These are NOT extremist politicians (Farage, Julia Gillard et al).
They are mainstream politicians who believe that immigrants must adapt to local cultural influence. Being immigrants, the people they refer to are already either British or Australian.
These politicians DO NOT use the extreme Right Wing/Fascist rhetoric of GD. Both countries adhere to strick international conventions on human rights. Gangs do not bash or verbally abuse minorities and politicians do not promote the violation of the rights of refugees requesting Asylum or protection visas. Greece tries to abide by the same conventions but GD's policy is to basically round up illegal immigrants and send them on their way. Unfortunately, it is not quite that easy. Under International Law, each case must be reviewed to see whether Asylum and protection visas are necessary. You can't for instance deport a Syrian back to Syria if the individual would face danger either from the Assad Regime or the Rebels. Assurances must be attained to guarantee the individuals safety.
This is the reason why many are incarcerated in detention centers for up to a year. They have proper legal representation and it simply takes time for all legal avenues to be exhausted. But there is a process which they themselves choose to endure.
Really sorry, but you guys are way off the mark.
The Australian politician referred to above is a Left Wing politician and is none other than the former Australian PM Julia Gillard. Aussies would say many things about their beloved Julia, most quite derogatory, but no one I think could label her as a racist. Chalk and cheese with GD. Her view is one shared by most other Left Wing politicians and also with the Right Wing. Yes immigrants must adapt and if they can't accept the Australian culture then they should consider leaving. This is non racist. It is in my opinion a reasonable way of thinking. The cointry must be respected by the newer arrivals. Fortunately, most have indeed adapted very well. It is quite fine should some Greek politicians from mainstream parties to also have the same thinking. I am sure that many do. Nothing wrong with it at all.
Countries like Australia and US have thrived due to their immigration policies since WW2. Immigration was a necessity, and the countries now have a way of life which is quite unique and interesting. It is far more interesting being in Sydney, Melbourne or New York than it is to be Athens.
The issue is GD's racist policies and hatefull rhetoric. It can't be compared to Farage, UKIP or Julia Gillard. On the same token, the views you highlighted above could quite reasonably be held by many Greek Politicians and millions of Greeks and there is nothing wrong with this.