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'Award of Merit'.

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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:08 am

"Basically, since Miltiades is absent, let me just say:"

What gave you this idea !

Shnauzer, welcome back.

May I publicly thank you for your generous donation of 150 euros for Ayios Stepanos a few months back.

We have differed in opinions in the past and no doubt we shall do so again.

Recent events have demonstrated clearly that the interests of Cyprus, present and future, are best served by closer relations with Israel and the USA. A position I prosecuted vociferously over the years, unlike the incessant anti American anti Israel outbursts by a certain idiot who shall remain...anonymous :lol:

I will say it again. For the interests of Cyprus I will sleep with the devil. It is my grandchildren s future and the future of all
forthcoming generations that concerns me, not the acts of savages in Afghanistan and elsewhere who blow them selves up in market places, Mosques and other public places.

This is the first time since the Turkish invasion and subsequent occupation of our northern parts, that I feel confident that any expansionist policies by Turkey aimed at the RoC ARE LAID TO REST.

This is the first time in 39 years that I feel confident and secure in the knowledge that Cyprus its not on its own with just an ineffective, inadequate power clearly incapable or unwilling to provide an umbrella if needed.

I do hope that sooner rather than later the Israelis as well as the Americans are enticed to have bases in Cyprus, preferably the occupied north, tell Turkey that the northern occupied parts have been leased to the USA and Israel, tell the world that Cyprus is and will always remain a part of the Western world with which we share so much in civilization, culture, respect and sanctity of life, attributes that are missing from most of the countries we PREVIOUSLY considered our allies.

There will NEVER be peace or democracy in the M.East. They are not ready yet, not for another 100 years.

Our friends and allies must be the powerful and effective economically and strategically to the inte interests of our island.

May I ask all those American/ Israel bashers, what on earth will Cyprus gain by such anti positions. NOTHING.

ps. Back to my dear friend Shnauzer.
Your gesture was very much appreciated, you are a kind person and I have respect for you.
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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 21, 2013 6:27 am

Schnauzer wrote:
"Get Real is a steadfast defender of his opinions, he should be admired for such strength of character and his dedication in ensuring that the TRUTH is not consigned to obscurity. "

Are you having a laugh or what. He is the biggest moron I have ever come across. His hatred of the USA Israel and the Western world is evident by all the crap he writes. He should be deported from Cyprus, Afghanistan would be the right destination to send him to, there he could join his heroes, the Taliban, he might even blow himself up and receive his just rewards in ...heaven.! ( Doubt if he gets any on earth :lol: )

Shcnauzer, there is only one truth, our northern parts are occupied, our economy in a mess, we need lots of help, we can not get it from the third world that he so vehemently adores .
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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby DT. » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:02 am

miltiades wrote:Schnauzer wrote:
"Get Real is a steadfast defender of his opinions, he should be admired for such strength of character and his dedication in ensuring that the TRUTH is not consigned to obscurity. "

Are you having a laugh or what. He is the biggest moron I have ever come across. His hatred of the USA Israel and the Western world is evident by all the crap he writes. He should be deported from Cyprus, Afghanistan would be the right destination to send him to, there he could join his heroes, the Taliban, he might even blow himself up and receive his just rewards in ...heaven.! ( Doubt if he gets any on earth :lol: )

Shcnauzer, there is only one truth, our northern parts are occupied, our economy in a mess, we need lots of help, we can not get it from the third world that he so vehemently adores .

Nonsense :roll:

As we speak, Syria is sending shawarmas, Yemen is ending over a crack team of special forces (Mohammed and Said with utensils) and South Sudan is sending their cheekiest street dealer.

GR foreign policy rocks!!!
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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:58 am

You left out the nargile !
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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:21 am

This thread is biased. It's easy to reward those who hold the same opinions as us.

(Polite preambles and 'welcomes' over ... :wink: )

Miltiades, let him have it! :D
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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby Paphitis » Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:26 am

GreekIslandGirl wrote:This thread is biased. It's easy to reward those who hold the same opinions as us.

(Polite preambles and 'welcomes' over ... :wink: )

Miltiades, let him have it! :D

You are correct!

This thread should be titled as follows:

"Award of Merit" to GR! - for agreeing with my political views! :lol:

I demand a deletion or for this thread to be moved to the Jokes Section! :wink:
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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 21, 2013 11:10 am

1. USA
10....STROUMBI THE GREAT ! :lol:

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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby Schnauzer » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:25 pm

Paphitis wrote:

welcome back!

Your thread is flawed for a number of reasons. Firstly, Get Real is not the only person to provide factual analysis on this forum and defend values and opinions in a tenacious fashion. There are many more who do the same. But he IS a person that expresses his disdain of those countries mentioned above. You could say that some is warranted, but this is not the case every single time. But since he agrees with your village Cypriot mentality of criticizing the US, Israel et al even when the analysis is flawed or criticism is not deserved, then that is a reflection on both you just like it is when someone sees it fit to open threads about a mythical Jew from London, who did certain things to warrant him being thrown overboard in the Thames with cement boots.

Then, you shamelessly attribute the "The Sun" to all those that do not wish to jump on your band wagon. Well, that is most ridiculous because in this day and age, most younger people get their news online from alternative sources such as Al Jazeera, The Onion, Huffington Post etc. Murdoch is just one facet, but the internet has allowed millions to gain a very informed analysis of what is occurring around the world and they are intelligent enough to form opinions one way or the other. But effectively, you are saying that those that do not agree with your analysis and opinions are automatically "Sun" readers. Well, that is OK Schnauzer, but since we are playing that game, then allow me to say that both you and Get Real should stick to reading Women's Weekly and that both of you should stay out of politics because it is not a game where either one of you can come along and mouth off just because you don't like America or view them as "evil". You need to have clever and factual analysis, and where warranted your credibility increases when you are both capable of also attributing some credit to the many good things they may be responsible for. For example, many Afghans do in fact appreciate the good that has been achieved in parts of Afghanistan by getting rid of the Taliban. Life has and is still improving for regular Afghan citizens without the Taliban and those Afghans are most appreciative. This of course is highly subjective, but it does not absolve anyone from analyzing the situation on the ground in a fair manner.

Basically, since Miltiades is absent, let me just say:

THAT YOU ARE ALL A BUNCH OF PLONKERS who believe politics is like a football match.

You talk about America this and America that. Amerikanothaktilo and so forth. Some of you talk about the Brits in the same fashion. Israel too.

But all of you have no right to be playing Russian Roulette and just so that we are clear, I hold your generations personally responsible for the current occupation in Cyprus, and my generations and others that follow have to try and clean up the messy legacy YOUR generations left behind all because you are all too bloody stupid (Makarios + AKEL) to keep your personal feelings out of politics and behave in a manner that has just one sole purpose in the interests of the RoC.

IDIOTS, the lot of you!

Paphitis, thank you for your welcome and may I add my thanks for your straightforward appraisal of my political views?.

I am quite comfortable to accept that what you have written is precisely the same as that which you would say to me were we to meet, such a quality is creditable and is worthy of respect.

I must now re-assess my own contributory style since you have (and I would not question your sincerity) highlighted certain
negative 'Traits' in my posts which are of great concern to me.

I would question your impression that I am 'Racist' or 'Anti-semitic' and must inform you that I am neither, nor am I in any manner 'Xenophobic' (although I readily accept that I AM prone to clear the air of any ethnic or other differences should there be just cause to so do) I am obliged to adopt such stances from time to time in order to perform my given tasks.

As to 'Politics', I very seldom engage in any 'In-Depth' exchanges on the subject since I am far too HONEST (imho) to do so, I find the subject (particulary relevent to Cyprus) to be a complete waste of time since, whatever views WE may have about what is best for the country, it's future has already been thoroughly researched and decided and WE SHOULD ALL KNOW IT regardless of whatever snippets of information the 'Powers that be' allow to filter through, hence my reference to 'The Sun' and your interpretation of such that it tarnishes the perception of the masses. (which in theory I think it does 'en bloc').

I cannot dismiss your overall perception of that which I have written in the past, some of my contributions were merely an attempt to inject a little 'Levity' (never 'Brevity') into periods where matters 'On Forum' were becoming rather stressed, I am surprised at the reception some of them have received, I can only account for such by assuming that 'sense of humour' is the culprit.

I do have to endure periods of time where I live rather a reclusive lifestyle, perhaps such existence is responsible for any of the shortcomings you have indicated BUT, my observations/opinions/views are the product of what I have seen felt and experienced first hand, they are NEVER based on information gleaned from the media and furthermore, my expressions are my own, NEVER plaguarised from another source in the hope that the wisdom (or not) be attributed to myself.

Thank you once again 'Paphitis' and my compliments to any other member who feels as he has stated. :wink:

Footnote:- I am disappointed in that you found it necessary to end your thoughtful/fair comments with a 'Milti Special'. :lol:
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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:34 pm

Paphitis wrote:This thread should be titled as follows:

"Award of Merit" to GR! - for agreeing with my political views! :lol:

Which "political views" are those? The ones when you believe you are "Greek" or the ones when you think you represent "Cypriots" - maybe even "Choirokitians" - or the ones where you are simply a "native Australian"?

Wherever I lay my hat ...
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Re: 'Award of Merit'.

Postby miltiades » Wed Aug 21, 2013 1:52 pm

You are undoubtedly an educated person and an honourable one too.

From previous views expressed by your elf, very eloquently I may add, it is apparent that you are also exceedingly naive when it comes to political debates.

The core of the matter and the most fundamental issue is this. What benefits will Cyprus derive from nations that your admired "merit award" plonker supports. NONE.

When you make such statements you must substantiate them with hard facts. Name one, just post that this individual has ever made that could be remotely viewed as beneficial to Cyprus's interests.Just one out thousands upon thousands, on the contrary I submit that individuals sharing similar views are a liability to our interests.
Your credibility as a serious debater would diminish as a result of such commendations.
ps. One only post please to back up your rather absurd and quite laughable statement.
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