Get Real! wrote:georgios100 wrote:CY Gas resources... the next blunder perhaps?
Maybe a roof will fall on your head before you get to find out.

Or your head for this matter... but we are not talking about you or me.
Nobody cares about you or me muchacho!
Sounds like our leadership will prevail... the money from the gas reserves will come rolling in... we are rich!
Why? Because we are Cypriots. Greek Cypriots! That's how we grow up... convinced we are the smartest people
on this Earth. Hell, when I was a teenager, I was walking along the Kennedy ave (Famagusta) making fun of the
foreigners, vacationing there. I though they were stupid or at least less smart than me. And it wasn't just me...
all my buddies behaved like that. I bet you felt the same... did you?
Later, when I traveled abroad, I realized I was wrong.
We are not the smartest out there, by a long shot!
That's why the AOZ situation might be the next blunder...