DrCyprus wrote:GreekIslandGirl wrote:Cap wrote:You were born in CY GiGs?
Cyprus is your birthplace??
Yes Cyprus is my birthplace - unlike you recent newcomers (the bigmouths).
Yes, born and schooled in Cyprus, then schooling in Greece then Cyprus again then back and forth within EU with only Cyprus as my lifelong, stable, permanent home state.
And unlike those of you born abroad, who
migrated to Cyprus, and carry the foreigner's disdain of the majority native Cypriot's cultural identity, I know myself as Greek - as are all my Cypriot brothers and sisters who have inherited this island to love and cherish.
I was born and schooled entirely in Cyprus, I served the army for 25 months and I don't consider myself Greek. I'm a Greek-Cypriot and that's different than being Greek. If Greece came to me asking for Enosis I would fight them, kill them and spit on their corpses.
Of course you are not a Greek, doc, because you are a lying Aussie, Paphitis.