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TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

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TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby B25 » Mon Aug 12, 2013 8:59 am

Contrary to what VP would have us believe, it seems many young TCs do NOT want Turkish troops and other bases in Cyprus.

So much for representing the ave TCs. lying prick.

Note: Report in Greek, but you can use Google translate to read it.
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby Lordo » Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:31 pm

you know very well what you can do with your greek newspapers.
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby stpier » Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:53 pm

And do they want Greek troops instead? Next time also ask that and you will end up with a reaction you won't like.
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby kimon07 » Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:51 pm

stpier wrote:And do they want Greek troops instead? Next time also ask that and you will end up with a reaction you won't like.

NO! NATO an dEU maybe????
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Aug 12, 2013 4:36 pm

The convenors of this anti-occupation/co-existance event on the 14th in the Occupied Part of Nicosia write elsewhere in 3 languages ...


-TR, EL, EN-
Evet, dostlar, yoldaşlar, arkadaşlar; yelkenler fora; bir kez daha; 1974'ün 14 Ağustos'unda tatile çıkan Ayşe'yi evine dönmeye çağırmak için; militarizm yükseltiği bir günde, onlar savaşa barış harekatı dedikleri bir günde, ilki 2010'dan bugüne dördüncü kez "Anti Militarist Barış Harekâtı" ile gene sokakta olacağız... Anti Militarist Barış Harekâtı'nın en baştan beri parçası olan, enternasyonalist dayanışmanın en güzelini şarkıları ile ortaya koyan, BANDİSTA gene bizimle olacak, her yıl olduğu gibi Özgür de o gece gene sahne alacak... Bu sene ayrıca alternatif rock grubu Strange Union ile punk grubu En Psychro da sahne alacak...
Bir kez daha Lefkoşa'nın surlariçinde olacağız, Büyük Han'ın yanındaki eski Lefkeliler Hanı ya da eski adıyla Kaloyiro'un Hanın bulunduğu meydanda olacağız, bu davet herkese...
Ozgur Gencalp

Bir hareket büyüyor, büyürken kendini geliştiriyor... Enternasyonal dayanışmanın da pratikte parçası olduğu, katılımcı, dayanışmacı, neşeli ve mücadeleci bir hareket gelişiyor, ayaklarını güçlü yere vuran, dans eden ama talepleri, sloganları net bir hareket büyüyor…
2010’dan beri; egemenlerin saldırısına uğramaya, her defasında yasaklanmaya çalışılan ama inatla ve dayanışma, neşeli ve mücadeleci bir şekilde, dost sıcağı yüreklerin katkısı ile aksamdan son 3 yıldır gerçekleşen, gerçekleştikçe büyüyen bir hareket…
2010’dan beri bir hareket büyüyor, 14 Ağustoslarda; umudu anlatan, işgale hayır diyen, anti-militarist…
2010’dan beri Anti-Militarist Barış Harekâtı’nın yolculuğu devam ediyor…
Şair Ahmet Telli’nin dediği gibi “büyük aşklar yolculuklarla başlar/ ve serüvenciler düşer bu yollara ancak”…
2010’dan beri Anti-Militarist Barış Harekâtı’nın serüveni devam ediyor…
Önceki çağrı metinlerimizden birinde demiştik ki;
“2010’dan beri pankartlarda, sloganlarda, meydanlarda ve sokaklarda “evine dön Ayşe” derken anlattığımız hep Ayşe’nin bitmek tükenmek bilmeyen tatilinin sona ermesi gerektiğiydi, bu sene sloganımızla gene her yerde olacağız ve 38 yıldır süren işgalin bitmesi gerektiğini bir kez daha haykıracağız. Düşmanlığa karşı barışın, işgale karşı özyönetimin, sömürüye karşı bağımsızlığın ve ırkçılığa karşı halkların kardeşliğinin sloganlarının yükseleceği konserimizin çalışmaları, 14 Ağustos’ta sokakta olmanın gerekliliğini önemsediğimizden ötürü devam etmektedir. 14 Ağustos’ta mutlak sokakta olmak, şarkılara eşitlik etmek önemlidir ve davetimiz, ayrımsız, nerede olunursa olunsun ama sokakta, eylemde olunsun…
38 yıldır işgalin sürdüğü bir coğrafyada yaşıyoruz, yaşadığımızın adına işgal demeye çekinmiyor ve buna karşı çıkıyoruz. Tel örgülerle bölünmüş bir coğrafyada silahlarını birbirine doğrultmuş piyonlar olmak değil, irademizi çalanlara karşı duran, eşitlikçi bir düzenin olduğu bağımsız bir Kıbrıs talep eden siyasi özneler olmaktır derdimiz. Ordularıyla, memurlarıyla ve paralarıyla bizi satın almaya çalışanlara karşı bir haykırış, bir isyan ve bağımsızlık yolunda emperyalist kuşatmaya karşı bir duruşun önemini yineliyoruz. Yaşamlarımızı dikenli tellerle tutsak etmeye çalışan tüm işgal ordularının postallarını hemen şimdi üzerimizden çekmelerini istiyoruz! Biz, militarist baskı düzeninde yaşamayı, polis devletinin kuklaları olmayı kabul etmiyoruz! Sokaklarda özgürce yürümek, şarkılarımızı söylemek, milliyetçiliğin piyonu olmamak ve dans edebileceğimiz bir devrim için sesimizi yükseltiyoruz. Gel sen de bize katıl, hep birlikte haykıralım, tahakküme karşı duralım!”
Şimdi işgalin 39. yılında, tıpkı son 4 senedir yaptığımız gibi yeniden “evine dön Ayşe” demek için bir kez daha çağrı yapıyoruz… Çağrımızı genişleterek yapıyoruz, Ortadoğu’da dibimizdeki bir coğrafyada, Mezopotamya’da ve dünyanın başka yerlerinde çatışmanın ve militarizmin, emperyalist müdahalelerin alabildiği yoğun olarak devam ettiği bir zamanda, her dilde dünya halklarına dayanışmamızı da ortaya koyuyoruz, her dilde barış, her dilde savaşa ve militarizme hayır denmesi çağrısı yapıyoruz.
Anti-militarist ve işgal karşıtı tüm bireyleri;
• Türkiye’nin Kıbrıs’ı işgali son bulana, tüm silahlı güçler Kıbrıs’ı terk edene, İngiliz üsleri ve ABD başta olmak üzerine diğer ülkelerin askeri tesisleri kapatılana kadar her yıl yeniden “Ayşe tatil bitti, artık evine” demek için,
• Militarizmin evlerimize, sokaklarımıza, ilişkilerimize yansımasına dur demek, eşitlikçi ve özgürlükçü varoluşlar için
• Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyinde yaşayanların bilinçli olarak üretimden koparılmasına, Ankara merkezli sömürüye, askeri yönetime, polis devletine, Kıbrıs’ın kuzeyindeki irademizin elimizden alınmasına, ülkemizde ve dünyadaki tüm işgallerin, baskıcı rejimlerin bekçisi militarizme karşı bizimle beraber sesimizi yükseltmeye davet ediyoruz.

Η συναυλία διοργανώνεται για τέταρτη συνεχή χρονιά στην Λευκωσία στις 14 Αυγούστου 2013, με σκοπό την ευαισθητοποίηση του κοινού ενάντια στο μιλιταρισμό και τα θέματα της ελευθερίας και της συνύπαρξης των λαών.
‘Anti-Militarist Peace Operation’ ("Αντιμιλιταριστική Ειρηνική Επιχείρηση"), το όνομα επιλέγηκε ως έκφραση ειρωνείας προς τον παραπλανητικό χαρακτηρισμό που χρησιμοποιείται από την Τουρκία για την τουρκική εισβολή ως υποτιθέμενη «ειρηνική επιχείρηση».
Η επιλογή της ημερομηνίας είναι σημαντική, σημαδιακή και καθόλου τυχαία διότι αυτή είναι η μέρα κατά την οποία πραγματοποιήθηκε η δεύτερη φάση της τουρκικής εισβολής και η μέρα κατά την οποία ειπώθηκε η γνωστή φράση «Η Αϊσέ μπορεί να πάει διακοπές» από τον τότε Τούρκο Πρωθυπουργό προς τον Υπουργό Εξωτερικών της Τουρκίας όταν άρχισε η στρατιωτική επιχείρηση στην Κύπρο.
Η διαφημιστική εκστρατεία της εκδήλωσης, όπως και οι προηγούμενες συναυλίες, έτυχαν ιδιαίτερης προσοχής. Για την προώθηση της εκδήλωσης χρησιμοποιείται μια τροποποιημένη αντιμιλιταριστική εκδοχή του γνωστού λογότυπου που συναντάται συνήθως σε στρατιωτικές περιοχές και σε στρατόπεδα του κατοχικού στρατού. Αντί ο στρατιώτης να κρατάει στο χέρι ένα όπλο (σύμβολο πολέμου), κρατάει μια κιθάρα. Ακόμη, η φράση «Προσοχή στρατιωτική ζώνη» αντικαθίσταται από τη φράση «Προσοχή μη στρατιωτική ζώνη».
Στη συναυλία θα συμμετέχουν μέχρι τώρα οι BANDİSTA (όπως κάθε χρόνο) και ο Özgür. Η συναυλία θα πραγματοποιηθεί στη βόρεια πλευρά της Λευκωσίας δίπλα από το Μπουγιούκ Χάν στις 14 Αυγούστου στις 20:00.
Ozgur Gencalp

A concert is being organised in Nicosia, Cyprus, on 14th of August in order to raise awareness on the issues of anti-militarisation, freedom and coexistence. This will be the fourth year that this concert will be held.
The name of the concert "Anti-Militarist Peace Operation", ironically refers to the misrepresentation of the invasion by the Turkish State as a 'Peace Operation'.
The significance of the date is that this is the day when the 2nd wave of Turkish invasive forces stepped foot on the island and a day after the infamous quote of 'Ayse can go on holiday' was expressed by the Turkish Prime Minister of the time to the Foreign Minister initiating the Operation.
The promotion material, as well as the previous concerts, have already received a lot of attention. A modified, anti-militarist version of the commonly used sign indicating military areas is used. In the sign, instead of the soldier holding a gun we see a soldier holding a guitar and the 'attention military zone' quote is replaced by 'attention non-military zone'.
The concert will take place in the northern part of Nicosia next to Buyuk Han on 14th August at 20:00. This year up to now BANDISTA and Özgür will be performing.
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby stpier » Mon Aug 12, 2013 6:51 pm

kimon07 wrote:
stpier wrote:And do they want Greek troops instead? Next time also ask that and you will end up with a reaction you won't like.

NO! NATO an dEU maybe????

EU,an organization with no Turkish presence, is not eligible to provide security for Turks!
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby Demonax » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:44 pm

stpier wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
stpier wrote:And do they want Greek troops instead? Next time also ask that and you will end up with a reaction you won't like.

NO! NATO an dEU maybe????

EU,an organization with no Turkish presence, is not eligible to provide security for Turks!

The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) is an EU force with Turkish membership/troops that already operates throughout the Balkans and Central Asia.
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby kimon07 » Mon Aug 12, 2013 11:59 pm

stpier wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
stpier wrote:And do they want Greek troops instead? Next time also ask that and you will end up with a reaction you won't like.

NO! NATO an dEU maybe????

EU,an organization with no Turkish presence, is not eligible to provide security for Turks!

The EU is entitled, obliged and able to provide security for all EU citizens and all other people inhabiting EU territories like Cyprus (including the millions of Turkish migrants in EU member states). Turkey, on the other hand, a country which is NOT and will NEVER be a member of the EU, is not entitled to act as the protector of EU citizens and especially on EU territory which it is occupying illegally.
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby stpier » Tue Aug 13, 2013 10:41 am

kimon07 wrote:
stpier wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
stpier wrote:And do they want Greek troops instead? Next time also ask that and you will end up with a reaction you won't like.

NO! NATO an dEU maybe????

EU,an organization with no Turkish presence, is not eligible to provide security for Turks!

The EU is entitled, obliged and able to provide security for all EU citizens and all other people inhabiting EU territories like Cyprus (including the millions of Turkish migrants in EU member states). Turkey, on the other hand, a country which is NOT and will NEVER be a member of the EU, is not entitled to act as the protector of EU citizens and especially on EU territory which it is occupying illegally.

Turkey is a guarantor country in Cyprus and EU is an outsider. Of course Turkey won't be a member of EU, neither will TRNC. We are not Christians.
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Re: TCs want Turkish Troops and Bases out of Cyprus

Postby Flying Horse » Tue Aug 13, 2013 11:05 am

stpier wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
stpier wrote:
kimon07 wrote:
stpier wrote:And do they want Greek troops instead? Next time also ask that and you will end up with a reaction you won't like.

NO! NATO an dEU maybe????

EU,an organization with no Turkish presence, is not eligible to provide security for Turks!

The EU is entitled, obliged and able to provide security for all EU citizens and all other people inhabiting EU territories like Cyprus (including the millions of Turkish migrants in EU member states). Turkey, on the other hand, a country which is NOT and will NEVER be a member of the EU, is not entitled to act as the protector of EU citizens and especially on EU territory which it is occupying illegally.

Turkey is a guarantor country in Cyprus and EU is an outsider. Of course Turkey won't be a member of EU, neither will TRNC. We are not Christians.

*Slaps forehead*

Only because its been ethically cleansed by Muslim mainland Turks. Tipping the balance.
It's been forced into an islamic state by illegal stealth!

This aside, religion should not be coming into it, another reason why the EU will never allow Turkey within its hallowed halls(they could never say that, political correctness)

Turkey is like a flea compared to the size of the EU combined countries. Turkey needs to realise its no longer guarantor, and go home, where it belongs.
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