil. It is my grandchildren s future and the future of all
forthcoming generations that concerns me, not the acts of savages in Afghanistan and elsewhere who blow them selves up in market places, Mosques and other public places.
This is the first time since the Turkish invasion and subsequent occupation of our northern parts, that I feel confident that any expansionist policies by Turkey aimed at the RoC ARE LAID TO REST.
This is the first time in 39 years that I feel confident and secure in the knowledge that Cyprus its not on its own with just an ineffective, inadequate power clearly incapable or unwilling to provide an umbrella if needed.
I do hope that sooner rather than later the Israelis as well as the Americans are enticed to have bases in Cyprus, preferably the occupied north, tell Turkey that the northern occupied parts have been leased to the USA and Israel, tell the world that Cyprus is and will always remain a part of the Western world with which we share so much in civilization, culture, respect and sanctity of life, attributes that are missing from most of the countries we PREVIOUSLY considered our allies.
There will NEVER be peace or democracy in the M.East. They are not ready yet, not for another 100 years.
Our friends and allies must be the powerful and effective economically and strategically to the inte interests of our island.
May I ask all those American/ Israel bashers, what on earth will Cyprus gain by such anti positions. NOTHING.
ps. Back to my dear friend Shnauzer.
Your gesture was very much appreciated, you are a kind person and I have respect for you.