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Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful operatio

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Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful operatio

Postby Cap » Mon Aug 19, 2013 10:23 pm

It is important to note that the facility is of regional relevance being currently the largest available computational resource for academic research in the Eastern Mediterranean. It demonstrates the leadership role that Cyprus can play in the region and its potential of becoming an educational and research bridge between Eastern Mediterranean and the EU.

Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful operation. Within the first 12 month of operation some 80 research projects were started on Cy-Tera. This gave 117 scientists access to this large scale computational facility. So far, the projects consumed 8 million core hours (7 million CPU and 1 million GPU hours) of computational time. A similar amount of computation could be achieved by a standard double core laptop over the period of 456 years of continuous operation. The scientific simulations that were performed on Cy-Tera produced in the order of 70TB (terra bytes) of data. For comparison, the same amount of storage could hold the entire human genome 100,000 times or the content of the bible 17 million times (size of human genome is approx. 700 MB, the bible contains 4,349,617 characters including whitespace). ... ation.html
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Re: Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful oper

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue Aug 20, 2013 12:25 am

Is this facility connected to the cloud?
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Re: Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful oper

Postby kurupetos » Tue Aug 20, 2013 1:11 am

Oceanside50 wrote:Is this facility connected to the cloud?

No, it's connected to GR's bum.
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Re: Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful oper

Postby Oceanside50 » Tue Aug 20, 2013 4:07 am

seriously mates, what is this thing? who uses the info?...will it one day be part of the cloud?
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Re: Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful oper

Postby Demonax » Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:52 am

Cy-Tera: The first Supercomputer for Cyprus and the biggest in the Eastern Mediterranean

The Cyprus Institute established the first Cypriot national supercomputing center by installing and running the most powerful computer open to academia in the Eastern Mediterranean (EM) region. Cy-Tera became available to all scientists in Cyprus from May 2012 to run their scientific applications. Cy-Tera is a hybrid machine introducing novel computational elements so far unknown to Cyprus. Its computational power is 30 Tflops, which means it can perform 30 trillion multiplications per second.

Cy-Tera provides Cyprus with a leadership infrastructure enabling our country to establish itself as an educational leader in computational science and a research bridge between the Eastern Mediterranean region and the EU. The establishment of the computational center with infrastructure of regional dimension is perfectly aligned with the plans of the government of Cyprus to make the island an educational and research hub in the region thus playing a leadership role in the Eastern Mediterranean.

For a year now, the computational power of Cy-Tera has been used as a research tool for scientific discoveries by more than 100 scientists. To put this into perspective, it would have taken a standard laptop 456 years to carry out the same amount of computation as Cy-Tera has completed during its first year of operation. Furthermore, the scientific simulations that were performed on Cy-Tera produced data in the order of 70TB (Terabytes) - equivalent to the content of 17 million copies of the bible.

Cy-Tera’s availability has contributed to scientific excellence in various research fields including climate science, energy, medicine, fundamental physics and nano-materials. The following are some of the highlights.

To better predict future dust events in Cyprus, climate research scientists from The Cyprus Institute used advanced analysis tools to simulate global dust formation and travel - with a special focus on the Easter Mediterranean region. Furthermore, regional climate change simulations confirmed and refined past predictions that identify the Eastern Mediterranean as a climate change hot spot.

Research scientists from the University of Cyprus used Cy-Tera to carry out Molecular Dynamics simulations for drug design purposes. The studies of certain proteins, which defend against conditions such as asthma, stroke and heart attack, will contribute to the future design of more effective pharmaceuticals.

The above achievements would not have been possible had it not been for the close collaboration and sharing of expertise between The Cyprus Institute and world leading computational centres such as NCSA located at the University of Illinois in the USA ( and the Juelich Supercomputing Centre in Germany ( These partners were instrumental in establishing such an advanced and sustainable computational infrastructure in Cyprus.
Cy-Tera was funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research Promotion Foundation (Cy-Tera ΝΕΑ ΥΠΟΔΟΜΗ/ΣΤΡΑΤΗ/0308/31). The Cyprus Institute also secured additional funding from the EU for user support and training activities (FP7 LinkSCEEM-2 under Grant agreement no: 261600 and total budget 2.5 million Euro). ... ?nid=30790
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Re: Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful oper

Postby miltiades » Fri Aug 23, 2013 7:26 am

kurupetos wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Is this facility connected to the cloud?

No, it's connected to GR's bum.

You have an obsession with GRs bum!!
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Re: Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful oper

Postby Get Real! » Tue Aug 27, 2013 4:24 am

Oceanside50 wrote:seriously mates, what is this thing? who uses the info?...will it one day be part of the cloud?

It’s a supercomputer accessible remotely for scientific public use. It helps if you have something worthwhile (read complex) to run on it.
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Re: Cy-Tera is celebrating its first year of successful oper

Postby kurupetos » Tue Aug 27, 2013 1:46 pm

miltiades wrote:
kurupetos wrote:
Oceanside50 wrote:Is this facility connected to the cloud?

No, it's connected to GR's bum.

You have an obsession with GRs bum!!

It's causing a lot of pollution. :shock:
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